The European Commission seeks proposals for projects to reduce poverty and food insecurity in Sierra Leone through better governance and increased agricultural productivity and diversification. Lot 1 (up to €600 thousand) will support short value chains including micro enterprises that currently produce with artisanal methods. Lot 2 (up to €5 million) will support large-scale and already well-established SMEs in the agribusiness sector, which process agricultural products at a large scale. Eligibility extends to non-governmental organizations, private sector organizations, farmer organizations & community based organizations, private legal entities and international (inter-governmental) organizations. The deadline is 15 March 2019. Find the call for proposals
Open Society Foundations — Civil Society Scholar Awards 2019-2020
The Civil Society Scholar Awards (CSSA) provide grants to doctoral students and university faculty members from Africa, Eurasia, Eastern Europe, MENA region, Central Asia, South Asia and the Caribbean (eligible countries are listed in the announcement). Subject areas include sustainable development and natural resource management, among others. Eligibility extends to PhD students of relevant fields studying at universities inside or outside of their home country; or full-time faculty members (minimum of a Master’s degree) teaching at universities in their home country. The maximum amount of funding requests is US$15 thousand for up to 12 months. The deadline for applications is 29 March 2019. Program Guidelines
Bestseller Foundation — Enterprises in Agriculture and Environment
The Bestseller Foundation provides financial support for sustainable agriculture, sustainable jobs and entrepreneurship, and environment and nature conservation in China, Africa and India. The foundation invests mainly with commercial actors in for-profit projects by means of loans and equity. Nonprofit organizations and projects may sometimes be eligible if they have clear and commercially viable objectives. In some cases, the Foundation may consider grants or donations. Potential partners in the eligible regions contact the Foundation by telephone or email, and present a short concept note. Find details
Civil Society Academy — Zero Hunger and Social Justice
Civil Society Academy, in collaboration with Welthungerhilfe and Impact Hub, seeks zero hunger and social justice projects from Africa and Asia. The submitted projects should focus on (1) rural women and their families or (2) support social activists combating hunger and injustice. Selected projects will receive up to €40 thousand to develop and implement their project ideas. The deadline for submissions is 25 January 2019. Social Innovation Challenge
Climate Justice Resilience Fund — Grants for Climate Change Adaptation
The Climate Justice Resilience Fund seeks grants applications for community-led, social justice approaches to climate change adaptation and resilience-building. Grants are made to women, youth, and indigenous peoples to create and share their own solutions for resilience. CJRF grants focus on four interrelated issues connected which climate change: (1) Water Access; (2) Food Security; (3) Sustainable Livelihoods; and (4) Migration and Relocation. The CJRF grantmaking strategic framework prioritizes multi-year grants and grants larger than US$100 thousand. Non-profit organizations from Alaska, Kenya, Tanzania, Bangladesh, and the India are invited to apply. Letters of Inquiry for the Fall Round 2019 have to be submitted by 19 April 2019. More about the Climate Justice Resilience Fund
Nigeria Energy Forum — Africa Energy Innovation Competition 2019
The NEF invites applications for the 4th Africa Energy Ideas Competition that is set to accelerate the development of early-stage energy firms across Africa. The competition is open to early-stage energy entrepreneurs from Africa to collaborate with local research institutions or industries. Young professionals between the ages of 18 and 35 years from Africa are invited to participate and nominate a relevant local research institution or organization. Winners will pitch their proposed prototype model at the 2019 Nigeria Energy Forum, in Lagos (Nigeria) and a cash prize of up to $5 thousand. The deadline for proposal submission is 31 January 2019. View the guidelines
Tropical Biology Association — Specialist Course: Citizen Science in Africa
The Tropical Biology Association provides specialist courses in tropical biology. The current specialist course “Citizen Science in Africa” aims to build the capacity of science leaders to use citizen science to collect data on biodiversity for conservation management. A limited number of scholarships will be available. Applicants are invited from non-governmental organisations, universities, research and conservation institutions and government research departments. The application deadline is 31 January 2019. About the Field Course
UK Department for International Development — Productive Energy Use in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Carbon Trust and Energy 4 Impact on behalf of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) seeks action research and learning projects, so called Powering Opportunities Partnerships (POP), which propose replicable and scalable productive use interventions to drive productive energy demand in Africa to increase local economic benefit. Funding to be requested from TEA-POP should not exceed £300 thousand and the applicant must present a minimum of 50% in co-funding (either financial or in-kind). The proposed project should take place in local, rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. Expressions of Interest have to be submitted by 28 February 2019. Find more
ENEA Access — Support for Energy Initiatives in Africa and Asia-Pacific
The ENEA Access Program offers 30 to 100 days of professional consulting services on a pro-bono basis to advance initiatives for energy access in Africa and the Asia-Pacific region. The program is relevant for nonprofit organizations and NGOs, technology developers, and social entrepreneurs. Activities that can be considered for ENEA’s support include feasibility studies, market and business models, implementation of pilot projects, and others. Projects must clearly contribute to the reduction of poverty and/or climate change as a result of improved access to energy. There are no restrictions regarding the home country of the applying organization. The closing date is 22 January 2019. Click here
European Commission — Rwanda’s Horticultural and Coffee Value Chains
The European Commission seeks to unlock the potential of Rwanda’s horticultural and coffee value chains to ensure the supply to local and international markets. Projects should address agribusiness development by providing smallholder farmers with the necessary tools and knowledge to sustain the market. Grants requested under this call must fall between the amounts of €1 million and €3 million. Eligibility extends to legal and natural persons established in the EU or in a developing country. The application deadline is 27 March 2019. Link