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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies — International Workshop and Course on Agrarian Studies

The Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies (SMAIAS) and the Agrarian South Network invite participation in the 2017 First Edition of the Agrarian Studies Training Institute. SMAIAS is offering a one-month workshop and course on “Agrarian Transformations in the Global South” to be held in Harare (October and November 2017). It encourages applications from young scholars in the Global South, along with social movement activists who are engaged in agrarian policy lobby and advocacy. Successful candidates will be fully funded by SMAIAS. The application deadline is 30 June 2017. Link

Newton Fund — UK-China Agritech Challenge 2017

UK organisations can apply to work with Chinese partners on innovative agricultural solutions in China. Subject areas are precision agriculture; improved efficiency of sustainable agriculture; and processing of agricultural products. Eligible projects need to include one UK business and one UK higher education institute or research council institute eligible for BBSRC funding. Project partners in China need to include one Chinese business and one academic institution. Project costs can be £1 million to £2 million, with grant size not exceeding £1 million in the UK. The registration deadline is 26 July 2017. Link

CRDF Global — Agricultural Research, Ukraine and USA

The 2017 U.S.-Ukraine Agricultural Research Competition welcomes proposals on sustainable farming practices and agricultural biotechnology. Proposals are invited from all areas of the natural sciences and engineering (biology, chemistry, earth sciences, engineering, mathematics, and physics) as they relate to basic and non-commercial applied agricultural research in the two topic areas. Awards are up to US$107 thousand for one year. Applicants should submit their title and abstract by 14 July 2017. The application deadline for full proposals is 31 July 2017. Link

French Institute for Development Research — Building Capacity in Research Teams 2017

Through its program JEAI, France’s Institute for Development Research makes grants of up to €50 thousand for periods of three years to build the capacity of research teams in the developing world. Thematic areas include sustainable energy; water resources; climate change; ecosystems and biodiversity; agriculture and food safety; and several others. The supported teams will work closely with IRD. IRD recommends that applicants communicate with its relevant research units before submitting their applications. The deadline for applications (French, English) is 26 July 2017. Link

United States–India Science & Technology Endowment Fund — 8th Call for Proposals

The USISTEF announces its 8th competitive call for proposals to commercialize technologies for societal impact. Priority areas include health, education, agriculture, water, and others. Proposals must include at least one partner from each country, India and USA. Funding is up to Rs. 2.5 crores (approximately US$400 thousand) for projects that demonstrate a high potential to be commercial within 2-3 years. The bi-national teams can include incorporated companies; non-incorporated entities; and individuals or consortia from academic, government, and non-government R&D institutions. The deadline for proposals is 31 July 2017. Link

Nehru Foundation for Development — Earth Care Awards for South Asia 2018

The Earth Care Awards recognize efforts to promote resilience to climate change and reduction of greenhouse gases in the development of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The awards are co-sponsored by the Nehru Foundation for Development, the JSW Foundation, the TERRE Policy Centre, and The Times of India. The award categories are: community-based mitigation and adaptation in water resources, agriculture, forestry, and other land use; innovations for climate protection; mitigation of greenhouse gases in large enterprises; and leadership in urban climate action. The three winners in each category will each receive a citation and trophy. In the community and innovation categories, the awards also include a cash payment. The deadline for applications is 04 August 2017. Link

Global Affairs Canada — Climate and Agriculture in Senegal

The “Program of Development and Adaptation to Climate Change of Irrigated Crops in Senegal” calls for proposals. The program aims to improve the socio‑economic well-being and resilience of farming households, with a particular emphasis on women and young people. Applications are invited from experienced and qualified Canadian organizations and consortia that may include Canadian with non-Canadian organizations. Preference will be given to projects in partnership with one or more Senegalese organizations. Grants are CAD$13 million to CAD$18 million for projects of five years. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 31 August 2017. Link

ARIMNet2 — Call for Young Researchers

The EC’s ARIMNet is a consortium to support integrated and trans-disciplinary research that enhances the contribution of agricultural and food systems for sustainable social and economic development in the Mediterranean Basin. The ARIMNet2 2017 Joint Call is dedicated to young researchers in two topics: promoting sustainable agriculture for socio-economic development; and valorising local products through food value chains improvement. The participating countries are Algeria, Croatia, Egypt, France, Morocco, Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia, and Turkey. A project consortium must include at least three young researchers from three different participating countries (at least one from a northern country and one from a southern country). The submission period is 16 August 2017 until 14 September 2017. Link

International Livestock Research Institute — Africa Biosciences Challenge Fund 2017-2018

The Biosciences eastern and central Africa (BecA) Hub awards research fellowships to African agricultural researchers for short-term projects at the BecA-ILRI Hub in Nairobi. The announcement identifies the priority research themes. Candidates should be currently engaged in agricultural research and be affiliated with a national agricultural research system in the eligible countries: Burundi, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Congo Brazzaville, Dem Rep Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Kenya, Madagascar, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. Under special partnership and collaboration arrangements, applicants from other African countries are considered for the fellowship.  The Fund supports travel, accommodation, stipend, and research costs. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis through 30 June 2018. Link

U.S. Department of State — Environmental Funding for Pacific Islands

The U.S. Department of State announces environmental awards up to US$25 thousand to support local and regional small-scale environmental projects in eligible countries of the Pacific Islands region. Subject areas are agriculture and fisheries; sustainable economic development; adaptation to changing environmental conditions, e.g., coastal management; waste management, including marine litter; air quality; biodiversity and healthy ecosystems; marine protected areas; environment or health-related education; capacity building for scientific research on environmental issues; and deployment of new technology for application to environmental issues. Projects may propose activities in Fiji; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; Micronesia; Nauru; Palau; Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; or Vanuatu. Applications are invited from NGOs; public international organizations; institutions of higher education; and for-profit organizations and businesses. Funding Opportunity 2017-EAP-SUVAREO. The application deadline is 15 July 2017. Link