OFRF offers funding for research on organic farming and food systems and the dissemination of these research results to organic farmers and agricultural and research communities in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Priorities are research on soil health; innovative weed control; issues of emerging insects and diseases; and livestock health. OFRF particularly encourages farmers, ranchers, graduate students, early-career researchers, veterans, and extension personnel to consider applying for funding. Grants are up to US$20 thousand for one year. The next deadline for proposals is 15 December 2017. Visit OFRF’s website to apply
Rise Fund — Under 30 Impact Challenge
The Rise Fund is partnering with Forbes and Echoing Green to sponsor the “Under 30 Impact Challenge.” The challenge is designed to celebrate entrepreneurs around the world, under the age of 30, who are building successful for-profit enterprises that drive positive social and environmental impact. The eligible sectors include energy, food and agriculture, and five others. Applicants must be under age 30, and their businesses must be in a growth phase. There are no restrictions by nationality or residence. The winner will qualify for an investment of US$250 thousand by The Rise Fund, plus an in-kind media grant by Forbes. The submission deadline is 06 September 2017.
Rothamsted Research — Agri-Tech in China
With funding by the UK Government and implementation led by Rothamsted Research, the Agri-Tech in China: Newton Network + (ATCNN) addresses challenges facing the agri-tech and agri-food sector in China. The program will provide UK excellence in satellite imaging, remote sensing, smart sensors, robotics, and data-intensive science for new solutions for agricultural productivity and sustainability in rural China. Applications are currently invited for the Small Projects Awards. Projects must be led by either a UK business or a UK research organisation. Projects with actual or in-kind support from Chinese partners will be given priority. The application deadline is 15 September 2017. Guidance for applicants
Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund — Funding for Projects Led by Women 2018
VGIF provides grants up to US$7,500 for projects that are led by women, and that help empower women and girls in grassroots communities around the globe. Most grants are for one year. Past projects include examples in farming, kitchen gardens, water supply, and other aspects of sustaining local livelihoods. VGIF will accept letters of intent through 02 October 2017. Find the guidelines here
European Commission — Mediterranean Cross-Border Cooperation
The EC announces the first call for proposals of the ENI CBC “Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020″. The program aims to promote business and entrepreneurship (including in agriculture), and to promote coordination of efforts for environmental protection and climate change adaptation and mitigation. Project partnerships should be composed of a minimum of three eligible countries, including at least one EU Mediterranean Country and one Mediterranean Partner Country. Partner countries are Jordan, Palestinian Territories, and Tunisia (and others expected to be announced soon). The closing date for project submissions is 09 November 2017. Find more information
Coady International Institute — Women’s Leadership 2018
The Global Change Leaders Program is a seven-week education program to enable women from developing countries to strengthen their leadership capacities at the Coady Institute, affiliated with St Francis Xavier University in Canada. The program offers successful candidates a full scholarship that includes tuition, travel, accommodations, and meals. Applicants should have at least four years of demonstrated leadership experience in fields such as food security, environment, and others. The application deadline is 07 September 2017. Link
ASEAN Impact Challenge — Accelerating the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals
This regional programme is designed to discover innovators and strengthen new innovations from Southeast Asia. Categories are early-stage innovations (proposals, ideas, concepts and prototypes) and scale-stage innovation (proven social innovations with the potential and capacity to increase impact). Initiatives by participant teams have ranged from waste management, agriculture, and environment — among others. Finalists will showcase their innovations to investors and other corporate organisations. The deadline for entries is 09 September 2017. More about the ASEAN Impact Challenge
Tata Group — Tata Social Enterprise Challenge, 6th Edition
The Tata Group, in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC), seeks to identify promising social enterprises in India. Proposals are invited for social enterprises in agriculture, water and sanitation, energy, and other thematic areas. The proposed enterprises should create social impact in India, although applicants do not have to be Indian nationals. The top three winners of the competition will win cash grants up to 2 lakhs each, to be invested in their ventures. Selected social entrepreneurs will be offered mentorship and an opportunity to be incubated at IIMC. The deadline for submitting impact proposals (business plans) is 30 September 2017. Link
UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council — Research on Pulses and Oilseeds in India.
The UK’s BBSRC and India’s Department of Biotechnology encourage multi-institutional applications between UK and Indian researchers to increase the productivity, resilience, sustainability, and quality of pulses or oilseeds grown for food or feed in India. Up to £3.5 million is available from BBSRC to support the UK components of this research, to be matched by DBT’s support for the Indian components, for projects of up to three years. The application deadline is 24 October 2017. Link
International Initiative for Impact Evaluation — Vegetable Oil Development in Uganda
The International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) invites research organizations and consortia to apply for a grant to to evaluate the impact of phase two of the Government of Uganda’s Vegetable Oil Development Project. The project aims to increase the income of smallholder farmers by boosting vegetable oil production. The lead grant-holding organisation should be registered in Uganda, although the lead principal investigator may be of any nationality, and may be located anywhere in the world. The research team should included at least one Ugandan national who is a resident of Uganda, and who is engaged in a substantive role. Grants are up to US$50 thousand to the selected research team. The deadline for submitting applications is 14 August 2017. Link