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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

LEDS Global Partnership — Fellowships on Low-Emission Development Strategies

The LEDS Global Partnership offers fellowships for individuals and teams of practitioners to be embedded with leading institutions to learn practical lessons that they can apply to low-emission development strategies and/or nationally determined contributions in their home countries. Fellowships will be awarded to individuals or groups of national or sub-national government officials who play a significant role within LEDS development or implementation. This pilot phase of the program will fund one fellow from each of Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The application deadline has been extended to 15 July 2016. Link

Agriculture for Food Security 2030 (AgriFoSe2030) — Introductory Course in Meta-Analysis

The program Agriculture for Food Security 2030 (AgriFoSe2030) is a partnership of Swedish universities, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). AgriFoSe2030 offers a one-week course for post-doc students and senior researchers who have a demonstrated interest in scientific reviews, and who would like to learn meta-analysis methodology. The course will be held on the ICRAF campus in Nairobi in November-December 2016. Preference is for participants involved in AgriFoSe2030. PhD students in the final phases of their studies can also be accepted if highly motivated. Students from both natural and social science / economics backgrounds are encouraged to apply. AgriFoSe2030 will cover the expenses of travel, lodging, and meals. The application deadline is 01 October 2016. Link

AuthorAID — Travel Grants and Workshop Grants for Researchers in Developing Countries

AuthorAID announces its second round of small grants in 2016 to support researchers in developing countries with travel and workshops. In this second round, AuthorAID plans to award six travel grants (US$1,500 each) and six workshop grants (US$2,500 each). AuthorAID posts the list of eligible developing countries. The deadline to apply for travel grants is 17 July 2016. The deadline to apply for workshop grants is 27 July 2016. Link

International Development Research Center (IDRC) — Innovations in Livestock Vaccines

Canada’s IDRC calls for research to accelerate the development of new vaccines against livestock diseases. Proposals should address one or more of the 23 priorities in the Livestock Vaccines Innovation Fund. The call is open to researchers in academia, the private sector, and research institutes around the world. Grants are up to CA$1.5 million for projects of two years. The deadline for applications is 12 September 2016. Link

Mexican International Cooperation Agency (AMEXCID) — Scholarships for International Students 2017

AMEXCID announces the availability of scholarships for international students from all world regions to study at over 90 participating institutions in Mexico. The funding is for international students undertaking a specialization; pursuing a master’s degree or doctorate; conducting graduate-level research; or taking part in an undergraduate or graduate-level academic mobility program in Mexico. The deadline for scholarship applications is 23 September 2016. Link

Phoenix Zoo — Funding for Wildlife Conservation and Science

The Phoenix Zoo (Arizona, USA) makes small grants to support wildlife conservation and science worldwide. Grants are limited to US$3 thousand for one year. Priority is for practical projects that help build capacity, and that involve local communities. The application period is 01 November through 01 December each year. Link

Social Entrepreneurship Impact & Finance — Awards for Social Enterprise 2016

Social Entrepreneurship Impact & Finance (seif) supports individuals and teams that apply innovative business ideas to address current social and/or environmental problems. Project categories include agriculture and food security; energy; environment; water and sanitation; and others. The competition is open to social enterprises from all over the world. The program will make four awards of CHF 10 thousand each. The application deadline is 30 June 2016. Link

International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) — Assessing the Impacts of Agricultural Insurance

3ie invites proposals under its new thematic window on the impact of agricultural insurance for smallholder farmers. 3ie hopes to address the gaps in what works and what does not in programmes of agricultural insurance that aim to mitigate risks in producing agricultural crops and livestock. Applications will be accepted for evaluations in low and lower middle-income countries, and in countries of priority to the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID). Applications are invited from legally registered organisations and consortia of registered organisations. The research team should include at least one researcher who is a national of the country in which the programme is being implemented. The first phase will provide up to 14 grants for formative or process evaluations of not more than US$75 thousand each for a period of 8-10 months. The deadline for submissions in Phase 1 is 17 July 2016. Link

Orskov Foundation — Grants for University Students in Sustainable Land Use

Orskov makes grants to support student projects in agriculture and sustainable land use in developing countries. Preference will be given to training that emphasizes animal, plant, and soil interactions. Projects should have the potential to alleviate poverty and to provide sustainable environmental benefits, including adaptation/mitigation to the impacts of climate change. Applications are invited from individuals in lower-income and lower middle-income countries. The program includes student grants up to £2,500 to support studies at a university or similar organization other than the university/college in which the applicant is registered. The application period is 01 October through 31 December of each year. Link