The British Council accepts applications for the agroforestry workshop on “Role of small holder agroforestry systems in the arid and semi-arid regions in combating climate change”. The workshop aims to develop a sustainable network of researchers across UK, Kenya, and South Africa. Early-career researchers are invited to apply to attend the workshop. All travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the Newton Researcher Links programme. Deadline for application is 30 August 2017. About the Workshop
Netherlands Enterprise Agency — Sustainable Water Fund, Round 2
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency manages the Sustainable Water Fund (FDW) as a public-private partnership for water safety and water security in developing countries. Projects are collective initiatives between governmental bodies, industries, and NGOs. The thematic areas are improved access to drinking water and sanitation (including solid waste); efficient and sustainable water use, particularly for agriculture; and safe deltas and improved basin management. The deadline for concept notes (second round) is 08 December 2017. Link
Landesa Rural Development Institute — Women’s Land Rights Visiting Professionals 2018
Landesa’s program for Visiting Professionals supports motivated professionals to enhance their ability to improve women’s land rights in the developing world. The program is currently open to professionals working in China, India, Liberia, Myanmar, or Tanzania. Landesa provides orientation and leadership training in Seattle (USA). Applicants should have at least five years of development experience. The application deadline is 20 August 2017. Link
Partnership for Economic Policy — Policy Analysis on Growth and Employment
With funding from the governments of UK and Canada, PEP has launched a new call for proposals addressing “Policy Analysis on Growth and Employment” (PAGE II, Round 2) in developing countries. The issues to be examined span a broad spectrum of development policy, including themes related to labor productivity in agriculture, entrepreneurship, and others. PAGE targets teams of researchers in developing countries — with preference for applicants from low-income, fragile, and/or conflict states. Applying teams will generally need university-level training in economics or equivalent experience. PAGE positively encourages teams with a female researcher as project leader. The deadline for applications (English, French, Spanish) is 13 September 2017. Link
British Council — UK-China PhD Placements
The UK-China Joint Research and Innovation Partnership Fund is a sponsorship opportunity for UK and Chinese PhD students and their supervisors to spend three to twelve months (for PhD students) and up to three months (for supervisors) at higher education institutions in China or the UK. The focus is on research areas that include food and water security, environmental technologies, and energy — among others. Applicants must find a host institution in their target country, and placements must start between January and December 2018. The application process closes on 20 September 2017. Link
Research Councils UK — Interdisciplinary Research Hubs to Address Intractable Challenges
Research Councils UK invites proposals from eligible UK research organisations to establish research hubs addressing currently intractable challenges faced by developing countries. Examples might include but are not restricted to achieving economic growth in an environmentally sustainable way while also ensuring social cohesion and adequate access to safe food, water, and services; development of resilient infrastructure and energy production in the context of climate change; achieving food security in ways that make agriculture, food production, and consumption more environmentally and economically sustainable; and urban development that fosters diversity whilst tackling air pollution and other environmental hazards. The intention to submit must be completed by 29 September 2017. Link
Government of Czech Republic — University Scholarships for Applicants from Developing Countries
The Czech Republic provides scholarships to support nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic. The fields of study include ecology, wildlife management, natural resources, forestry, and tropical agriculture (among others). Applications need to be submitted before 30 September of each year. Link
Israeli Agency for International Development Cooperation — Professional Courses in Israel 2017
MASHAV funds professional courses organized and hosted by Israeli institutions in subject areas that include agriculture, energy, natural resources, health, education, and social development. The remainder of the 2017 calendar in English-language courses includes one on water management and modern irrigation (October-November 2017), with an application deadline on 18 August 2017; meteorological warnings (November 2017), with an application deadline on 25 August 2017; and agriculture and environment in a changing climate (November-December 2017), with an application deadline on 01 October 2017. MASHOV offers additional courses in Spanish, French, and Russian. Applications are submitted through Israel’s diplomatic missions. For most courses, MASHAV covers course fees, accommodation, medical insurance, and other expenses in Israel (but not international airfare). Link
European Commission — Promoting Investment in Kenya Agribusiness
The EC calls for proposals to identify an institution that will manage a fund to integrate smallholder farmers and pastoralists within their value chains by blending grants and commercial loans to promote agribusiness in Kenya. Eligibility for funding extends to NGOs, public sector operators, local authorities, and international (inter-governmental) organisations based in the EU and ACP countries (including Kenya). Reference EuropeAid/154913/DD/ACT/KE. The deadline for concept notes is 05 September 2017. Link
UK Economic and Social Research Council — Sustainable Tropical Agriculture in Colombia
The UK’s ESRC is partnering with other UK research councils and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) to launch a a new UK-Colombia programme in sustainable tropical agriculture. The focus is on pulses and tropical forages. Proposals for the pump-priming phase of this call will be developed at a scoping workshop to be held at CIAT headquarters in Cali, Colombia (October-November 2017). Participation in the workshop is mandatory for leading an application. The deadline for expressions of interest to participate in the workshop is 06 September 2017. Link