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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

European Commission — Farmer Field Schools in Malawi

The EC announces funding to promote farming in Malawi using the approach of farmer field schools. The KULIMA program will provide facilitation and coordination to a pool of eight thousand community-based facilitators and over thirteen thousand local farmer groups to address farm productivity and diversification while conserving natural resources. Eligibility for funding of up to €14 million (subject to cost shares) extends to NGOs, public sector operators, local authorities, and inter-governmental organisations. Reference EuropeAid/155474/DD/ACT/MW. The closing date for applications is 17 July 2017. Link

Swedish International Development Agency — Training in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation for Africa

Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. The Africa program includes a course on Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation for participants from Botswana, Mozambique, and Zambia. This round of the training programme has a special focus on water resources for agriculture, water supply, hydropower, etc. Candidates representing government organisations, private companies, and NGOs are encouraged to apply. The training will be provided in three parts, divided between Sweden and Africa. The closing date for applications is 17 July 2017. Link

CRDF Global — Conference of Asia Pacific Biosafety Association

CRDF offers travel support to early-career bioscience and veterinary professionals in Southeast Asia to participate in the conference of the Asia Pacific Biosafety Assocation scheduled for August 2017.  Applications are welcome from individuals in key positions related to biosafety or biosecurity in their respective institutions and regions.   Priority is for applicants from Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.  Consideration will also be given to applicants from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. The application deadline is 30 June 2017.  Link

Unilever — Young Entrepreneurs Awards

The Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Awards invite nominations of individuals ages 18 to 35 anywhere in the world who have initiatives, products, or services that address sustainability challenges in four categories. The categories are “farm to table” (sustainable agriculture and food and drink nutrition); opportunities for women; waste management; and water management. The awards will be made to individuals who are putting their ideas into action, i.e., who are already having an impact. Unilever will recognise up to eight winners in 2017, each of whom will be awarded a cash prize in addition to one-to-one mentoring support for a year. The overall winner will receive the “HRH The Prince of Wales Young Sustainability Entrepreneur Prize” of €50 thousand. The deadline for nominations is 30 June 2017. Link

European Commission — Policies for Agriculture and Nutrition in Burkina Faso

The EC will provide funding to collaborate with Burkina Faso on strategies and institutional reforms that improve agricultural sustainability and nutritional security in Burkina Faso. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit NGOs in countries of the EU and countries of the ACP agreement (including Burkina Faso). Grants will range from €1.5 million to €2.0 million, varying with cost shares. Reference EuropeAid/155765/DD/ACT/BF. The closing date for applications is 11 July 2017. Link

U.S. Agency for International Development — Improved Nutrition in Senegal

USAID announces funding of a 5-year project through the program Feed the Future to improve diets among the Senegalese population, particularly young children and women of reproductive age in selected zones of the country. Efforts may include expansion of nutrient-dense and bio-fortified crops such as orange-fleshed sweet potato, high-protein maize, iron-rich millet, moringa, mung bean, Sahel apple, and others — in addition to project activities that will improve food governance and increase women’s empowerment on matters of food selection. Eligibility for funding is unrestricted. Funding Opportunity RFA-685-17-000007. The closing date for applications is 24 July 2017. Link

National Geographic — Chasing Genius

The Chasing Genius Challenge invites ideas from around the world to make the planet more sustainable; to improve global health; and to feed nine billion people by mid-century. Each idea should be submitted as a one-minute video. The submitted ideas will be evaluated according to criteria of innovation, creativity, viability, and inspiration. The winner in each of the three categories will be awarded US$25 thousand, in addition to a fourth winner chosen on the basis of popular vote. The submission period is 01 June through 31 July 2017. Link

French Institute for Development Research — GUYAMAZON, 4th Call for Proposals

France’s Institute for Development Research (IRD) collaborates with other French institutions and three Brazilian states to sponsor GUYAMAZON for collaborative French-Brazilian research in the Amazon region. Research themes include biodiversity, terrestrial and forest ecosystems, aquatic ecosystems, climate and health, agro-ecology and subsistence farming, renewable energy, and social sciences. Projects link researchers in France (especially the department of French Guyana) and the Brazilian states of Amazonas, Amapá, and Maranhão. The application deadline is 31 August 2017. Link

APEC Climate Center — Training Program 2017

The APEC Climate Center (APCC) is hosting a training program on user-oriented statistical downscaling of climate information in agriculture and water resources. The one-week training program in August 2017 (Busan, South Korea) aims to provide an introduction to statistical downscaling for climate change scenarios and seasonal prediction, and to guide participants in applying the data for uses in agriculture and water resources. APCC invites scientists from national research institutes in agricultural and/or water-related fields in developing countries, preferably APEC economies, ASEAN nations, or Pacific Island nations. APCC will cover the airfare, accommodation and meals for the participants.The application deadline is 31 May 2017. Link

European Commission — LEAP-Agri Food and Agriculture in Africa

The LEAP-Agri partnership is a program of EU-Africa research and innovation to support projects in food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture. This call invites consortia composed of at least four partners from four participating countries (two African and two European) to submit project proposals addressing the defined topics. The African partner countries are Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, South Africa, and Uganda. Projects can apply for a total budget between €300 thousand and €1.5 million. The budget for each country or organization is mentioned in the individual eligibility criteria and funding regulations for that particular institute or country. The deadline for preliminary proposals is 15 June 2017. Link