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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Oak Foundation — Marine Conservation, Climate Change, and Wildlife Trade

The Oak Foundation makes grants in several thematic areas, including Environment. Oak’s grants in the sub-theme of marine conservation focus on industrial fishing, small-scale fisheries, and plastics pollution. The Foundation also makes grants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in North America, Europe, and some emerging economies, e.g., Brazil, China, and India. The Foundation’s sub-theme on illegal wildlife trade aims to conserve populations of African elephants and rhinos by curbing their illegal hunting and trade. Most grants range from US$25 thousand to US$7 million. Applicants that meet the Foundation’s requirements can submit letters of inquiry at any time. More about the application process

World Bank Group — Youth Summit 2022

The World Bank Group seeks applications for the Youth Summit 2022 under the theme “Unlocking the Power of Inclusion for Equitable Growth”. The Summit empowers youth to explore innovative ideas to social, environmental, and economic challenges. Participants shall provide innovative and concrete solutions that showcase the role of the youth in environmental inclusion (e.g. Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation, Climate Smart Technologies). The competition is open to individuals or teams not exceeding four people, aged 18 – 35. Participants must be nationals from World Bank member countries. Selected teams will be mentored by experts, have access to a network of leading professionals and young social entrepreneurs, participate in virtual events and workshops, and receive seed-funding. The application deadline is 04 March 2022. Youth Summit 2022

MCW Global — Young Leaders Access Program

MCW Global seeks to help communities around the world achieve greater levels of education, improved health, and increased economic security. The Young Leaders Access Program (YLP) is a year-long program that prepares young people (18 to 26) to become leaders of change in their communities. The program offers virtual training modules, Zoom discussions, and virtual one-on-one learning between mentors and mentees. Young leaders must demonstrate commitment to their community and identify an issue in their community to address. Applications have to be submitted before 13 March 2022. Young Leaders Access Program

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education — MSc in Water and Sustainable Development

The Dutch Orange Knowledge Program offers access to education and training to professionals and organizations for IHE Delft’s new Master of Science in Water and Sustainable Development. Mid-career can apply for OKP individual scholarships. Applicants who wish to apply for the OKP scholarship are recommended to apply to IHE Delft by 15 March 2022. Link

UNESCO — International Prize in the Basic Sciences

The UNESCO-Russia Mendeleev International Prize in the Basic Sciences aims to promote and honor excellence in the basic sciences (chemistry, physics, mathematics, and biology). Each year, two winners receive a financial award of US$250 thousand each. UNESCO invites the governments of Member States, organizations maintaining official partnerships with UNESCO, international scientific unions and universities to propose individual candidates for the 2022 edition. Candidates must be individuals with major achievements in terms of development, diffusion, and international cooperation in the basic sciences, which led to a significant transformational impact on a regional or global scale. Self nomination is not permitted. The deadline to submit nominations is 15 March 2022. Find the call with instructions

World Academy of Sciences — PhD Training Fellowships for Women Scientists

The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) invites women scientists in the field of agriculture (and other sciences) from science and technology lagging countries to apply for the OWSD PhD Training Fellowships. Each fellow will receive a monthly allowance to cover basic living expenses, a special allowance to attend international conferences, travel expenses, medical insurance, and the opportunity to attend regional science communications workshops for up to four years. Applications will be accepted until 15 April 2022. OWSD PhD Fellowships

BBVA Foundation — Award for Environmental Communication

The Biophilia Award for Environmental Communication recognizes the work of professionals and organizations worldwide in any aspect of environmental communication, especially in the areas of biodiversity conservation and climate change. Contributions may encompass a wide spectrum of formats, styles, channels, and projects in any medium. Eligibility extends to natural or legal persons of any nationality engaging professionally in any facet of environmental communication. One award will be given comprising €100 thousand. Submissions must be completed by 31 May 2022. Biophilia Award for Environmental Communication

World Academy of Sciences — TWAS-CUI Fellowship Program for Postgraduate Research

The TWAS-CUI Fellowship Program for Postgraduate Research offers fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than Pakistan) who wish to obtain their PhD in natural sciences. Fellowships are tenable in the departments and laboratories of the campuses of the COMSATS University Islamabad (Pakistan). Duration is from six months to a maximum of 3 years (18 months for a sandwich program). CUI will provide a monthly stipend which should be used to cover living costs. The call for applications is open until 31 August 2022. Find the program

Climate Tracker — Global Climate Change Media Mentorship

Climate Tracker seeks young (18-35 years) journalists from around the world to join the Global Climate Change Media Mentorship. Six young journalists eager to produce climate stories will cover the climate crisis from the frontlines, producing exclusive stories for Climate Tracker. The deadline to apply is 18 February 2022. Climate Change Media Mentorship

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development — Solutions to Prevent E-Waste

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) seeks innovative projects that promote the reuse, refurbishment and repair (RRR) of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) to prevent e-waste. Eligible applicants are companies and NGOs registered in low- and middle-income countries. The organization can request up to €20 thousand in funding. The application deadline is 21 February 2022. RRR Accelerator