UNESCO in collaboration with the ISEDC in Russia offers 20 fellowships for a one-month program of capacity-building in sustainable and renewable energy. The program in October 2020 is open to applicants from developing countries and countries in transition that are UNESCO member states. Instruction will be in English. The application deadline is 03 April 2020. Find the fellowship
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Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution — Ocean Science Journalism Fellowship
WHOI invites professional science writers, journalists, producers, and editors from all around the world to apply for the one-week residential Ocean Science Journalism Fellowship. The program is designed to introduce science journalists to the interdisciplinary and wide-ranging fields of oceanography and ocean engineering through seminars, laboratory visits, and brief field expeditions. WHOI covers room and board during the program. Fellows will receive a travel allowance of US$1,200. The application deadline is 17 April 2020. More about how to apply
Annie’s Homegrown — Scholarships for Sustainable Agriculture
Annie’s Homegrown Sustainable Agriculture Scholarship Program is open to full-time undergraduate and graduate students studying at an accredited college or graduate school in the US. Students must be focusing their studies on sustainable and regenerative agriculture. International students may apply as long as they are studying at an eligible institution in the US. Funds are intended for school needs, such as room and board, books, and tuition. The application deadline is 15 May 2020. Information about the scholarship
International Fund for Agricultural Development — Results Based Management for Rural Transformation
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) seeks results based management approaches to enhance project management for rural transformation. The selected grant recipient (or consortium) will receive a three-year grant for a total amount of up to US$2 million (cash and in-kind co-financing is required). Eligibility to receive cash grants extends to non-profit organization, universities, vocational training providers, private sector companies and research institutes. The deadline to receive proposals is 01 March 2020. Find the call
U.S. Department of Agriculture — Scientific Cooperation Research Program
The Scientific Cooperation Research Program supports applied research and education projects between U.S. researchers and foreign scientists that create practical solutions to challenges faced by small farmers. Proposed solutions should address issues including agricultural trade and market access, animal and plant health, biotechnology, food safety and security, and sustainable natural resource management. The program supports up to 10 collaborative research programs with up to US$50 thousand. Eligibility extends to US public and private institutions of higher education. The application deadline is 02 March 2020. Scientific Cooperation Research Program
Efficiency for Access Coalition — Research and Development Fund
The Efficiency for Access Coalition (EforA) seeks applications for the Efficiency for Access Research and Development Fund. The Coalition seeks projects that develop enabling technologies or products for off-grid and weak grid areas. Start-ups and micro-sized organizations can apply for grants of between £50 thousand and £300 thousand to be used for feasibility studies, industrial research, or experimental development. The applicant must be a legally registered business, academic organisation, non-profit, or research and technology organization. There are no geographical restrictions. The deadline for applications is 15 March 2020. Find out more
Canadian International Development Research Center — Prize for Leadership in Research for Development
The Canadian International Development Research Center (IDRC) awards the David Hopper Prizes for Leadership in Research for Development to two individuals for outstanding achievement in the field of international development. These prizes are available to researchers from low or middle-income countries who have previously received or currently receive IDRC support. The two winners will receive CA$50 thousand each. The application process is by nomination only. Institutions may nominate individuals with whom they have had or still have a significant association. The deadline for nominations is 18 March 2020. Details here
United Nations Foundation — Girl Up Leadership Summit 2020
The Girl Up Leadership Summit is an opportunity for youth leaders (ages 13-22) to gain the skills, resources, and confidence to make an impact on gender equality in their communities. For selected participants, Girl Up will reimburse up to US$1,000 for transportation costs (bus/train/flight) and provide a complimentary registration to the 2020 Girl Up Leadership Summit in Washington, DC (USA). Applicants who represent underrepresented backgrounds in regards to race/ethnicity, nationality, socio-economic status etc., are especially encouraged to apply. The deadline to apply for need-based travel financial assistance is 21 February 2020. About the Leadership Summit
Government of Hungary — Masters Degrees in Agricultural Engineering 2020-2021
In partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the government of Hungary announces scholarships for MSc degrees in agriculture at participating Hungarian universities. The fields of specialization for the 2020-2021 Academic Year are Food Safety, Horticultural Engineering, and Animal Nutrition. Applicants should be residents and nationals of the developing countries listed in the announcement. The application deadline for scholarships is 28 February 2020. More about this opportunity
Getty Images — Climate Visuals Grants
Getty Images is committed to evolving the visual narratives that define the global climate crisis in the commercial and editorial space. Together with Climate Visuals, Getty Images launches the Climate Visuals Grants which aim to support the creation of compelling and emotionally engaging imagery that explores the complex and layered climate crisis. Photojournalists from around the world are invited to submit projects with a compelling visual narrative based primarily on documentary still images. Two winners will receive US$10 thousand each to continue to produce their climate stories. The deadline to submit applications is 28 February 2020. Link to Climate Visuals Grants