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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis — Science Communication Fellowship 2020

IIASA is an international scientific institute that conducts research into the critical issues of global environmental, economic, technological, and social change. The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) accepts applications for its summer 2020 Science Communication Fellowship. The science communication fellow will gain experience in communicating complex systems science for a general audience through a variety of platforms. Program areas include energy, ecology, water, greenhouse gases, risk and resilience, among others.The stipend is €4 thousand for three months. The application deadline is 11 January 2020. Link

Green Campus Initiative — Green Fellowships 2020

Green Campus Initiative offers a 12 month fellowship program which will serve as a platform for executing eco-conscious ideas and innovations. Successful applicants will receive stipends and funded training. Applicants must be a recent graduate or postgraduate student currently undertaking a leadership role in an organization, company or association. The fellowship opportunity is open to all countries. Applications are accepted all year-round but to be considered for the early 2020 cohort, applications have to be submitted by 05 December 2019. More about the Green Fellowships

International Food Policy Research Institute — Short Video Contest

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) seeks short videos (1-2 minutes) for the “My Food our Future” video contest. The video should offer ideas and solutions to access healthy and affordable diets. Young filmmakers from all around the world have the chance to win a US$500 prepaid gift card. The competition is open to young filmmakers between the ages of 10 and 25. The deadline for submissions is 01 October 2019. More information

Chivas Venture — Funding for Social Entrepreneurs

Chivas Venture provides start-ups and social entrepreneurs with project funding. Past projects include projects in the thematic areas of plastic waste, agriculture, and other environmental or humanitarian themes. 20 Finalists will participate in a 3-day Accelerator Program in London and the winners share a total of US$1 million in funding. Registered for-profit entities from all around the world are eligible to apply. Applications close on 31 October 2019. See the opportunity

Breakthrough Institute — Research Fellowships

The Breakthrough Institute makes research fellowships to non-resident research collaborators with the Breakthrough Institute’s research program. The Institute supports research in energy, conservation, agriculture, with new approaches to major environmental and development challenges. The Research Fellowship runs for 8 weeks, totaling US$5 thousand. Applicants should possess a Master’s degree at minimum. Fellowships are open to applicants from any country. Applications are considered on a rolling basis. About the fellowship

International RiverFoundation — Fellowship for Women in Water Management

The International RiverFoundation invites applications for the Vera Thiess Fellowship for Women. Women from developing countries get the opportunity to gain valuable work experience through the IRF and its partners, with the goal of advancing women’s participation in water and river management. The Foundation offers a 3 to 6 months fellowship consisting of project work, funding for travel, and participation in the 2020 International Riversymposium (China). Applications have to be submitted by 11 September 2019. Find the guidelines for application

International Initiative for Impact Evaluation — Bursaries for London International Development Centre Short Course

The International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) offers three bursaries to support postgraduates and professional staff from low-and-middle-income countries for the London International Development Centre short course “Evaluation: from innovation to impact.” The program will include sessions on quantitative and qualitative research as well as methods and impact evaluations. The course will be held from in November 2019 in London (UK). The deadline for application is 15 September 2019. Find details

Blue Earth Alliance — Photography Projects

Blue Earth supports photography projects that educate the public about threatened cultures, endangered environments, and other social concerns through fiscal sponsorship. Blue Earth provides assistance with fundraising, publishing, and publicity. However, it does not make cash grants to sponsored projects. The next deadline for proposals is 20 January 2020. Find submission guidelines

UN-Habitat — Waste to Wealth

UN-Habitat calls for innovative solutions and best practices that transform waste to wealth. Applicants may submit technologies, solutions, ideas, or approaches that change the way we think about, use and treat waste (solid, liquid, domestic, industrial and commercial). The best 20 submissions will be published and showcased as part of World Habitat Day. Applications are open to everyone who is passionate about solving the challenges of waste management. Submissions have to be received by 06 September 2019. Details

International Tree Foundation — Sustainable Community Forestry Program

The International Tree Foundation makes grants through its Sustainable Community Forestry Program to conserve and restore local forest resources and associated biodiversity; improve local livelihoods; and increase local resilience to climate change. ITF welcomes applications for community tree projects that take place in Commonwealth countries of Africa. The applying organization must be a registered NGO in the country where the project will take place. Grants are up to £3,000 for 2 years. Expressions of Interest (EoI) have to be submitted by 30 September 2019.  Find details