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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

World Academy of Sciences — TWAS Young Affiliates 2022

The World Academy of Sciences Regional Office for Sub-Saharan Africa invites nominations of suitable candidates for the TWAS Young Affiliateship. Eligibility for nomination extends to researchers from developing nations who have at least 10 international publications. The program offers networking and meeting opportunities to further advance the research of selected affiliates. All nominations must be received by 15 May 2022. Click here

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute — Research in Tropical Forests

The ForestGEO Grants Program supports research that uses forest data from the program’s field sites. Priority will be given to early-career researchers, and researchers with less access to other institutional funds. Social scientists and natural scientists of all nationalities are eligible. Applicants do not need to be associated with a site prior to applying, but each applicant will need to contact a site Principal Investigator (linked from the announcement) prior to submitting a proposal. Research projects up to US$15 thousand will be considered. The deadline for applications is 03 June 2022. ForestGEO Research Grants

World Academy of Sciences — Advanced Research in the Biotechnology

The TWAS-BIOTEC Postdoctoral Fellowship Program offers fellowships to young scientists from developing countries who wish to pursue advanced research in biotechnology. BIOTEC will provide a monthly allowance to cover living costs, such as accommodation and food. Applicants must hold a PhD degree and may not be older than 40 years. The deadline to apply is 01 August 2022. About

Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians — Research and Conservation Grant 2023

The Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians funds clinically-oriented and/or conservation research on reptiles and amphibians. Proposals submitted by ARAV members will be given priority. Typical awards range from US$2 thousand to US$3 thousand for research projects of 12-18 months. The deadline for submissions is 01 October 2022. Click here

Belmont Forum — Sustainable Consumption and Production

The Belmont Forum welcomes transdisciplinary proposals to its collaborative research actions on systems of sustainable consumption and production (SSCP). Proposals to the Belmont Forum must address one of the following four themes: Transdisciplinary Research to help transition to Green Economies; Sustainable and Resilient industries; Social Inequality and Environmental Justice; New Technologies, Policies, and Practices. The Belmont Forum will fund three-year projects. All projects should include 3 funding agencies from 3 different countries. Proposals will be due mid October 2022. Know more

Global Youth Mobilization — Local Solutions Fund

Global Youth Mobilization is a movement of young people taking action to improve their lives in a post-COVID-19 world. The Local Solutions Fund supports young people that have an idea for a solution to overcome a challenge created by the COVID-19 pandemic to support their local community. Individuals or informal groups can apply for up to UD$1,500. Youth-led grassroots organizations can apply for up to US$5,000. Any young person between the ages of 14 – 30 can apply. Applications must be aligned with the WHO’s recommendations on COVID-19 public health measures (e.g., water and sanitation). Applications will be reviewed on a three month rolling cycle. There is no deadline to apply. Local Solutions Fund

Tiny Beam Fund — Fellowship: Negative Impacts of Global Industrial Food Animal Production

Tiny Beam Fund offers communication grants to researchers who wish to “address negative impacts of global industrial food animal production” (especially in low- and middle-income countries). Communication Grants are aimed at encouraging academics who have studied the problems caused by global industrial animal agriculture to take steps to share their research. The amount requested should not exceed US$5 thousand for a 12-month period. The fund is directed to PhD researchers from any residence, citizenship, or location. There will be three awards available, one in each category. Applications are accepted year-round. More about the Communication Grants

Swedish Research Council — Starting Grants in Development Research

The Swedish Research Council funds research projects relevant to the fight against poverty and for sustainable development in low income countries. The applicant for a research project grant must be an individual researcher. Research cooperation between scientists in Sweden and scientists in selected low and middle-income countries is encouraged. The maximum amount is SEK 1.5 million per year for a period of four years. The closing date for applications is 29 March 2022. More

Swedish Research Council — Starting Grants in Natural and Engineering Sciences

The Swedish Research Council funds research projects of junior researchers who want to establish themselves as independent researchers within natural and engineering sciences. The applicant for a research project grant must be an individual researcher. The applicant must hold a Swedish doctoral degree or an equivalent foreign degree. The grant amount ranges from SEK 400 thousand to SEK 1.3 million per year for up to seven years.  The closing date for applications is 29 March 2022. Starting Grants Natural and Engineering Sciences

Swedish Research Council — Research Grants in Natural and Engineering Sciences

The Swedish Research Council invites research project proposals within natural and engineering sciences. The purpose of the grant is to give researchers the freedom to formulate by themselves the research concept, method and implementation, and to solve a specific research task. Applicants must hold a Swedish doctoral degree or a corresponding foreign degree. Individual researchers can request grants between SEK400 thousand and SEK1.3 million per year for a maximum of 4 years. The call deadline is 29 March 2022. Click for information