Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers organizational grants averaging US$20 thousand to support media and journalism activities to strengthen reporting on infrastructure development and public engagement in infrastructure debates. Media outlets and CSOs in Southeast Asia (Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) are invited to apply. The application deadline is 12 March 2024. Details here
Global Forest Watch — Small Grants Fund for Civil Society Organizations
Global Forest Watch (GFW) is an interactive online forest monitoring and alert system designed to empower people with the information they need to better manage and conserve forest landscapes. The Small Grants Fund provides financial and technical support to non-profit NGOs that want to use Global Forest Watch (GFW), an interactive online forest monitoring and alert system, designed to empower people with the information they need to better manage and conserve forest landscapes. The Small Grants Fund provides financial and technical support to non-profit NGOs that want to use Global Forest Watch in their research, advocacy, and fieldwork. The scope of the 2024 Small Grants Fund focuses on forest protection, forests and agriculture, and forest policy. Grants range between US$10 thousand and US$40 thousand. Eligibility for grants extends to non-profit organizations for projects in selected countries of Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. The deadline for submissions is 13 February 2024. Global Forest Watch Small Grants Fund
Ashden Awards — International Awards for Sustainable Energy 2024
Ashden supports projects in sustainable energy in the UK and the developing world. The awards are made to pioneers in sustainable energy, saving energy, generating renewable energy, or promoting behavior change. The competition for the International Awards is open to businesses, NGOs, government organizations, and social enterprises whose activities take place in low- and middle-income countries worldwide. Winners are supported with prize money up to £25 thousand, plus assistance with mentoring and networking. The closing date for applications (Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish) is 25 January 2024. Ashden Awards
Tokyo University of Agriculture — Scholarship for Dissertation Doctorate Program
The Dissertation Doctorate Program for Agriculture and Natural Resources aims to contribute to the enhancement of agricultural research and development in Southeast Asia. The scholarship provides one slot annually for a three-year graduate program leading to a Dissertation Doctorate at Tokyo NODAI. The scholarship is open only to nationals of Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam. Applicants must submit an application form by 30 March 2024. More about the dissertation scholarship
Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture — Professorial Chair Grants
SEARCA accepts nominations for regional professorial chair grants. The grant is open to Southeast Asian experts in the academic field of Agricultural Technology/Innovation or with outstanding contributions on policies related to Agripreneurship. These include, but are not limited to, agriculture, social sciences, marine and fishery sciences, environmental sciences, economics, and rural development-oriented fields. The awardee will receive a grant of US$5 thousand. Universities in the Southeast Asian Region can nominate candidates with tenure positions holding an academic rank of not lower than Assistant Professor. The nomination deadline is 29 February 2024. Professorial Chair Grants
PEMSEA — East Asian Seas Congress Youth Forum
The East Asian Seas Congress Youth Forum (April 2024) aims to bring together young leaders across the East Asian Seas region to have a deeper understanding of the marine environment, and impacts of climate change. Citizens of the following countries are eligible to apply: Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Timor-Leste, Vietnam. Applicants must be 21 to 35 years old and have, at least, one year exposure or experience in marine science, marine conservation, or any related fields. All travel and forum expenses will be covered by PEMSEA and the Korea National Ocean Science Museum. East Asian Seas Congress
Ashoka — Young Changemakers
Ashoka identifies and supports teenagers who start their own initiatives for addressing social and environmental problems. Selected Changemakers are inducted into a global community and gain access to co-leadership bootcamps, media partnerships, public speaking platforms, exposure visits, strategic allies and more opportunities to grow and to influence youth culture in their countries. Candidates must be under 20 years of age to participate. Ashoka offers youth related activities in Nigeria, Brazil, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the United States. Expressions of interest can be submitted all year-round. Nominations for Ashoka Young Changemakers are accepted year-round. Details
GET.invest — Finance Catalyst
The GET.invest Finance Catalyst supports small- and medium-scale renewable energy projects and businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean or the Pacific region. The program provides advisory support on project and business plan development, project and business structuring and accessing finance, at no cost. Eligible applicants may be private sector developers, NGOs, universities or research institutions. Applications are accepted on a continuous basis. Once one round closes a new one opens. Finance Catalyst for Renewable Energy
U.S. Department of State — Small Grants for Young Leaders in Southeast Asia
The Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) is a program of the U.S. government to support bright young leaders ages 18-35 in the ASEAN countries. YSEALI Seeds for the Future is a small grants competition that provides funding of up to $15 thousand for promising young leaders to carry out projects that improve their communities. The four core themes are (1) Civic Engagement, (2) Education, (3) Economic Empowerment and Social Entrepreneurship, and (4) Environmental Issues. The application deadline is 16 November 2023. YSEALI Seeds For the Future
World Wildlife Fund U.S. — Cassagnol Fellowship
The Cassagnol Fellowship offers seed funding for EFN alumni to lead innovative programs that promote long-term outreach and capacity building in their areas of research, education, and training. The Fellowship aims to support promising conservation leaders who enhance co-development of initiatives that amplify local ownerships. The fellowship covers a duration of 12 months and applicants may request up to US$15 thousand. Applicants should have completed their PhD or master’s degree and hold an appointment at either a university, research, government, or non-government institution in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, or Asia. Applicants must submit an application by 18 December 2023. WWF Cassagnol Fellowship