The European Commission seeks applications to address drought resilience and sustainable livelihoods through promotion of climate resilient and nutrition sensitive agriculture interventions in Kenya. A total grant of € 4.5 million can be requested under this call. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations from Europe of Africa. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 25 October 2018. Guidelines for grant applicants
Scottish Government — International Development Small Grants 2019
The Scottish Government’s International Development Small Grants Programme provides project funding in support of the government’s International Development Policy. Applications for grants are invited from incorporated not-for-profit organisations which have a presence in Scotland and an annual turnover of less than £200 thousand. Project grants should focus on any of Malawi, Rwanda, or Zambia in themes of food security; renewable energy; climate change; water; and others. Grants for capacity building and feasibility studies will be accepted in relation to any country designated as medium/low on the UN’s Human Development Index — but with priority for Malawi, Rwanda, and Zambia. Awards are a maximum of £60 thousand for project grants over three years, or a maximum of £10 thousand for feasibility and capacity building grants over one year. The application deadline is 16 November 2018. About the small grants
European Commission — Sustainable Agricultural Diversification
The program Boosting Agriculture and Food Security (BAFS) aims to reduce poverty and food insecurity in Sierra Leone through better governance and increased agricultural productivity and diversification. A maximum of three grants of €3 million will be awarded under this program. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations established in a Member State of the European Union or in Sierra Leone. For non-Sierra Leonean applicants, co-applications with at least one Sierra Leonean non-profit making organisation will be an added advantage. The deadline for the submission of concept notes is 11 September 2018. Find the call
United States Agency for International Development — Power Africa: Women Leaders in the Energy Sector
Power Africa accepts applications from women in the energy sector to participate in a four-week career development training workshop (October 2018). Successful applicants will be provided round-trip transportation, lodging, meals, and course materials. Women (between 18-35 years) from sub-Saharan Africa with experience in the energy sector are eligible to apply. The closing date for applications is 31 July 2018. Find details
GSMA — Mobile for Humanitarian Innovation Fund
The GSMA Mobile for Humanitarian Innovation Fund seeks innovations in the use of mobile technology to address humanitarian challenges. This funding round will test new technical solutions and catalyse ideas to improve food security and adaptation/resilience to climate change, among others. Projects should be implemented in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and North Africa, or Latin America. Funding of up to £300 thousand per project is available, as well as mentoring, and project support. Applications will close on 10 August 2018. Find the opportunity
World Academy of Sciences — Young Scientists’ Prize for Water Sanitation
The World Academy of Sciences Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Partner (TWAS-SAREP) honours one young scientist who has made significant contribution to improve sustainability of water and sanitation-related activities and programmes in the developing world. The winner will receive US$ 2,000. Nominees must be sub-Saharan African nationals. Nominations are invited from TWAS fellows, research institutions, research councils and universities. Self-nominations will not be considered. The deadline is 20 August 2018. Info
United States Agency for International Development — Improved Nutrition in Tanzania
USAID/Tanzania seeks applications for the program “Tanzania Improved Nutrition for Better Life”. The purpose of the program is to intensify and integrate nutrition support to targeted regions to improve the nutritional status of women, adolescents, and children in Tanzania. USAID intends to provide between US$15 – $19.7 million in total funding over a four year period for the achievement of the goals outlined in the call for proposals. Eligibility extends to U.S. and Non-U.S. organizations. Individuals are not eligible to apply under this call. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 19 July 2018. Find the call
Engineers Without Borders Canada — Fellowship for African Social Entrepreneurs
Engineers Without Borders Canada (EWB) invites applications for the EWB Kumvana Fellowship 2019. The program gives African social entrepreneurs and changemakers the opportunity to foster collaborations with Canadian professionals. The Kumvana program consists of an 8-week online learning course, a one week African retreat, and a 1-month intensive Canadian experience. Eligibility extends to individuals from Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Côte D’Ivoire, Zambia and Malawi. Applications close 11 July 2018. Participate
British Council — Africa-UK Trilateral Call
The National Research Foundation (NRF) and the British Council announce the Africa-UK Trilateral Call. The call aims to support African researchers to establish research excellence and collaboration between Africa-UK and a third African Country. Proposals are invited from eligible applicants for the DST-NRF/British Council Africa-UK Trilateral Chair. Proposals should focus on the following priorities: Food Security, Sustainable and Renewable Energy, Manufacturing for SMEs (including Agro-processing), Governance and conflict resolution related to development, and Cross-Cutting Themes. The Africa-UK Trilateral chair will cover the core costs of the principal investigator’s participation. All applications should be submitted no later than 20 July 2018. Click here
SEED — SAG-Seed Replicator Workshops for Eco-Enterprises in Zambia
SEED is a global partnership founded by UNEP, UNDP, and IUCN to promote eco-enterprises. The program announces its next replicator workshop in Zambia. The replicator workshop of one day introduce motivated individuals to proven business models from various countries. Participants will learn how to adapt them to your individual local context to solve environmental, social and economic challenges. Focus areas are manufacturing, waste management and agriculture. Future entrepreneurs, business owners and NGOs are welcome to apply. The participation in the workshop is free of charge, participants must cover their own transport costs however. The application deadline is 22 July 2018. Info