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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

University of California — Animal Law and Policy

The UCLA Animal Law and Policy Program advances animal protection through reliable, impactful research, effective law and policy reform, and training in practical legal tools. The program funds new empirical research in a wide variety of fields (from behavioral economics to law to moral psychology). UCLA anticipates funding approximately five to seven individual projects with a suggested total budget in the range of US$1,000 to US$4,500. Scholars and researchers affiliated with an accredited academic institution of higher learning in the United States may apply. However, UCLA accepts applications from and relating to other countries, as long as the principal investigator is based at a US university. Applications for the current grant cycle must be received by 31 March 2022. Link to UCLA

European Commission — Agro-Ecological Approaches in African Agriculture Systems

The European Commission (EC) accepts proposals for the agro-ecological approaches in African agriculture systems grant program. The implementation of agro-ecological approaches will alleviate the pressure that agri-food production places on natural ecosystems, contributing to resilience of agri-food systems and facilitating nature-based responses to current and future agri-food risks and threats. Proposals should build on existing and develop new knowledge, data, and models. Applicants must be established in EU Member States or low- and middle-income countries. The application deadline is 31 January 2022. Link

French Development Agency — Biodiversity Research Program

The French Development Agency (AFD) launches a call for expressions of interest for research on “Scaling up Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and large-scale ecological restoration: Towards changes in agricultural production, land-use and urban development models”. Each research project may request up to a maximum of €225 thousand in funding. Eligible project proponents are universities and research centers, NGOs, private foundations, international research centers and companies (including individual consultants) which will make their research public. The call is open until 04 February 2022. Biodiversity Research Program

David and Lucile Packard Foundation — Agriculture Livelihoods and Conservation Program

The Agriculture, Livelihoods, and Conservation (ALC) grantmaking strategy aims to support tropical forest communities in strengthening resilience and economic opportunities while protecting tropical forests and biodiversity. Therefore, the Packard Foundation invites proposals for projects that aim to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and forest dependent communities while also conserving forest resources in tropical forest areas. ALC will support new or existing projects, organizations, and coalitions in Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Guatemala, Indonesia, Laos, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, and the Philippines. The Packard Foundation will provide between US$200 thousand and US$500 thousand of funding to two or more organizations over a period of two years. Expressions of Interest (EOI) must be received by 07 February 2022. More information

L’OCCITANE Foundation — Biodiversity Conservation through Reforestation and Agroforestry

The L’OCCITANE Foundation funds local organizations and projects that preserve biodiversity through reforestation or agroforestry projects. The project must focus on respecting biodiversity, for example, tree plantations for conservation of threatened varieties, reforestation of degraded ecosystems and/or agroforestry practices. Financial support is limited to €10 thousand, depending on the country. Applicants have to contact the subsidiary of L’OCCITANE located in their country in order to present a project. Subsidiaries must then send the application to the Foundation by 07 February 2022. (Please note that applicants have to present their project to local subsidiaries before this deadline). Know more

EKOenergy Climate Fund — Small-Scale Renewable Electricity Projects

The EKOenergy Climate Fund calls for project proposals to enhance capacities of local communities to implement renewable energy projects, and to establish renewable electricity installations. The call aims to alleviate energy poverty and social inequality in developing countries. The Fund seeks to support 6-10 solar and wind energy projects with a financial contribution in the range of €10 thousand to €40 thousand. The deadline for submitting concept papers is 15 February 2022. EKOenergy Climate Fund

European Commission — Biodiversity in Outermost Regions

The European Commission (EC) announces a call for proposals to finance small grants for biodiversity conservation and restoration action in the EU outermost regions and overseas countries located in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Amazon, Pacific, Polar and Subpolar and Micronesian regions. The available overall budget is €32 million. In order to be eligible, the applicants must be legal entities, be established in EU Member States or overseas countries and territories and be active in the areas of nature conservation and climate change. The closing date for applications is 26 April 2022. Details here

A2A Group — Carbon Capture

A2A seeks concept papers to explore CCUS technologies and the potential markets for CO2 products. This challenge is designed specifically for methods that offer solutions to capture and reuse CO2. A2A offers a total of US$20 thousand in award money. Submissions must be received by 17 February 2022. Carbon Capture Challenge

Climate Tracker — Sustainability Solutions Journalism Fellowship

Climate Tracker offers a 6-month paid media mentorship-fellowship focused on producing stories about local sustainable solutions. Fellows will receive training and mentoring to produce one story about nature-based solutions, climate change, regenerative agriculture, biodiversity conservation, or energy transition every month for 6 months. Furthermore, Fellows receive US$165 per month stipend during the duration of the fellowship. The deadline to apply is 07 January 2022. Link to Climate Tracker

WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award — Award in Sustainable Aquaculture

WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award invites nominations to recognize aquaculture initiatives from around the world that could contribute to increase efficiency and sustainability. The nominees will have created change that inspires others and shown what measures are necessary. Any organization, movement, business, group of people or individual can be nominated. Nominations must be submitted by 16 January 2022. Gothenburg Sustainability Award