The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) announces fellowships for journalists interested in attending and reporting from the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (December 2022). Eight journalists will be selected for the fellowship and receive resources and tools to help prepare for reporting at the conference. Journalists may produce stories in print, online, radio or broadcast formats. EJN will cover airfare, accommodation, meals, travel insurance, and transportation costs. Eligibility for this fellowship extends to professional journalists from low- or middle-income countries. Applications for conference scholarships will be accepted until 15 September 2022. Biodiversity Fellowships for Journalists
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Ocean Foundation — Opportunity for Young Writers
The Ocean Foundation (TOF) seeks to identify young writers between the ages of 13-25 to provide curriculum writing services for the production of a “youth ocean action toolkit” focused on the seven Ocean Literacy Principles and Marine Protected Areas. The Ocean Foundation will assemble a small team of youth authors. The authors will work with members of the TOF team to create the youth ocean action toolkit. Total payment is not to exceed US$2 thousand per author. The deadline to apply is 16 September 2022. Details here
Sparrow — Early-Career Researcher Grant
Sparrow makes grants to PhD and PostDoc students looking to share their research in environment and climate change. Applicants have to write a 3-minute distilled digest about their research that is easy for the everyday reader to understand. The winner receives US$500. Applications and research abstracts have to be submitted by 30 September 2022. Sparrow Researcher Grant
Global Biodiversity Information Facility — Management of Specimen Data
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) is developing a new data model to enable the publication of richer, more complex types of biodiversity data in the future. Therefore, GBIF seeks pilot projects showcasing how an emerging unified data model can improve how data derived from specimens in scientific collections are represented in GBIF. Applicants selected through this call for proposals will work with the Secretariat to populate a pilot database used to demonstrate a queryable online specimen catalog. Applicants can seek financial support of up to €3,000. Applications must be submitted by 02 October 2022. Link
Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund — Annual Conservation Grants 2023
The Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund makes grants for wildlife studies, habitat protection, and community conservation and education in critical ecosystems around the world. Disney supports projects that build on previous work, and that have the potential to contribute to long-term conservation. Eligibility extends to nonprofit organizations worldwide. The Conservation Fund will consider requests for a maximum of US$100 thousand to be provided over two years. The deadline to submit inquiries is 01 November 2022. Disney Conservation
Spark — Seed Grants for Grassroots Women’s Organizations
Spark provides seed grants (US$3 – $5 thousand) to grassroots women’s organizations working internationally and in the US. In addition to grant funding, Spark offers individual pro bono professional services. Organizations engaged in addressing the root causes of challenges that women face internationally, including economic livelihood among others, are eligible to apply. Sparks looks for organizations that provide a service that is not currently available to women in that geographical area. Furthermore, Spark only selects organizations with leadership comprised of at least 50% of women from the community served. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Information for grantees
Personio Foundation — Support for Climate Action
Personio Foundation provides financial and strategic support to organizations working in the fields of Climate Action and/or Education. Personio offers unrestricted, multi-year grants between €50 thousand and €100 thousand per year as well as non-financial support and Personio software. Non-profit organizations from around the world are invited to apply. The application deadline is 05 September 2022. Support for Climate Action
Government of Egypt — ClimaTech Run
ClimaTech is the global competition for tech-entrepreneurs and artists addressing the most pressing climate challenges. ClimaTech focuses on the use of information and communications technology in developing innovative solutions and new applications for climate action in the areas of energy, agriculture, and water management. The grand prize is US$100 thousand. A special prize will be given to the top two African startups. Participants must be a registered startup operating for over 2 years. We could not find a clear deadline. Please apply by the end of September. Click here
Johnson & Johnson — Scholars Award Program for Women in STEM2D
The Johnson & Johnson Scholars Award Program supports female STEM2D leaders (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing and Design). The Scholar Award is paid to the university of the recipient in support of her studies and research. Applicants must be assistant female professors or have a global equivalent faculty position at an accredited academic university, institution or design school. The Scholars Program is open to females from all around the world. The application process closes on 30 September 2022. Link
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Next Einstein Initiative — Women in Climate Change Science
The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Next Einstein Initiative (AIMS-NEI) seeks applications for the AIMS-NEI Fellowships for Women in Climate Change Science to increase women’s contribution to a more sustainable societal response to climate change. Applications are invited from female scientists currently residing anywhere in the world. The fellowship is worth up to US$35 thousand. The application deadline is 31 August 2022. AIMS-NEI Fellowships