The GPSDD seeks innovative proposals for data production, dissemination, and use. This year’s call is anchored around two themes: “Leave No One Behind,” and the Environment. The focus in Environment is to bring together new sources of data (big data, geospatial and earth observation, citizen-generated, IoT, and open data) to support environmental challenges related to climate change and urban resilience. Smaller amounts of funding (starting at US$25 thousand) are made for riskier, unproven innovations at the pilot stage. Larger amounts of funding (up to US$250 thousand) will be awarded to proposals which have a clear justification. The pilot funding round will close on 01 September 2017. Link
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Netherlands Enterprise Agency — Sustainable Water Fund, Round 2
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency manages the Sustainable Water Fund (FDW) as a public-private partnership for water safety and water security in developing countries. Projects are collective initiatives between governmental bodies, industries, and NGOs. The thematic areas are improved access to drinking water and sanitation (including solid waste); efficient and sustainable water use, particularly for agriculture; and safe deltas and improved basin management. The deadline for concept notes (second round) is 08 December 2017. Link
Adaptation Futures 2018 — Dialogues for Solutions
Adaptation Futures is the biennial conference of the Global Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA). The Conference provides an opportunity for international networking and dialogue with more than 1000 participants from academia, government, civil society and business — all aiming to take climate adaptation forward. Early-career researchers and practitioners are encouraged to participate and will be accommodated in as many sessions as possible. Adaptation Futures 2018 takes place from 18-21 June 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa. Applications for attendance grants will be accepted from 15 October 2017 to 15 January 2018. Link
Millennium Campus Network — Millennium Oceans Prize
The Millennium Oceans Prize encourages activism, social entrepreneurship, and research to champion advocacy and leadership for the oceans, freshwater systems, sustainable fishing, and marine conservation. Initiatives in sustainable fisheries will receive special consideration. Applicants for the Prize are college or undergraduate university students, ages 18 to 30, anywhere in the world. The winning competitor will be offered up to US$5 thousand to implement his/her campaign and an invitation to the Millennium Campus Conference in Morocco, November 2017. The deadlines are 06 August 2017 and 17 September 2017. Link
Smogathon — Technology to Fight Air Pollution
Smogathon aims to fight air pollution through technology. Start-ups will compete for $25 thousand in cash and $75 thousand as a contract to implement their innovation in Krakow, Poland. Smogathon welcomes participation from any group worldwide that works as a registered company, start-up, foundation, or research group with a legal entity. The best submissions will compete in regional semi-final competitions in Berkeley, London, Warsaw, Bangalore, and Hong Kong. The finalists will compete in Krakow during the Global Clean Air Summit in November 2017. The deadline for applications is 15 August 2017. Link
Zoos Victoria — Grants for International Conservation 2017-2018
Zoos Victoria (Australia) helps build international conservation partnerships. The International Grants program is themed ‘Wildlife Conservation through Community Engagement’, recognising the importance of engaging people in protecting wildlife, while supporting sustainable development. Eligibility extends to any organization or group that is able to undertake projects in this theme. Grants are up to AUD 20 thousand for projects of one year. The application deadline is 31 August 2017. Link
Partnership for Economic Policy — Policy Analysis on Growth and Employment
With funding from the governments of UK and Canada, PEP has launched a new call for proposals addressing “Policy Analysis on Growth and Employment” (PAGE II, Round 2) in developing countries. The issues to be examined span a broad spectrum of development policy, including themes related to labor productivity in agriculture, entrepreneurship, and others. PAGE targets teams of researchers in developing countries — with preference for applicants from low-income, fragile, and/or conflict states. Applying teams will generally need university-level training in economics or equivalent experience. PAGE positively encourages teams with a female researcher as project leader. The deadline for applications (English, French, Spanish) is 13 September 2017. Link
Research Councils UK — Interdisciplinary Research Hubs to Address Intractable Challenges
Research Councils UK invites proposals from eligible UK research organisations to establish research hubs addressing currently intractable challenges faced by developing countries. Examples might include but are not restricted to achieving economic growth in an environmentally sustainable way while also ensuring social cohesion and adequate access to safe food, water, and services; development of resilient infrastructure and energy production in the context of climate change; achieving food security in ways that make agriculture, food production, and consumption more environmentally and economically sustainable; and urban development that fosters diversity whilst tackling air pollution and other environmental hazards. The intention to submit must be completed by 29 September 2017. Link
Government of Czech Republic — University Scholarships for Applicants from Developing Countries
The Czech Republic provides scholarships to support nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic. The fields of study include ecology, wildlife management, natural resources, forestry, and tropical agriculture (among others). Applications need to be submitted before 30 September of each year. Link
Israeli Agency for International Development Cooperation — Professional Courses in Israel 2017
MASHAV funds professional courses organized and hosted by Israeli institutions in subject areas that include agriculture, energy, natural resources, health, education, and social development. The remainder of the 2017 calendar in English-language courses includes one on water management and modern irrigation (October-November 2017), with an application deadline on 18 August 2017; meteorological warnings (November 2017), with an application deadline on 25 August 2017; and agriculture and environment in a changing climate (November-December 2017), with an application deadline on 01 October 2017. MASHOV offers additional courses in Spanish, French, and Russian. Applications are submitted through Israel’s diplomatic missions. For most courses, MASHAV covers course fees, accommodation, medical insurance, and other expenses in Israel (but not international airfare). Link