The Japan Africa Scholarship (JADS) Program, funded by the Government of Japan, provides a two-year scholarship to African students for post-graduate studies in the area of sustainable energy in Japan. The scholarship program provides tuition, a monthly living stipend, round-trip airfare, health insurance, and travel allowance. The program is open to students who have gained admission to an approved Masters degree course at a Japanese partner university. Candidates should be 35 years old or younger. Application deadline for the April 2019 intake is 31 October 2018. About the JADS Program
International Primatological Society — Primate Conservation, Research, and Education
IPS makes grants to support primate conservation in the field; primate care in captivity; conservation education; and conservation training. Applicants for the Southwick Award (conservation education) and the Galante Award (training) must be residents of habitat countries. Grants range from US$1,000 to US$2,500. The annual deadline for applications in all categories is 01 March of each year. About
RUFORUM — Community Action Research Programme 2018/2019
The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), in partnership with the MasterCard Foundation, seeks applications for the programme “Transforming African Agricultural Universities to meaningfully contribute to Africa’s growth and development (TAGDev)”. TAGDev’s Community Action Research Programme aims to extend university activities to work more closely with rural communities. Funding of up to US$300 thousand is available for a period of 3-4 years. The programme focuses on crops and livestock value chains of strategic importance in Zambia, South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini, Botswana and Namibia. The application deadline for full proposals is 15 January 2019. More
United Nations Development Programme — Ecosystem Challenge for young African Entrepreneurs
The purpose of the ecosystem challenge is to seed youth entrepreneurship focused activities through provision of catalytic grant capital of US$10 thousand. Proposed projects should provide an innovative solution to development challenges facing the youth in Africa. Thematic areas may include one or multiple categories of the Terra Viva Grants Directory. The challenge supports networking, business plan development, marketing, coaching, mentoring, and other activities. Deadline for submission of applications is 14 October 2018. Find the challenge
Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Africa — Small Grants for Organizations in Africa
PAN is an advisor to the Global Greengrants Fund (GGF) for grants to civil society in subjects of environment and sustainable development. PAN Africa invites African organizations to submit short proposals that may qualify for GGF support. Areas important to PAN include projects on the themes of Water Resources; Climate Changes; Sustainable Agriculture; and the Protection of Forests. Proposals should include project objectives, methodology, expected results, and an activities budget. The requested contribution should not exceed US$3,500. Proposals must be sent to PAN by e-mail no later than 15 October 2018. Here
Strategic Support Program for Scientific Research — Call for Research Projects in Agriculture and Health
The Strategic Support Program for Scientific Research (PASRES) of Côte d’Ivoire and the Uganda Council for Science and Technology (UNCST) launch a call for joint research projects in the fields of Agriculture and Health. Proposals for scientific research should focus on agriculture and plant health (crop diseases, livestock and fisheries) or Environment and Human Health (resilience of populations to the effects of climate change). Projects will receive US$50 thousand in funding for one year. To be eligible, research partnerships must involve researchers from both countries (one from Côte d’Ivoire and the other from Uganda). Applications have to be submitted by 30 October 2018. More here
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education — Research for Development Proposals
IHE Delft announces a call for “Research for Development Proposals led by Institutes from Developing Countries”. The purpose of this call is to encourage collaboration between researchers from developing countries and to stimulate problem-orientated research to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to water and development. Projects may apply for €100 thousand and should address one or more of the following themes: (i) Gender and inclusiveness in relation to water and development; (ii) Efficient water management, particularly in the agricultural sector; (iii) Improved catchment area management and safe deltas; (iv) Access to clean drinking water and basic sanitation; (v) Water diplomacy. Eligible countries and regions from the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and South Asia are listed in the announcement. Proposals have to be submitted by 31 October 2018. Find the announcement
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation — Blockchain Use Cases in Agriculture
The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) calls for proposals to support the implementation blockchain technology to support activities and businesses in the agri-food sector in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific countries. A maximum of six €60 thousand grants will be awarded. Private or civil society organisations, and international organisations with the necessary expertise are invited to apply. Applications must be submitted by 12 November 2018. Find the call
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — New Approaches for Inclusive Agricultural Transformation
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation seeks new approaches for strategic prioritization of agricultural development policies. Proposed solutions must be relevant and applicable in Nigeria, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. Selected early-stage projects will receive US$100 thousand and have one opportunity to apply for a follow-on award of up to US$1 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations, companies, government agencies, and academic institutions. The application deadline is 14 November 2018. Details
Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa — Africa Scholarship 2018
The Gbowee Peace Foundation awards scholarships for postgraduate masters at the University of Dundee (Scotland). Subjects areas include environmental science, energy petroleum and mineral law and policy, and others. The Africa Scholarships are open to female students who are currently Liberian, Nigerian or Ghanaian nationals permanently resident in these countries. The scholarship offers up to £30 thousand for tuition and living expenses. Closing date for applications is 17 November 2018. More about this scholarship opportunity