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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Tropical Forest Alliance — Tropical Forest Commodities Challenge

The Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA) and UpLink launch the Tropical Forest Commodities Challenge, calling for solutions for systemic change in commodity supply chains that rely on deforestation free practices. Solutions should deliver benefits to the global environment, while also ensuring sustainable livelihoods. Submissions may either be existing solutions with tracked success, or new entrepreneurial ideas. The best 10-20 submissions will be invited to a 4-month cohort program by Tropical Forest Alliance as part of the World Economic Forum. Submissions are being accepted until 27 August 2021. Tropical Forest Commodities Challenge

European Union — Youth Awards for Climate Storytelling

The EU GCCA+ Youth Awards support young journalists, writers and photographers to tell powerful climate stories around the world. Individuals between 18 and 30 years can participate with a video or a story with photos about climate change cooperation, preferably related to an EU-funded project in their country. Five award winners will be able to participate in a 6 weeks masterclass with leading climate reporters and activists. The deadline for registration and submission is 22 September 2021. Award for Climate Storytelling

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education — Online Course: Fundamentals of Freshwater Health

IHE Delft and Conservation International launch an open online course on freshwater health. The course explores fundamental aspects of each of these topics through interactive lectures, relevant readings and practical exercises. Participants completing the fundamentals course will also become eligible for a more advanced course beginning in early 2022. The course is free and available. Registration is open now, and the course is available as of 28 September 2021. Details

Wallace Global Fund — Environmental Policy and Governance

The Fund supports advocacy campaigns, awareness raising, and citizen engagement in environmental policy and governance. It aims to strengthen environmental law and justice; to build grassroots coalitions; and to support media that take progressive positions on social and environmental issues. Grants are to nonprofit charitable organizations in the USA and internationally. The application process begins with an online letter of inquiry. Link

Global Environment Facility — Climate Adaptation Innovation

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) supports climate adaptation efforts mainly in the least developed countries. The Challenge Program for Adaptation Innovation aims to test and validate scalable investment approaches, business models, partnerships, and technologies. The GEF accepts project concepts with a total value of US$10 million. Concept notes should request no more than US$2 million. Emphasis will be placed on concepts that promote innovation and risk taking for climate adaptation impact. Concept notes can be submitted by any public, private or civil society organization. The deadline for concept notes is 22 August 2021. Link

RISE Fellowship — WASH Seed Funding

The RISE fellowship supports early-stage female entrepreneurs (or female-led NGOs) working to resolve critical water, sanitation or hygiene issues in emerging economies. The fellowship provides mentorship, seed funding (US$1,000 – US$5,000) and resources to female entrepreneurs living in low to middle income countries. Applicants are invited to submit an idea for an initiative that will improve the local water, sanitation and hygiene of their own community. The fellowship is open to women worldwide. The application deadline is 31 August 2021. RISE Fellowship

International Fund for Agricultural Development — Agrobiodiversity Innovation Challenge

The Agrobiodiversity Innovation Challenge seeks new products, services, and best practices that can help farmers, consumers, and food companies to increase production while conserving agrobiodiversity. Two selected winners will receive US$5 thousand, mentorship and technical assistance. Applicants must be individuals, private companies, or institutions responsible for an innovation with a demonstrated efficiency to enhance and promote sustainable food and agriculture. The submission deadline is 30 September 2021. More information

Shuttleworth Foundation — Innovative Ideas for Social Change

The Shuttleworth Foundation offers fellowships to individuals from all around the world to implement their innovative ideas for social change. (Note: This could possibly include thematic areas important in the Terra Viva Grants Directory.) The fellowship grant covers the cost of the fellow’s time for a year. The amount varies and is determined by each fellow’s salary equivalent outside of the fellowship. Application deadline is 15 October 2021. Learn more

IDEX Accelerator — IDEX Fellowship 2022

The IDEX Fellowship Program aims to build the capacity of young professionals for social enterprise in areas such as agriculture, education, clean energy, sanitation, healthcare, livelihoods, and impact investing. The program provides six months of leadership training in enterprise development, including field placements at social enterprises in India. Candidates should be 21 to 35 years old, with a minimum of one to three years of professional work experience. IDEX offers a limited number of partial scholarships on program tuition to a select number of candidates. The application deadline is 31 October 2021. Info

United Nations Women’s Guild Vienna — Children’s Charity

The United Nations Women’s Guild annually makes grants to registered charities in support of projects in education and health that benefit disadvantaged children around the world. Past projects include many focusing on clean drinking water in communities and schools. The maximum grant is €10 thousand. Applications are accepted in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, and Spanish. The application deadline is 01 December 2021. Details