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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Energy Assistance — Technical Assistance for Small Electricity Projects

Energy Assistance is an employees’ association of electricity utilities in Europe that offers technical assistance to communities in the developing world needing electricity. Examples are electricity projects for water supply, village lighting, agriculture, schools and hospitals, and related local needs. The Association posts an application form. Applications can be submitted at any time. Link

Forest and Farm Facility — Call for Proposals 2019

The Forest and Farm Facility together with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and AgriCord launched the call for proposals to support regional and global forest and farm producer organizations to enable climate resilient landscapes and improved livelihoods. There will be one grant for a regional organization based in Africa, one in Asia and one in Latin America. In addition, and also one grant for an international association representing indigenous peoples. The grants will be up to US$75 thousand for one year. The deadline for applications is 01 June 2019. Call for proposals

SFFILM — Vulcan Productions Environmental Fellowship

SFFILM invites applications for the Vulcan Productions Environmental Fellowship. The call is directed to documentary filmmakers telling powerful stories about the environment and/or conservation. Environmental filmmakers from any nationality are invited to apply. The fellowship includes a US$25 thousand grant, an advisor with expertise in the specific environmental topic, access to SFFILM’s dynamic suite of artist development services, and a trip to San Francisco and Vulcan Production’s headquarters in Seattle to partake in workshops and other activities. The final deadline is 05 June 2019. Find out more

European Commission — Support to Zambia Energy Sector

The European Commission invites proposals for the Support to Zambia Energy Sector: Increased Access to Electricity and Renewable Energy Production (IAEREP) Program. The aim of the program is to increase access to affordable, reliable and modern energy for all in Zambia. Eligible lead-applicants must be established in a Member State of the European Union or in other countries eligible under the 11th EDF. The maximum budget amounts are: Lot 1 €2 million; Lot 2 €6 million; and Lot 3 €2 million The deadline for submissions is 24 June 2019. Link

Outdoor Hunt — Annual Scholarship Awards 2019

Outdoor Hunt invites application for the Annual Scholarship Awards 2019. Participants are asked to write an original article on “Benefits of Trekking” of about 800-1000 words (min 800 words) in the English language. The prize is open to both postgraduate and undergraduate of college in any stream. Three winners get prizes of US$1 thousand (1st Prize), US$500 (2nd prize), and US$300 (3rd Prize). Applications close on 25 June 2019. About the award

Unilever — Young Entrepreneurs Awards 2019

The Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Awards invite nominations of individuals ages 18 to 35 anywhere in the world who have initiatives, products, or services that address sustainability challenges in three categories. The categories are ‘improve people’s health and well-being’; ‘improve the health of the planet’; and ‘contribute to a fairer and more socially inclusive world’. Unilever will recognise up to eight winners in 2019, each of whom will be awarded a cash prize in addition to one-to-one mentoring support for a year. The overall winner will receive the “HRH The Prince of Wales Young Sustainability Entrepreneur Prize” of €50 thousand, the remaining winners will each receive a €8.5 thousand cash award. The deadline for nominations is 30 June 2019. Link

Woodard & Curran Foundation — Water Impact Grant

The Woodard & Curran Foundation funds innovative projects that apply or advances technology by addressing water issues (e.g. water, wastewater, stormwater).  One total grant of US$100 thousand will be awarded over three consecutive years. Eligibility extends to US-based non-profit organizations. The proposed project can be located outside the U.S. (including local partners) but should demonstrate U.S. benefit. The deadline for applications is 30 June 2019. Find details

Samsung Engineering — Environmental Essay Competition 2019

Samsung Engineering jointly with UN Environment launches the 12th Eco-generation Environmental Essay Competition inviting the youth all over the world to raise awareness on the theme “Beat Air Pollution”. The competition aims to collect inspiring and creative ideas on why we should reduce air pollution with regards to its causes, effects, and consequences. Eligibility extends to Tunza Eco-generation members aged between 14 and 24 years. The winners will receive a certificate and a Samsung tablet. Deadline for submissions is 02 September 2019. More

ETH Zurich — World Food System Grants 2019

ETH Zurich makes competitive grants in two programs sponsored by its World Food System Center. They are: (i) Sustainability in Food Value Chains (Cooperative Research Program); and (ii) Organic Production Systems for Food Security (Mercator Research Program). Principal Investigators must be current members of the World Food System Center. Co-applicants can be from other research institutions in Switzerland or other countries. The deadline for proposals is 01 November 2019. More

British Embassy Lima — Gender Equality, Clean Growth and Media Freedom

The British Embassy, through the Foreign & Commonwealth Office’s programme, invites local and international organisations to submit proposals for projects on British Embassy priorities in Peru. There are four thematic areas, including ‘clean growth’ that relates to reducing the use of plastics and initiatives that contribute to making the Pan American and Parapan American Games carbon neutral. The British Embassy in Lima invites project proposals up to £50 thousand to apply. The deadline for the submission of projects is 19 May 2019. Link