The Research Council of Norway invites proposals addressing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The call has a special emphasis on global education, but is also open to other themes — including the environment, climate, and renewable energy. Norwegian research institutes, universities, and university colleges are invited to apply for funding. Proposals should include leading international development researchers and researchers from developing countries, when relevant. The application deadline is 24 May 2017. Link
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Loro Parque Fundación — Conservation Grants 2018
Loro Parque Fundación supports conservation projects that mainly focus on parrots and marine species. The Foundation aims to improve the conservation status of endangered species as well as to promote conservation of terrestrial and marine biodiversity. The deadline for applications (English, Spanish) is 15 September 2017. Link
Instrumentl — Grants for Wildlife, Marine Sciences, and Plant Sciences
Instrumentl is a team of former nonprofit development staff, scientists, and software engineers who share the aim of helping researchers to find and apply for grants. The focus is researchers within the ecological and environmental sciences. Instrumental has compiled a list of research grants that have application deadlines during the next few months, April-October 2017. The geographical scope and eligibility requirements vary with each grant program, including several that support research in the developing world. Look for “Featured Grants” at the bottom of Instrumentl’s home page. Link
Triodos Foundation — Support for Grassroots Development
Triodos Bank focuses on financial support for sustainable “green” organizations in sectors such as agriculture and energy. The Triodos Foundation focuses on grassroots projects in organic agriculture, food, biodiversity, animal welfare, holistic education (including music and theatre as a means of learning). All grant recipients are non-profit organizations based in the Netherlands which may work in collaboration with partners in developing countries. Applications are presented to the Foundation by email. There is no calendar deadline. (Note: Only organizations based in the Netherlands can apply. A recommendation of a Dutch acquintance is not sufficient.) Link
AuthorAID — Online Course on Grant Proposals and Research Writing
AuthorAID announces an open and free online course to help early-career researchers in developing countries improve their research writing and proposal development. Topics in the course will include literature review; publication ethics; making a research plan; writing a grant proposal; targeting the right journals; and writing and publishing a research paper. The online course will span eight weeks from April through June 2017. The deadline for registration is 18 April 2017. Link
Wildlife Conservation Network — Networking Opportunities
Each year, the WCN organizes conservation events (expos) in the USA, where wildlife conservationists discuss issues about endangered species around the world. Non-profit organizations are able to request free exhibition space at these events, offering them opportunities for networking and publicity. The remaining expo in 2017 will be held in San Francisco in October. Applications for exhibition space will be accepted through 15 July 2017. Link
Rockefeller Foundation — Sustainable Development
The Rockefeller Foundation defines several initiatives and topics that guide its grant making. Those of principal relevance in the Terra Viva Grants Directory are food security in Africa; resilience to climate change; energy production and consumption; water and fisheries; and ecosystem services. Requests for support must fit Rockefeller’s issue areas, current initiatives, and geographical regions. Inquiries can be submitted at any time. Link
Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves — Women’s Empowerment Fund
The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves welcomes applications for the fourth annual Women’s Empowerment Fund (WEF). The WEF is a financing mechanism to scale business models for women’s entrepreneurship in projects to advance household energy. The WEF will award up to four grants in the range of US$75 thousand to US$150 thousand for one year. The Alliance will give preference to enterprises owned and managed by women in the following countries: Bangladesh,China, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda. However, qualified organizations operating in other countries are also encouraged to apply. Applicants must be a registered partner of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves prior to the application deadline. Organizations that are not currently partners can learn how to register from information published on the website. The application deadline is 02 April 2017. Link
UK Natural Environment Research Council — Fellowships in Green Urban Infrastructure
The UK’s NERC invites applications for Knowledge Exchange Fellowships that address issues and opportunities around green infrastructure in urban areas of the UK or developing countries. The objective is to influence local policymakers and businesses to support the development of urban green zones, urban ecosystem services, sustainable drainage systems, and other examples of green infrastructure. Eligibility to apply extends to applicants based in UK higher education institutions, and to NERC research centres and independent research organisations approved by NERC (if the science the work builds on was funded by NERC). Private, public, and third-sector organisations are eligible as end users and as partners in proposals. The deadline for applications is 27 April 2017. Link
International Center for Climate Governance — Best Climate Practices
The Best Climate Practices contest for 2017 focuses on actionable ideas and concrete projects to support urban and/or rural communities in preparing and responding to climate disasters, improving local resilience through enhanced preparedness (ex-ante), and/or capacity to recover (ex-post). The contest is open to individuals, teams, or organizations regardless of nationality, age, or qualifications. The contest winner will be awarded €3 thousand. The deadline for submissions is 31 May 2017. Link