Because International seeks applications for its Pursuit Incubator Program. The Pursuit Incubator was created for early to middle stage entrepreneurs that have ideas for a socially innovative product. Entrepreneurs from all around the world are invited to apply. Participants will receive 10-weeks of online training, coaching, networking opportunities and the opportunity to compete in a pitch event for a cash prize. The application deadline is 18 July 2021. Pursuit Incubator Program
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Humanitarian Water Air Food Awards — Youth Climate Awards
The Humanitarian Water Air Food Awards (WAFA) acknowledge and promote individuals and organizations that implement sustainable projects to secure water, clean air, and food — and that empower local communities. WAFA provides expert certification, global recognition, and a cash prize. The deadline for applications and nominations is 31 July 2021. Youth Climate Awards
Global Affairs Canada — Fund for Innovation and Transformation
The Fund for Innovation and Transformation (FIT) supports Canadian small and medium-sized organizations testing innovative solutions that advance gender equality in the Global South. FIT will provide CA$150 thousand to CA$250 thousand over a 6-15 month period to test solutions in partnership with local organizations in developing countries. FIT supports ideas to test worldwide (with approx. 50% in Sub-Saharan Africa). The program is open to civil society organizations, social enterprises, institutions and the private sector. The application deadline to submit proposals is 29 April 2021. Find more information
Celebrate Islands — Video Contest for Project Funding
Celebrate Islands invites video submissions for a contest “My project in 120 seconds” giving winners the opportunity to implement a small project on their island. Projects need to be achievable within one month and may focus on biodiversity conservation, ecological restoration, waste and plastic, sustainable economic activities (such as fisheries, agriculture, etc.), water efficiency or energy supply. Celebrate Islands intends to award 3 projects with €3 thousand each. Island projects can be submitted from all around the world but need to focus on an island of less than 150km². Video applications have to be submitted by 30 April 2021. Contest Celebrate Islands 2021
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Photo Contest 2021
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites current and former grantees to enter the 2021 Digital Photo Contest. CEPF is looking for images that show how their support enables people to protect hotspot species and critical ecosystems, and participate in sustainable livelihoods. The winning images will be featured on the homepage of CEPF’s website and other media within the CEPF network. Deadline for submitting entries is 03 May 2021. Link
Islamic Development Bank — Science, Technology and Innovation Transform Fund
The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) seeks applications for the Transform Fund. The Transform Fund Call for Innovation 2021 will focus on building resilience through innovation in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in relation to 6 Sustainable Development Goals: Zero Hunger; Good Health and Well-Being; Quality Education; Clean Water and Sanitation; Affordable and Clean Energy; and Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Funding support is organized in four categories, ranging from US$50 thousand to US$1 million. Applications are accepted until 31 May 2021. Visit the website to apply
Canadian International Development Research Center — Women’s Economic Empowerment in a Low-Carbon COVID-19 Recovery
The Canadian International Development Research Center (IDRC) seeks proposals for projects that will support the generation and use of relevant evidence on women’s economic empowerment in a low-carbon COVID-19 recovery in the Global South. Research projects can either be single- or multi-country studies led by organizations in one country or across countries. Projects may request between CA$750 thousand and CA$1 million in funding for up to 30 months of research. This EOIs is open to organizations based in low- and middle-income countries. The submission deadline for proposals is 13 April 2021. Find details
Swedish Research Council — Research Links Program
The Swedish Research Links Program funds research cooperation between scientists in Sweden and scientists in selected low and middle-income countries. Past grants have funded research to address water pollution; control of agricultural diseases and post-harvest losses; livestock introductions; management of protected areas; and various other topics related to agriculture and natural resources. The maximum amount is SEK 400 thousand per year for up to two years. The closing date for applications is 13 April 2021. Find out more
Massachusetts Institute of Technology — Elevate Prize
MIT Solve seeks nominations for the 2021 Elevate Prize. The Prize annually awards $5 million in prize funding and services to a group of 10 leaders who are tackling the most urgent issues of our time around the world. Challenges include, but are not limited to, mitigating and adapting to the impact of climate change, creating safe environments, ensuring access to quality education and healthcare. The Elevate Prize is open only to applicants from registered nonprofit organizations. Applications must be submitted by an individual on behalf of themselves and their organization. The application deadline is 05 May 2021. Elevate Prize
Fresno Chaffee Zoo — Grants for Wildlife Conservation
The Fresno Chaffee Zoo Wildlife Conservation Fund makes grants for wildlife conservation and research that focuses on rare, threatened, and endangered animals and their habitats. The priority is for in situ conservation projects. Most grants range from US$2 thousand to US$10 thousand. The principal investigator must be associated with a recognized institution (accredited zoo, academic institution, conservation or non-profit organization). The deadline for applications is 01 June 2021. Wildlife Conservation Fund