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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

UK National Research Foundation — Research Grants, Fellowships, and Scholarships

The UK National Research Foundation (NRF) makes research grants and scholarships to students worldwide (but mainly South African citizens) to pursue studies in all areas of Science, Engineering, Technology, Social Sciences and Humanities. The allocation of funds is demand-driven. There is no maximum or minimum proposal request. The NRF makes one call for proposals starting in February of each year. Please note that institutions set their own much earlier internal closing dates for applications, therefore, applicants must check the deadlines of each individual program very carefully. The call closes 31 December 2021. Find details here

Natural History Book Store — Gratis Books in Ecology and Conservation

The Natural History Book Store supports science and conservation by supplying wildlife and environment books and equipment. In its Gratis Books Scheme, NHBS collaborates with other UK-based organizations to donate books on ecology and conservation to worthy recipients in the developing world. Individuals may request a book for themselves or suggest it for others. All applications will be considered together, and the available copies will be awarded to those considered most able to benefit from them. Find available books

Unleash — Incubation Program for Entrepreneurs

UNLEASH Plus is a global 6-month incubation program for entrepreneurs working on social or environmental challenges, in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The program provides teams with the right skills, mindsets, and resources to test and launch their solutions, and design them for large-scale impact. Teams will explore real-life challenges within the SDG themes, before defining specific problems and coming up with solutions. The top teams will present their solutions to investors and experts. The program is open to all youth entrepreneurs looking to advance solutions that address the SDGs. The application deadline is 25 July 2021. UNLEASH Plus

International Fund for Agricultural Development — Digital Advisory Services

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) seeks international organizations to receive a three-year IFAD grant financing to implement the project: Digital Advisory Services to Support Accelerated Rural Transformation for a total amount of up to US$2 million. Goal is the sustainable integration of proven ICT4D solutions that can improve the economic and social conditions of the rural poor, including women and youth. Deadline to receive proposals is 13 August 2021. However, interested institutions are requested to confirm their intention to submit a proposal by 28 July 2021. Find the call

EnergySpin — Growth Program for Energy Startups

EnergySpin is a ten-week-long accelerator program for startups seeking international growth. The accelerator offers startups the chance to present their use cases to its corporate partners, who are open for possible piloting, PoCs, and other forms of cooperation. EnergySpin and its partners are able to invest in the most promising companies taking part in the program up to €1 million. All startup companies in the energy sector are welcome to apply, as well as startup enterprises in fields linked to the energy sector. The application deadline is 21 August 2021. Link to EnergySpin

Wild Animal Initiative — Welfare of Juvenile Wild Animals

Wild Animal Initiative provides grants for research projects that help us understand and improve the lives of wild animals. Grant size varies from US$25 thousand to US$250 thousand. Currently, the Initiative solicits proposals for research on the welfare, ecology, and everyday experiences of juvenile wild animals. Relevant projects might include studies that extend captive animal welfare assessment techniques to juvenile wild animals, or those that demonstrate how ecological concepts can relate to wild animal health and wellbeing. Wild Animal Initiative prioritizes work on the most numerous wild animals, such as rodents, fish, and even invertebrates. This call is open to anyone. Expressions of Interest have to be submitted by 29 August 2021. Wild Animal Initiative

Grinnell College — Grinnell Prize 2022

Grinnell College invites nominations for the 2022 Grinnell Prize. The Grinnell Prize of US$50 thousand will be awarded to individuals who show creativity, commitment, and extraordinary accomplishment in effecting positive social change. Past nominations have spanned a diversity of social issues related to agriculture and hunger relief, conservation and environment, and many other thematic areas. Nominees may be nationals of any country who have earned a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) between 2006 and 2022. Nominees must be nominated by a third party. The closing date for nominations is 31 October 2021. About the Grinnell Prize

Fondation Segré — Research Support Grants

The Fondation Segré Research Support Grants provide support to young and early-career researchers in their research to improve the knowledge on species and their role in natural ecosystems. The maximum grant size is €7 thousand for a maximum duration of 12 months. Applicants have to be enrolled at an academic institution in order to apply. The call remains open until 31 August 2021. Know more

Society for Conservation Biology — Research in Marine Conservation

The Society for Conservation Biology (Marine Section) supports the Conservation Research Small Grants Program. The program provides grants of US$750 to US$1,000 for marine conservation research in areas of acute need, especially for research in the developing world or for organizations with limited access to conservation funding. Applicants must be members of the Society for Conservation Biology and the SCB Marine Section, or join the SCB before applying for grants. Applications are accepted annually between 1 July and 15 September. Find information here

United States Agency for International Development — Digital Storytelling Contest

The Global Leadership and Education Advancing Development (Global LEAD) Initiative invites submissions to the digital storytelling contest to show how youth are using the power of change to make the world a better place. Young changemakers between the ages of 18 and 35 can submit an original, three-minute video or slideshow in Arabic, English, French, or Spanish that tells the story of their youth-led actions to advance their community. Stories must be linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including the key issues: Climate Action and Food Security/Resilience. Voting will open on the platform on July 1 and close on 23 July 2021. Be aware that early submissions have more chances to get more votes. Global LEAD Digital Storytelling Contest