Toptal awards US$10 thousand and a year of mentorship to five future female leaders who want to change the world. (Note: This may include one or more categories of the Terra Viva Grants Directory, including sustainable development, livelihoods, and science.) The grant can be used to pursue a degree, attend conferences or implement a project. Applications are accepted from Africa, Oceania, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Please note that deadlines vary depending on the location of the applicant, starting with the first application deadline on 13 September 2018. Find the Toptal Scholarships for Women
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U.S. Department of State — Study/Research Award 2019-2020
The Study/Research Awards are a component of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. The program is designed for applicants interested in designing their own projects in various areas of study (possibly within the thematic areas of the Terra Viva Grant Directory). Eligibility is limited to U.S. citizens. Program requirements vary by country, so the applicants should familiarize themselves with the program summary for the host country. Each candidate is required to be affiliated with a local institution of higher education, a research/training institute, a think tank, or a registered NGO. The deadline for applications is 09 October 2018. More information
European Partnership for Responsible Minerals — Responsible Mining
The international coalition of the EPRM is designed to improve conditions in and around mines and for the miners concerned in conflict-affected and high-risk areas. Projects should aim to improve the social, humanitarian, and environmental aspects of mining. Applicants may be companies, knowledge institutions, public or semi-public bodies, or NGOs in any combination and registered in any country. The maximum grant for a project is €340 thousand. The deadline for concept notes is 10 October 2018. More
AAUW — International Fellowships 2019
AAUW’s International Fellowship program provides support for women pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the United States. (Note: Fields of study may include one or more categories of the Terra Viva Grants Directory as long as they focus on the advancement of women and girls’ rights.) Award amounts range from US$ 18-30 thousand for one year of study. To be eligible for an International Fellowship, applicants must have citizenship in a country other than the U.S. and intend to return to her home country to pursue a professional career. The deadline for applications is 15 November 2018. More about the fellowship
International Center for Journalists — Global Climate Reporting Program 2018
The ICFJ accepts applications for the Global Climate Reporting Program. Participants will learn from global experts about how extreme weather and climate affect human health and safety and natural ecosystems, and produce stories on these critical topics. Participants will travel to San Francisco in September to attend the 2018 Global Climate Action Summit. Airfare, lodging and meals during the program will be covered by the organizers. The program is open to journalists from all countries. The application deadline is 19 August 2018. Find the program
U.S. Department of State — Illegally Harvested Timber and Forest Products in Global Trade
The U.S. Department of State announces a funding opportunity for mapping and analysis of illegally harvested timber and forest products in global trade. The results aim to influence policy makers and will enable the implementation of future interventions to assist developing countries in combating illegal logging. The cooperative agreement of up to US$492 thousand will be awarded for 24 months. Eligibility is limited to non-profit organizations and educational institutions. The application deadline is 21 August 2018. More
World Academy of Sciences — Postgraduate Fellowships in Natural Sciences in Pakistan
The TWAS-CIIT Fellowship Programme offers fellowships to young scientists from developing countries who wish to obtain all or part of their PhD in natural sciences. CIIT will provide a monthly stipend which should be used to cover living costs such as food, accommodation, and health insurance. Applicants should not be older than 35 years and hold an MSc degree in a field of natural sciences. The deadline for applications is 31 August 2018. Link
UK Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council — Agri-Systems Research
BBSRC announces a call for collaborative proposals to address research challenges relating to the sustainable intensification of agricultural systems in developing countries. The aim of this call is to enhance livelihoods through research to improve the productivity, sustainability, resilience and health of crops and/or farmed animals (including aquaculture). Proposals must be led by a Principal Investigator (PI) in the UK, but are expected to be co-designed and delivered with “in-country” researchers. Funds of £1.5 million can be requested for up to two years. The call will close on 19 September 2018. Click here
Wellcome Trust — Seed Awards in Science
The Wellcome Trust seeks applications for its Seed Awards in Science to help researchers develop novel ideas with the goal to develop larger grant proposals. This seed award is intended for PhD researchers from low- or middle-income countries who intend to start independent research careers outside of their area of expertise across basic science and population health research. The Seed Award in Science awards up to £100 thousand for two years. The application deadline is 02 October 2018. More here
Siemens Stiftung — Empowering People Award 2019
Siemens Stiftung sponsors the “empowering people. Award” as a means to identify and showcase relatively simple and smart technological solutions that have business potential to combat poverty in developing and emerging countries. The categories include water and waste water; energy; food and agriculture; waste management; and several others. The products or solutions to be submitted have to already be in use. The competition is open to any individual, team, organization, or enterprise from any region in the world. The top three prizes are €50 thousand, €30 thousand, and €20 thousand, respectively. The contest offers 7 additional awards of €10 thousand each. The deadline for submissions is 31 October 2018. Find the Award