The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers 12 reporting grants to support the production of in-depth stories that will call attention to critical environmental issues in the Pacific region. ENJ expects at least six stories with focus on ocean issues, such as efforts and solutions to protect the ocean, ways to increase ocean’s resilience to climate change and regulate sustainable use of its resources. ENJ expects to award 12 grants of up to US$1000 each. Journalists from the Pacific Islands are welcome to apply. Deadline for applications is 01 May 2022. Pacific Islands Story Grants
Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation — Forest Rehabilitation and Management
The Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet) provides grants for field demonstration projects which showcase best practices in forest rehabilitation and management in APEC member countries. APFNet-funded projects are aimed at rehabilitating degraded forests and increasing forest cover, promoting sustainable forest management to enhance the ecological function and health of forests, and enhancing the contribution of forests to socio-economic development and local livelihoods. APFNet supports small projects that apply for less than US$10 thousand as well as regular projects with budgets of up to US$500 thousand. The proposed project cannot exceed 36 months in duration. Applications are accepted throughout the year. More about the grant application
Asian Development Bank — Pacific Development Research Partnership
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) supports research proposals from early-career economists to conduct microeconomic development research in the Pacific. This call for proposals is limited to economists whose research focus is on the microeconomics of development, who are experienced in using micro-econometric methods, and who are experienced in using microdata. An honorarium of US$5 thousand will be paid to authors of selected proposals. Researchers should submit their research proposal by 18 March 2022. Pacific Development Research Partnership
BIOPAMA — Medium Grants Pacific
Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) aims to address priorities for action to improve the management and governance of protected and conserved areas, and the sustainable use of natural resources and livelihoods of surrounding local communities. Grant size can vary from €200 thousand to €400 thousand (5% co-funding from the applicant is required). Eligibility extends to non-governmental organizations and community-based organizations. This call for proposals is open for countries located in the BIOPAMA Pacific region only. The deadline to submit concept note applications is 13 April 2022. Medium Grants Pacific
UNESCO — Creation of Geoparks
UNESCO and the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) make grants to support the creation of geoparks in Small Island Developing States. Geoparks are sites and landscapes of international geological significance that are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development. UNESCO offers tailor-made consultancy services specifically designed to support local teams to develop a UNESCO Geopark project. All services provided through the grant will be free of charge for the territory. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2022. Creation of Geoparks
Thomson Reuters Foundation — Webinar Series: Climate Crises and Green Transition in Asia and the Pacific
The Thomson Reuters Foundation invites applications for a webinar series on the media’s role in a sustainable recovery in Asia and the Pacific. The goal is to help journalists strengthen their climate coverage. Webinar participants will hear from leading experts on the media’s role in helping to avert a climate catastrophe and will learn how to inform news consumers – especially young people – who turn information into action. Thomson Reuters invites journalists in Asia and the Pacific looking to enhance their reporting to apply. The application deadline is 29 March 2022. Know more
Pacific Islands Development Forum — Ecosystems Grant Program
The Pacific Islands Development Forum seeks to support proposals for research innovation and impacts of climate change in the Pacific. The overall objective is to strengthen the research and innovation ecosystems of small Pacific countries. Grants will not exceed €400 thousand. Eligibility extends to academic and research institutions, start-ups and non-profit organizations. Applications should be submitted no later than 28 February 2022. Know more
Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund — Scholarships for Higher Education 2022
Taiwan’s program of development assistance includes scholarships for university students in eligible developing countries to study in Taiwan. The program provides full scholarships for applicants from selected countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean region, Latin America, and certain other countries. Subject areas at Taiwan’s participating universities include tropical agriculture, aquaculture technology and management, environmental sustainable development, and others. Undergraduate students receive NT$12 thousand per month as an allowance, Masters students receive NT$15 thousand per month, and PhD students receive NT$17 thousand per month, plus travel, fees and other costs for the program. The application deadline is 15 March 2022. Find the scholarship
Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education — Orange Tulip Scholarship 2022/2023
Nuffic, a Dutch non-profit organization for internationalization in education, offers scholarships for studies in the Netherlands. Students from China, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Korea, Russia and Vietnam are invited to apply for studies at selected universities listed in the call. Subject areas include earth sciences, ecology, and many others. The Orange Tulip Scholarship recipients will get discounts on study fees ranging from 30% to 100%, or an offer for living expenses per month (without a discount on study fees). Potentially interested individuals should review the courses and dates offered by the participating Dutch higher education institutions, and information about how to apply. The deadlines and criteria vary depending on the selected university and country of origin of the candidate. Applications are being accepted until 01 April 2022. Orange Tulip Scholarship Program
University of Nottingham — Developing Solutions Masters Scholarship 2022
The University of Nottingham provides international scholarships for postgraduate masters courses to nationals of Africa, India, or countries of the Commonwealth. Thematic areas include engineering and sciences. Priority will be given to candidates who have not previously studied outside of their home country. Scholarships are available to cover either 50% or 100% of tuition fees. Students who want to make a difference to the development of their home country are encouraged to apply by 20 May 2022. Masters Scholarship