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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology — Elevate Prize

MIT Solve seeks nominations for the 2021 Elevate Prize. The Prize annually awards $5 million in prize funding and services to a group of 10 leaders who are tackling the most urgent issues of our time around the world. Challenges include, but are not limited to, mitigating and adapting to the impact of climate change, creating safe environments, ensuring access to quality education and healthcare. The Elevate Prize is open only to applicants from registered nonprofit organizations. Applications must be submitted by an individual on behalf of themselves and their organization. The application deadline is 05 May 2021. Elevate Prize

International Fund for Agricultural Development — Rural Youth Innovation Award in Latin America and the Caribbean

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) launches an award to promote youth initiatives for innovation in rural areas. The award will promote the initiatives of young people who are taking action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in rural areas. IFAD seeks solutions that constitute examples of good practices and technologies applied and implemented to overcome the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic in the region. The initiative should contribute to solving problems related to rural areas, especially with small local producers. Participants must be young nationals (18-35 years) of Latin America and the Caribbean. Participants will compete for financial resources, products and services, and loans. Interested initiatives have to register by 04 April 2021. Link to the award

Dutch Postcode Lottery — Green Challenge 2021

The Dutch Postcode Lottery offers the Green Challenge to encourage the development of products and services that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The competition is open to entrepreneurs with an innovative, green and scalable business from Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. The winner will receive €500 thousand to help bring his or her plan to market. The deadline for submitting entry forms is 15 April 2021. Green Challenge info

U.S. Mission to India — Air Quality Hackathon

The Air Quality Hackathon is a brainstorming event to find practical solutions for improving air quality. Results and solutions will be shared and implemented during a follow-on campaign with school communities and NGO partners. The applicants will conduct a survey to measure the impact of the intervention program after the project is over. The maximum funding amount is US$60 thousand. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations, civil society, think tanks, educational institutions, individuals and governmental institutions. The closing date for applications is 30 April 2021. Air Quality Hackathon

United Nations — Innovations to Advance the SDGs

United Nations, in collaboration with Global Innovation Exchange, seeks applications for the 2021 Call for Innovations for a chance to be featured at the UN’s virtual STI Forum (May 2021). Innovations should address COVID-19-associated disruptions that will remain relevant beyond the pandemic to help accelerate progress towards one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The call is open to innovators, scientists, and entrepreneurs worldwide. Applications will be accepted until 26 March 2021. Click here

Net Zero Challenge — Open Data to Advance Climate Action

The Net Zero Challenge is a global competition to answer the question “How can we advance climate action using open data?” Individuals, groups and organizations are invited to submit projects in progress or concepts/ideas. The first stage of the Net Zero Challenge is a ‘Virtual Pitch Contest’. The winner receives US$1,000 to support further development of their idea. All applications must be received by 12 March 2021. Net Zero Challenge

Agropolis Foundation — Award for Transformative Agroecological Research

The Biovision Foundation, in partnership with the Agropolis Foundation, awards the SHIFT Prize to recognize collaborative and transdisciplinary research for development projects and initiatives that have made exemplary contributions to the agroecological transformation of food systems. The winning project will receive €20 thousand unrestricted funding to support its further development and strengthen its impacts. Eligibility extends to projects and initiatives contributing to an evidence-based food system transformation anywhere in the world. The application deadline is 15 March 2021. SHIFT Prize

What Design Can Do — No Waste Challenge

The No Waste Challenge is a global competition by What Design Can Do (WDCD) in partnership with the IKEA Foundation. WDCD invites creative thinkers to submit innovative solutions to reduce waste and to rethink the entire production and consumption cycle. The winner receives €10 thousand in funding and a tailor-made development program to turn their project into a reality. The deadline for submissions is 01 April 2021. No Waste Challenge

French Agency for Ecological Transition — Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards

Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards reward exemplary and concrete actions to adapt to climate change in the Mediterranean. The competition is aimed at local authorities, universities, companies and NGOs (in partnership with a local public stakeholder) which take action and develop solutions to adapt the Mediterranean regions to the changing climate. Selected partners receive tailored support (study tour, meetings with technical and financial partners), invitations to an international workshop (ECCA 2021), and international promotion. Applications close 15 April 2021. More about the competition

Global Federation of Higher Education Associations for Agricultural and Life Sciences — World Agricultural Prize 2021

The Global Confederation of Higher Education Associations for the Agricultural and Life Sciences (GCHERA) supports innovation and leadership in education, research, and outreach in the agricultural and life sciences. This year, two World Agriculture Prizes will be awarded, each to a faculty member from a higher education institution for lifetime achievements in agriculture and life sciences. At least one prize will be awarded to a person from a developing country. The amount of the prize is US$100 thousand. The closing date for nominations is 31 May 2021. GCHERA World Agriculture Prize