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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration — Climate Programs 2018

For 2018, NOAA announces seven grant competitions to advance the understanding of Earth’s climate system, and to foster its application for decision making. The program supports research that is conducted across the USA and internationally. NOAA anticipates making about 90 grants, each ranging between US$50 thousand and US$300 thousand per year, with some exceptions. For most competitions, the deadline for letters of intent is 14 June 2017. Link

Center for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries — Tropical Coastal Marine Research

The Center for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Center) will fund up to five fellowships for researchers from developing countries to work with senior researchers and faculty members at the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) in Germany. Fellowships are for up to three months. Travel costs are covered by the NAM S&T Center; ZMT offers fellows a monthly subsistence allowance. The closing date for applications is 07 July 2017. Link

Phoenix Zoo — Funding for Wildlife Conservation and Science

The Phoenix Zoo (Arizona, USA) makes small grants to support wildlife conservation and science worldwide. Grants are limited to US$3 thousand for one year. Priority is for practical projects that help build capacity, and that involve local communities. The application period for preproposals is 01 August through 01 October each year. Link

Conservation International — Conservation Stewards Program

The Conservation Stewards Program works with communities who agree to protect their natural resources and the benefits they provide through conservation agreements. The Conservation Agreements Private Partnership Platform (CAPPP) is global in scope and open to all areas where greater support for biodiversity conservation from the private sector can be achieved through conservation agreements. The deadline for proposals is 30 June 2017. Link

Unilever — Young Entrepreneurs Awards

The Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Awards invite nominations of individuals ages 18 to 35 anywhere in the world who have initiatives, products, or services that address sustainability challenges in four categories. The categories are “farm to table” (sustainable agriculture and food and drink nutrition); opportunities for women; waste management; and water management. The awards will be made to individuals who are putting their ideas into action, i.e., who are already having an impact. Unilever will recognise up to eight winners in 2017, each of whom will be awarded a cash prize in addition to one-to-one mentoring support for a year. The overall winner will receive the “HRH The Prince of Wales Young Sustainability Entrepreneur Prize” of €50 thousand. The deadline for nominations is 30 June 2017. Link

National Geographic — Chasing Genius

The Chasing Genius Challenge invites ideas from around the world to make the planet more sustainable; to improve global health; and to feed nine billion people by mid-century. Each idea should be submitted as a one-minute video. The submitted ideas will be evaluated according to criteria of innovation, creativity, viability, and inspiration. The winner in each of the three categories will be awarded US$25 thousand, in addition to a fourth winner chosen on the basis of popular vote. The submission period is 01 June through 31 July 2017. Link

Massachusetts Institute of Technology — Climate Co-Lab

The Climate Co-Lab aims to gather and apply collective intelligence from around the world to address global climate change. The Co-Lab invites the best ideas to prevent and adapt to climate change. Some contests pose social and political questions, while others focus on issues in science and technology. The Climate Co-Lab posts new contests on a continuing basis. The contest winners each year compete for a prize of US$10 thousand. Link

Toyota Motor Corporation — Toyota Environmental Activities Grant Program 2017

Toyota makes grants to support environmental activities implemented by nonprofit organizations. The themes are “biodiversity conservation” and “counter measures to global warming.” Grants are made in Japan and internationally. The international program is open to applicants in Japan, and to international partners in collaboration with Japanese groups. The application deadline is 23 June 2017. Link

IRDR Young Scientists Programme — Call for Application, 2nd Batch

The IRDR Young Scientists Programme invites young researchers worldwide to join its professional network of professionals and practitioners.  Eligibility extends to candidates affiliated with an academic program (either master or doctorate) as a student or as a young faculty, and working on research related to disaster risk reduction and its link to broader issues of environment and development.  Applicants should be less than age 40 on the date of application. There is no cash grant, but IRDR Young Scientists are offered opportunities for networking and training. The deadline for applications is 30 June 2017.  Link

Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative — SIANI Expert Groups 2017-2018

SIANI offers seed funding to expert groups that support its vision and mission to understand emerging issues in food security and nutrition in low-income countries. Expert groups comprise a diverse group of stakeholders (academia, NGOs, private business, government, etc.) to prepare publications, organize events, and engage in other activities that strengthen the Swedish resource base and their partners. Expert groups do not need to be geographically located in Sweden. However, if an expert group is established outside Sweden, it needs to have a clear link to the Swedish resource base and Swedish funded activities. The deadline for proposals is 15 July 2017. Link