The University of Bonn invites international postdoctoral fellows for a joint research project on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The scientists will research and teach together with a professor from the University of Bonn for one or two semesters. The university seeks collaborations with universities and research institutes in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Post-doctoral researchers invited by a professor of the University of Bonn for a joint research project are eligible. The funding can cover a travel allowance, a scholarship of €3 thousand per month, and a research expense allowance of up to €500 per month. The application must be submitted by a full-time professor at the University of Bonn together with the fellow. The submission deadline is 31 March 2025. Bonn SDG Fellowships
American Society of Primatologists — Small Research Grant 2025
The American Society of Primatologists (ASP) supports students and young researchers from habitat countries who are engaged in primate conservation. Grant proposals are invited for either captive or wild primate-oriented research projects. Applications for start-up funds, supplementary funding for students, and innovations in animal care and research technology are welcome. Award amounts range from US$500 to US$1500. Applications for small grants need to be submitted by 20 June 2025. Learn about ASP’s research grants
Save the Rhino International — Rhino Conservation, Science, and Education
Save the Rhino International (SRI) aims to increase the number of rhinos in genetically viable populations in the wild; enhance the integrity of ecosystems important to rhinos; and ensure that local communities benefit from rhino conservation. The acceptance of new projects is highly unlikely but SRI accepts emails with a short explanation (maximum one page). SRI will invite full proposals based on the initial contact email. Short project explanations are accepted on a rolling basis. About the application process
Explore — Research Implementation Grants
Explore recruits researchers from research institutes and universities in Southeast Asia to submit research proposals on forest landscape governance. Explore aims to support governments in using high-quality research findings to improve policies, institutional structures and frameworks, which will contribute to inclusive and sustainable development of forest landscapes. Applicants need to apply by 31 January 2025. Link
Earth Journalism Network — Story Grants Asia Pacific
The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers story grants to support the production of in-depth solutions-focused media reports on environmental and climate challenges in the Asia-Pacific region. We welcome stories on scalable and replicable solutions that build community resilience to climate change and environmental degradation. The Network accepts applications from journalists residing in low- and middle-income countries in South Asia, East Asia and the Pacific. Journalists from countries from Central Asia are not eligible to apply. EJN plans to issue 15-20 grants of up to US$2000 each. The application deadline is 03 February 2025. Story Grants
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration — Coral Reef Stewardship Fund
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) awards grants to improve the health of coral reef systems. Grants will be awarded to reduce land-based sources of pollution, advance coral reef fisheries management, increase capacity for reef-scale restoration, and support management in their efforts to increase the natural recovery and resiliency of coral reef systems. Priority is given to U.S. coral jurisdictions (American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Florida, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands). Priority will be given to projects that conduct applicable land-based and in-water conservation activities. NFWF welcomes applications from all persons and organizations (except U.S. federal agencies and for-profit entities) within and outside the USA. Most grants range from US$80 thousand to US$600 thousand for international projects of up to 24 months. Projects should be 6 months to 3 years in duration. The deadline for pre-proposals is 12 February 2025. Coral Reef Stewardship Fund
Bayer Foundation — Women Empowerment Award
The Bayer Foundation Women Empowerment Award (WEA) recognizes women pioneering in health, nutrition, and related climate-smart solutions. Fifteen female entrepreneurs will get the chance to join the 6-month Accelerator Program and receive €25 thousand in support of their business. To qualify, applicants must center their solutions around health or food security related challenges. The award seeks to support women entrepreneurs driving impactful solutions in the Asia Pacific region, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. The application deadline is 18 February 2025. Women Empowerment Award
Future Food Asia — Future Food Asia Award 2025
Future Food Asia invites nominations for the Future Food Asia Award 2025. The Future Food Asia Award aims to recognize the leading start-ups in the domain of AgriTech and FoodTech across Asia Pacific. The award is an opportunity to gain exposure to investors, corporates, industry leaders, mentors and media. The grand prize winner will receive US$100 thousand in funding. The application deadline is 01 April 2025. Future Food Asia Award
Nagao Natural Environment Foundation — Research Grants 2025
The NEF Research Grants support academic and scientific research that will deepen knowledge of nature conservation in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Applicants should be nationals of Asian-Pacific countries, and research projects should be carried out in their home countries. Grants are a maximum of ¥500 thousand for a maximum of two years. The grant is intended for early-career researchers. The closing dates for applications are 15 April and 14 October 2025. NEF Research Grants
Marisla Foundation — Marine Resources and Toxic Chemicals
The Marisla Foundation makes grants to projects that promote the conservation of biological diversity and advance sustainable ecosystem management in North America, Mexico, Hawaii, Chile, and the Western Pacific. The Foundation also supports the search for solutions to health and environmental threats caused by toxic chemicals. Eligibility for grants extends to charitable organizations and governmental entities. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed four times each year. Link