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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

World Federation of Science Journalists — Reporting Grant

The Louise Behan Reporting Grant supports science journalists in the Global South who are reporting on matters of interest in their country or region. The grant offers two or three awards of between US$750 and US$1,000 annually. This support is intended to enhance the career of each recipient, as well as to enhance the quality of science journalism in the recipient’s country. To qualify, applicants must be working in a country the World Bank defines as lower income. All expressions of interest should be submitted before 31 March 2022. Louise Behan Reporting Grant

Athens Photo World — International Photojournalism Award

Athens Photo World seeks applications from professional photojournalists for the Yannis Behrakis International Photojournalism Award. Athens Photo World will award €15 thousand to a completed project of reportage or documentary photography, created within the last 3 years. Photographers can submit a portfolio of up to twenty-four (24) photographs. Submissions have to be received by 10 April 2022. More information

Graduate Institute Geneva — Geneva Challenge on Poverty Reduction

The Graduate Institute Geneva invites graduate students from all around the world to develop innovative interdisciplinary solutions that address the global challenges of poverty reduction. Five finalist teams, one team per continent, will be invited to an oral presentation in Geneva. The winning project will receive CHF10 thousand. The registration deadline for the 2022 edition is 20 April 2022. Geneva Challenge

Legacy Landscapes Fund — Conservation of Terrestrial Landscapes and Buffer Zones

Legacy Landscapes Fund announces its first open call for proposals. Legacy Landscapes Fund (LLF) is a grant-making institution focused on the world’s most important protected areas and their buffer zones. “Legacy Landscapes” (LL) are terrestrial landscapes covering a contiguous area of at least 200 thousand hectares (2000 km²) that are ecologically largely intact and of global significance. LLF’s Sustaining Grant program supports the LL with a $15 million grant in tranches of $1 million per year over 15 years. For its Sustaining Grants, LLF requires a minimum co-financing of $5 million. The deadline for submissions of concept notes is 30 April 2022. Legacy Landscapes Fund

Fiat Panis Foundation — Prize for Improvement of World Nutrition

Foundation Fiat Panis calls for nominations for the Justus von Liebig-Award for World Nutrition for outstanding achievements in the fight against hunger and poverty. Contributions can be scientific contributions to research and teaching in the field of agricultural sciences, entrepreneurial and organizational services, achievements of a humanitarian nature, or contributions to the communication of world food problems and possible solutions. The prize may be awarded to an individual or institution. The winner receives €25 thousand. The deadline for submission of nominations is 30 April 2022. Self-nominations are not possible. More

Indian National Academy of Sciences — JRD-Tata Fellowships for Visiting Scientists from Developing Countries

India’s National Science Academy administers the JRD-Tata Fellowships to support visiting scientists from the developing world and promote South-South cooperation. The program is open to applicants from developing countries (except India) younger than age 45, and who possess doctorate or masters degrees in science or equivalent degrees in engineering/medicine. Past participants have included several in agriculture, biological sciences, and geo-sciences. The fellowship is for three months and includes transportation, maintenance allowance, accommodation, and contingencies. The application deadlines are 30 April and 31 October of each year. Find out more

AGCO Agriculture Foundation — Impact-Driven Agricultural Projects

The AGCO Agriculture Foundation (AAF) provides resources to implement projects that promote sustainable climate solutions for farmers and the agricultural sector which benefits economies while also strengthening community development. Climate smart agricultural projects should work towards improving farmer productivity, and as a result, livelihoods, making farms more resilient to climate impacts. Grants between US$20 thousand and US$300 thousand are available. Only non-profit organizations working in farming communities are eligible to apply for grant funding. The grant application is open until 30 March 2022. AGCO Grants

U.S. Department of State — Supporting Environmental Defenders in Latin Americ

The U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for a project to strengthen support for environmental defenders in Latin America. DRL prioritizes countries and communities in Latin America where violence against environmental defenders is most acute. The total funding available under this call is US$2 million. DRL welcomes applications from U.S.-based and foreign-based non-profit organizations, institutions of higher education; and businesses. The closing date for applications is 23 April 2022. Details here

World Academy of Sciences — Gender Equity and Climate Action

The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) and the Elsevier Foundation invite applications for project grants for Gender Equity and Climate Action. Grants are awarded to teams of 2-5 women for action-based projects which, although scientific in nature, will take them outside the lab to promote practical and tangible change under the umbrella of the “climate action” SDG in their local context. The project grant is designed to be flexible, with a total value of up to US$25 thousand. The principal applicant has to be a woman scientist, holding a PhD, living and working in a science and technology lagging country. The deadline for applications is 19 May 2022. TWAS – Elsevier

Earth Journalism Network — Introductory Biodiversity Course for Journalists

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) launches an introductory biodiversity course for journalists – “From Microbes to Rainforests”. The online course is self-paced and designed to help journalists reporting on biodiversity to better understand the most pressing issues, from conservation to climate change to synthetic biology. The course is useful to journalists without experience in covering these topics. The course will remain live throughout 2022. Biodiversity Course for Journalists