The Georg Forster Research Award supports the work of accomplished researchers who are expected to continue to develop research-based solutions to specific challenges facing transition and developing countries. Nominees must be nationals of a developing or transition country, excluding the People’s Republic of China and India. The award amount is €60 thousand. Additionally, award winners are invited to conduct a research project of their own choosing in Germany in close collaboration with a specialist colleague. To support the collaboration, the Foundation may grant additional funding of up to €25 thousand. Nominations for the Award must be submitted by an established academic employed by a university or research institution in Germany. The closing date for nominations is 31 October 2022. Find out more
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Clean Cooking Alliance — Clean Cooking Women Leaders Award
The Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) invited applications for the Clean Cooking Women Leaders Award (WLA). The award recognizes women who are advancing clean cooking solutions in emerging markets. Winners will receive a sponsorship to attend the Clean Cooking Forum 2022 in Ghana (October 2022) and a financial sponsorship toward leadership coaching. Applicants may nominate themselves or nominate others who fit the qualification criteria. The deadline for nominations is 14 August 2022. Clean Cooking Women Leaders Award
Alongside Wildlife Foundation — Supporting Marginalized Groups in Wildlife Conservation
The Alongside Wildlife Foundation supports projects that are led by or will increase involvement of minorities and members of marginalized groups in wildlife conservation. The Foundation supports the collection of scientific data, science communication to reduce human/wildlife conflict, and the implementation of science-based strategies for living alongside wildlife populations. The Foundation provides seed grants of up to US$2 thousand per project. Applications are invited from all around the world. Proposals must be submitted by 15 September 2022. More information
Morris Animal Foundation — Amphibian Conservation
The Morris Animal Foundation funds conservationists interested in applying genetic insight to the protection and management of amphibian wildlife. The purpose of the “Wild Genomes” program is to provide the genetic/genomic information necessary to aid conservation efforts. Applications are due 19 August 2022. Details
Enel Grids — Safeguarding Biodiversity from Electric Distribution Assets
Enel Grids seeks collaboration partners to provide an innovative approach that will safeguard biodiversity prior to the installation of electric distribution assets (overhead electrical lines and/or substations). Participants should propose innovative strategies that minimize the effect on biodiversity and promote its protection during the installation of electric infrastructure. Submission to this challenge must be received by 28 August 2022. Link to the Challenge
European Commission — Sustainable Algae-based Solutions
The European Commission (EC) invites innovative and sustainable algae-based solutions and products for uses such as human consumption, animal feed, wastewater treatment, or applications for agriculture to the market. Projects require multi-stakeholder engagements with active participation from academia, organizations, citizens, civil society, start-ups, SMEs and other businesses. Applicants must be established in the Member States of the European Union or low- and middle-income countries. Applications have to be submitted by 27 September 2022. Details here
European Commission — Marine and Freshwater Pollution
The European Commission (EC) offers grants to prevent and minimize marine and freshwater pollution from chemical pollutants. Proposals should focus on demonstrating replicable solutions to prevent and minimize pollution in the Mediterranean Sea including its major river catchment areas. The maximum amount of financial support is €100 thousand per region. Applicants must be established in the Member States of the European Union or low- and middle-income countries. Applications have to be submitted by 27 September 2022. Link
Climate Investment Funds — Nature-based Solutions
The Climate Investment Funds (CIF) finances Nature-based solutions that recognize the interdependence between land use, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and improve the sources of livelihoods of rural communities and Indigenous Peoples. CIF launches the selection process for identifying countries that will receive funding under the Nature, People and Climate Investment program. The Program will allow potential allocation per investment plan of up to approximately US$50 million. Countries that are eligible for Official Development Assistance can apply. Countries have to submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) by 01 August 2022. Nature, People and Climate Investment Program
Donner Canadian Foundation — Land and Wildlife Conservation
The Donner Canadian Foundation makes grants for public policy research, environment, social service projects, and international development. Grant making includes interests in land and wildlife conservation in Canada and internationally. Donner’s grants are restricted to organizations that have Canadian charitable status. The Foundation does not regularly respond to letters of inquiry or unsolicited requests, however, organizations may send a brief description of their goals and programs. If there is a potential match with the Foundation’s interests, Donner will request more information. More
Prince Albert II Foundation — Forest Conservation through Local and Indigenous Action
The Prince Albert II Foundation calls for project proposals on forest conservation through the action of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. The foundation seeks to support conservation of forest ecosystems through the action of indigenous peoples and local communities in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, South and Southeast Asia, and Pacific islands. Projects should focus on the conservation of high ecological value areas and follow a holistic approach to preserve all elements that make up these natural ecosystems and the biodiversity they contain; fauna, flora, soil, air, human beings. Any financial support requested should not exceed 50% of the total project budget. The Foundation makes grants to civil society organizations, international organizations, private enterprises, and government organizations. Pre-applications will be accepted until 30 June 2022. More here