The Kiwa Initiative supports nature-based solutions for biodiversity and climate change adaptation in the Pacific. The Initiative serves communities in Pacific island countries and territories. Regional projects will be supported with €1.5 million to €5 million but must involve at least two proponents of the 18 eligible countries and territories. Eligibility extends to national authorities, local authorities, regional organizations, and local or international non-governmental organizations. This call is open until 15 December 2024. Kiwa Initiative
Pulitzer Center — Rainforest Reporting Grant
The Pulitzer Center provides short-term project support to journalists reporting in tropical forests. The Rainforest Reporting Grant supports journalists in three main rainforest regions—the Amazon, Congo Basin, and Southeast Asia. The supported journalism projects will focus on the role of tropical forests in the overall climate equation and weather patterns, deforestation drivers, and solutions to halt deforestation. The Pulitzer Center will fund costs associated with reporting projects on tropical rainforests in the range of US$8 thousand to US$15 thousand. Grants are made to local journalists based in the tropical rainforest region. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Rainforest Reporting Grant
Australian Government — Australia Awards Scholarships
The Australian government contributes to the education of talented individuals in developing countries through scholarship programs. Subject areas for study correspond to priorities of Australia’s aid programs by regions and countries — and include agriculture, energy, natural resources, and environment. Australian organizations can request funding of up to A$34,500 per Fellow. The call lists countries that are eligible for Australia Awards Scholarships, and country-specific eligibility criteria. Applications will close on 13 October 2024. Australia Awards Scholarships
UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office — Commonwealth PhD Scholarships 2025
The UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office makes Commonwealth PhD Scholarships for full-time doctoral studies to citizens from least developed countries and fragile states who could not afford to study in the UK without this scholarship. Scholarships are awarded annually across all subjects, with priority for applications that demonstrate strong relevance to development. The program does not accept direct applications for these scholarships. Instead, all applications must be made through nominating bodies (named in the announcement). Candidates must apply to one of the nominating bodies by 15 October 2024. Commonwealth PhD Scholarships
UK Department for International Development — Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships 2025
The UK Department for International Development (DFID) funds the Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships for candidates from low- and middle-income Commonwealth countries, to undertake full-time study at a UK university. Scholarships are awarded annually across all subjects, with priority for applications that demonstrate strong relevance to development. The program does not accept direct applications for these scholarships, instead all applications must be made through nominating bodies (named in the announcement). Candidates must apply to one of the nominating bodies by 15 October 2024. Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships
HawkWatch International — Global Raptor Research & Conservation Grant
The Global Raptor Research & Conservation Grant invests in projects led by citizens of developing countries with the aim of increasing diversity and inclusivity in conservation while building local capacity. Projects must be located in high-priority countries for raptor research and conservation (mainly Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, or Southeast Asia), focus on a single species of raptor, and be led by an applicant who is associated with a registered NGO and/or university in the country where the project will take place. Preference will be given to projects working in low-income countries. Applicants may apply for up to US$2,500. The application deadline is 15 January 2025. More information
Commonwealth Secretariat — Commonwealth Youth Awards 2024
The Commonwealth Youth Awards for Excellence in Development Work recognize individuals ages 15 to 29 who lead innovative development projects in themes that include agriculture, small enterprise, skills training, climate change, environmental protection, sustainable livelihoods, and poverty reduction. The program selects regional winners from each of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and the Pacific. Winners are awarded grants of up to a total of £5 thousand in total to advance their projects. The application deadline is 18 October 2024. Commonwealth Youth Awards
East-West Center — Asia Pacific Leadership Program 2025
The Asia Pacific Leadership Program (APLP) invites individuals with a demonstrated commitment to promoting peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region to apply for a 9-month program of leadership training and professional development on emerging issues. Inter-disciplinary interests at the East-West Center include climate change, land use, water and energy demands, etc., — among other social and environmental themes. Supplementary scholarship support is available to help defray the cost of program fees and accommodations. The deadline to apply is 01 November 2024. Asia Pacific Leadership Program
Conservation, Food and Health Foundation — Local Project Support
The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation supports special projects and programs in the areas of conservation, food, and health in low- and lower-middle-income countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. The foundation supports projects that demonstrate local leadership; develop the capacity of local organizations; and address a particular problem or question in the field. Eligibility extends to NGOs, community-based organizations, and academic institutions. There is no maximum grant size. Most grants will fall in the US$25 thousand to US$50 thousand per year range. The application deadlines for concept notes are 01 January and 01 July 2025. About this opportunity
Efico Foundation — Support for Coffee Producers
EFICO Foundation supports coffee farmers and their families through training and education programs, sustainable income increase, resilience to climate change, infrastructure support, and natural resource protection. About every 3 years, the Foundation organizes a project initiation round and funds projects that aim to improve the living conditions of coffee producers and their communities. Preference is given to projects having a clear strategy to become self-sustaining and creating a leverage effect. Applicants receive a full application form after contact. Efico Foundation