The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Photography 4 Humanity — Climate Justice Photography

The 2024 Photography 4 Humanity Global Prize Competition is open for submissions. The competition seeks images that show people impacted by the escalating climate crisis. This includes climate refugees, images of climate champions advocating for change, and those helping to mitigate and reverse climate change. The Global Prize Recipient will receive US$5,000. All entries must be submitted by 01 August 2024. More

People’s Trust for Endangered Species — Conservation Insight Grants

The PTES makes grants to scientific researchers and conservationists worldwide for work that helps preserve endangered species, either through research or applied field work. (Note: PTES no longer accepts grant applications for research and conservation of bird species.) The program offers small grants between £3 thousand and £10 thousand per year for up to two years. The deadline for applications is 25 August 2024. Info on worldwide grant criteria

Global Water Partnership-Caribbean — Seed Funding for Young Caribbean Water Entrepreneurs

The Global Water Partnership-Caribbean invites young Caribbean entrepreneurs (18-34 years) to submit innovative water-related project ideas to the Young Caribbean Water Entrepreneurs Shark Tank Competition. Project ideas should focus on water resources management in the Caribbean region and focus on one of five thematic areas: (1) Water and Climate; (2) Water and Agriculture; (3) Water and Health; (4) Water and Energy; (5) Water and Tourism. Participants will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas for a chance to secure seed funding of US$4 thousand. The deadline for submission of project ideas is 04 August 2024. Shark Tank Competition

PAGES — LAC Mobility Fellowship

PAGES runs an International Mobility Research Fellowship Program for Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists on past global changes. The program aims to contribute to the development of collaborative research and the promotion of paleoscience networks in Latin America and the Caribbean. The fellowship supports Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists pursuing international research experience in paleoscience and is intended to support costs associated with international travel and living expenses while abroad. The next deadline for new applications is 15 August 2024. LAC Mobility Fellowship

German Academic Exchange Service — Postgraduate Courses in Germany 2025-2026

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers scholarships to qualified individuals from eligible developing countries for post-graduate studies at German universities in development-related subjects. The program (EPOS) is open to individuals who have completed their previous academic degrees no longer than six years previously; who have at least two years of professional experience; and who are nationals of countries receiving official development assistance (DAC list of the OECD). The available courses range across water resources; renewable energy; land management and tenure; agricultural sciences; forest sciences; ecology; nature conservation; environmental governance; and many others. The application deadline for the next intake (October 2024) is 31 August 2024. EPOS Scholarship

Food and Agriculture Organization — FAO Fellowships 2024

The FAO Fellowship Programme is designed to attract fellows — typically PhD students, researchers, and professors — who have an advanced level of relevant technical knowledge and experience in any field of agriculture, fisheries, or forestry. Fellows will be assigned to supervisors in FAO’s headquarters or its regional, sub-regional, or country offices. Applicants should have a graduate or post-graduate degree, or be enrolled in a PhD program. FAO encourages qualified female applicants and qualified nationals of non- and under-represented member countries to apply. There are no age limits. The application deadline is 25 August 2024. Learn more

Jana Robeyst Trust Fund — Small Grants for Conservation in Africa

The Jana Robeyst Trust Fund provides financial resources to small non-profit organizations and individuals to carry out conservation research in Sub-Saharan Africa. Priority will be given to projects related to the conservation of forest elephants. Applicants can be based anywhere in the world. Funding is €1,500 per applicant. Application deadlines for small conservation grants are 30 April, 31 August, and 31 December each year. About the Fund

Global Biodiversity Information Facility — Ebbe Nielsen Challenge 2024

The GBIF Ebbe Nielsen Challenge is an annual competition that seeks to inspire innovative applications of open-access biodiversity data. In 2024, the Challenge will award a total of €20 thousand for advancements in open science that feature tools and techniques that improve the access, usefulness, and quality of open biodiversity data. The Challenge is open worldwide to individuals, teams of individuals, companies and their employees, and governmental agencies and their employees. The closing date for submissions is 14 August 2024. Ebbe Nielsen Challenge

Neotropical Grassland Conservancy — Conservation Research and Education in Latin America: Equipment and Student Grants

The Neotropical Grassland Conservancy (NGC) provides grants and equipment to students and scientists working in grassland habitats in Latin America. Research grants of one year are open to Latin American researchers affiliated with a university, museum, or conservation organization. Additionally, the NGC offers equipment grants for conservation science, and small grants to Latin American graduate students doing field projects. The NGC describes the amount of funding; eligibility criteria; review process; and application deadlines for each of the three programs. Awards range from US$500 to US$5 thousand. The application deadline for the research (memorial) grants is 01 March. The application deadlines for equipment grants and student grants are 01 April, 01 August, and 01 December. Click here

Standards and Trade Development Facility — International Sanitary and Phytosanitary Requirements

The Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) aims to increase the capacity of farmers, processors and traders in developing countries to implement international SPS standards to gain and maintain market access. The STDF seeks applications to improve its food safety, animal and plant health capacity. Grants are expected to help address particular challenges or issues that affect trade to international markets. Projects should have a maximum duration of three years, or less. The STDF offers grants of up to US$1 million for projects that promote compliance with international SPS requirements. Public and private sector entities as well as non-profit non-governmental organizations are eligible to apply. The deadlines to apply for funding in 2024 are 22 March and 09 August 2024. Details here