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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

New Leaders Initiative — Youth Awards for Environmental Leadership

The Brower Youth Awards for Environmental Leadership honors and recognizes the leadership efforts of young people who are working for the protection of the planet. Recipients will receive a US$3,000 cash prize, a professionally produced short film about their work, and flight and lodging accommodations for a weeklong trip to the San Francisco Bay Area. Youth environmental change leaders ages 13 to 22 living in North America (including Mexico, Canada, and some Caribbean Islands) are encouraged to apply. The application deadline for submission is 08 April 2024. Brower Youth Awards

Nature Research — Awards for Inspiring Women in Science

Nature Research seeks applications for the Nature Research Award. The Scientific Achievement Category celebrates an outstanding female early-career researcher, the Science Outreach Category will honor an individual or organization who has driven initiatives to encourage girls or young women to engage with STEM subjects around the world. The call closes on 08 April 2024. About the awards

Elephant Managers Association — Small Grants Program

The Elephant Managers Association (EMA) accepts proposals focused on field-based conservation projects in Africa and Asia. Projects should have a significant impact on resolving current or urgent elephant-related issues. Higher priority will be given to proposals that provide education and community outreach, provide capacity-building in local communities, and improve captive elephant management and welfare. EMA will award two grants of US$1,500 each. The opportunity is open to anyone, including keepers, conservationists, and researchers. The deadline for the grant application is 19 April 2024. Elephant Managers Association

International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology — Collaborative Research Grants 2024

The ICGEB Research Grants support projects in agricultural biotechnology, basic life sciences, bioenergy, and many other fields. The grants are intended to facilitate the creation of research facilities in promising institutes; to promote training of young scientists, and to develop new research programs in participating countries. The program is open to applicants who have positions at universities and research institutes in ICGEB’s member states. Grants are a maximum of €25 thousand per year for projects of up to 36 months. The deadline for submitting applications is 30 April 2024. Collaborative Research Grants

American Association of Zoo Veterinarians – International Grants for Conference Participation 2024

The American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV) provides financial aid to zoo and wildlife veterinarians from outside of the USA to participate in the AAZV’s annual conferences. Preference is given to applicants from developing countries with demonstrable financial needs and focused educational/ conservation goals. Grants are normally up to US$2 thousand. The application deadline is 30 April 2024. Details about the program

Latin America Regional Fund for Agricultural Technologies — Call for Proposals 2024

The Latin America Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology Fondo Regional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (FONTAGRO) calls for innovations for the sustainable increase of agricultural productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of climate change. FONTAGRO member countries are Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Proposals are accepted from multi-country consortia of public and private organizations at national, regional, and international levels. Grants are up to US$200 thousand for projects of up to 36 months. Projects will require counterpart contributions. The closing date for preliminary applications (Spanish) is 03 April 2024. Convocatoria 2024

Young Americas Business Trust — InnovAction Challenge

The InnovAction Challenge 2.0 drives sustainable growth by accelerating current and new initiatives or businesses to increase the socio-economic participation of vulnerable groups. The program awards solutions that contribute to energy efficiency and natural resource management. The winning team will receive US$10 thousand in cash and 6 months of follow-up business training. The program is focused on the participation of young social and economic entrepreneurs from Latin America and the Caribbean. The registration deadline is 05 April 2024. InnovAction Challenge

World Academy of Sciences — Science Awards

Every two years, the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) awards nine prizes of US$10 thousand each to individual scientists who have been working and living in a developing country for at least 10 years. The disciplinary fields include agricultural sciences, biology, and six others. Nominations of women scientists are particularly encouraged. The deadline for nominations is 05 April 2024. TWAS Awards

BBVA Foundation — Awards in Biodiversity Conservation

The BBVA Foundation makes awards for biodiversity conservation in Spain and internationally. The Foundation’s goal is to publicly recognize the work done by conservationist organizations, institutions and agencies in carrying forward environmental conservation policies and projects. For Spain, there is one award of €250 thousand for actions in biodiversity conservation, and another award of €80 thousand for environmental communication. For the rest of the world, there is one award of €250 thousand for actions in biodiversity conservation. Applications for the worldwide award can be submitted in Spanish or English. The deadline for nominations is 05 April 2024. 19th Biodiversity Conservation Awards

Global EbA Fund — Global Ecosystem-based Adaptation

The Global Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Fund supports scaling up innovative approaches to ecosystem-based adaptation to increase the resilience of communities against the impacts of climate change. The goal is to build awareness and understanding of the critical role of natural assets in underpinning resilience and expand the knowledge base to help make the case for working with people and nature. The fund is open for contributions of US$50 thousand to US$250 thousand, with no specified country focus. The maximum project duration is 36 months. Projects may have a global, thematic, regional and/or country-specific focus. The next application deadline is 21 April 2024. Global EbA Fund