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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Ramsar Regional Center – East Asia — Wetland Fund 2024

The Ramsar Regional Center – East Asia (RRC-EA) accepts project proposals for funding support under the RRC-EA Wetland Fund 2024. Wetland advocates from the region are invited to apply for small grants in line with the following thematic areas: (1) Wetland Conservation; and (2) Celebration of World Wetlands Day. RRC-EA will support up to 4 projects under Thematic Area 1 with a budget of US$10 thousand each, and up to 3 projects under Thematic Area 2 with a budget of US$5 thousand each. Applicants can be practitioners, policy makers, researchers, local community leaders, media, or NGOs based in East, Southeast, and South Asia. Applications have to be submitted by 10 November 2023. Details here

Water and Energy for Food — Regional Innovations South and Southeast Asia

Water and Energy for Food (WE4F) seeks business owners and entrepreneurs in South and Southeast Asia who have innovative water-food, energy-food, and water-energy-food solutions. Individual awards for innovators are expected to range from US$25 thousand to US$200 thousand, depending on the type of funding requested. The call is open to mid- to late-stage enterprises, nonprofits with a for-profit program, and other organizations based in South and Southeast Asia. Participants will receive tailored support to help scale and grow their businesses. The submission deadline is 31 December 2023. WE4F South and Southeast Asia

Acumen Fund — Regional Fellows in Malaysia

The Acumen Fund seeks to harness the power of social innovation to create solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. The Fund administers regional programs in different world regions. In each region, 20 fellows are selected for a leadership development program of five one-week seminars while remaining in their jobs. Acumen covers all program expenses related to travel and accommodations, but it does not offer scholarships, stipends, or other funding. Past fellows have included several in smallholder agriculture, renewable energy, waste management, fair trade, and other subject areas. The current deadline for applications in Malaysia is 16 August 2023. Acumen Malaysia Fellowship

Global Research Alliance — Agriculture Greenhouse Gas Fellowship

The Climate, Food and Farming, Global Research Alliance Development Scholarships (CLIFF-GRADS) Program is a capacity training program for early-career scientists from developing countries to conduct applied research in agriculture greenhouse gas emissions quantification and mitigation. The opportunity is open to PhD students undertaking their PhD at a university in a developing country. Successful applicants will go on short term (4-6 month) research stays at a host institution. The application deadline is 28 August 2023. CLIFF-GRADS

Clean Cooking Alliance — Women in Clean Cooking

The Women in Clean Cooking (WICC) Program aims at providing professional development and mentorship support for early to mid-career women in the clean cooking sector in Africa, Asia, and Haiti. The program offers virtual webinars, networking opportunities, and peer-to-peer exchange. Applicants must be senior professionals from the clean cooking and energy sector. The deadline for nominations is 31 August 2023. Women in Clean Cooking Program

Embassy of France to the Philippines — Support for local NGOs

The Embassy of France supports local organizations and calls for the submission of project proposals. The project can be related to environmental issues or other issues, as long as they benefit disadvantaged communities or social groups. This year, two grants of PHP300 thousand and PHP100 thousand will be awarded. Eligibility extends to locally recognized organizations, associated with the activities collectively implemented by the network of Franco-Philippine’s associations. The application deadline is 31 July 2023. About

Commonwealth Sustainable Energy Transition — Children and Youth Challenge

The Commonwealth Sustainable Energy Transition (CSET) wants children and young people to come up with ideas for how we can teach people about sustainable energy in our communities in fun and easy to understand ways, and ways we can use sustainable energy. All individuals and team members must be a resident in a Commonwealth member country. The winning entries (one per five Commonwealth regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and Canada, Caribbean, and Pacific) will be offered the chance to pitch their ideas to their local governments and policymakers. Deadline for submissions is 31 August 2023. CSET Children and Youth Challenge

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations — Online Course on Forest and Landscape Restoration

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) announces a call for applications for young professionals (under 35 years old) living in Asia for an online course on forest and landscape restoration. The online course includes teaching materials, access to expert commentary and guided exercises to support the development of ecologically, socially and economically realistic restoration plans. Applications have to be submitted before 16 July 2023. More about the Online Course

ETH Zurich — Research Partnership Grants Asia

The Research Partnership Grants support research projects with collaborating institutions in China, Japan, South Korea, and ASEAN member states. Researchers may request a total of CHF25 thousand to conduct feasibility studies or pilot projects in order to apply for grants from larger funding agencies. The grant builds on existing collaborations between researchers and scientists affiliated to a Swiss institution. The call is open to all scientific disciplines and fields of research, including social sciences and humanities. Asian researchers interested in acting as co-​applicants on the Asian side have to contact their Switzerland-​based peers. Application deadline is 30 September 2023. Research Partnership Grants

Scottish Government — Asia Partnerships Higher Education Research Fund

The Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) Scotland Asia Partnerships Higher education Research (SAPHIRE) Fund is available to Scottish universities to enable research to include a focus on environmental issues and climate change. Funding of up to £10 thousand will be provided to support existing research projects in climate research, emissions research, sustainable energy, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, water and food, and clean water, among others. The scheme is open to Scottish researchers with a partner from either Australia, India, Japan, Pakistan, South Korea, Singapore or the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Projects can include additional partners from other countries. The application deadline is 26 October 2023. Link to SAPHIRE