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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations — Global AgriInno Challenge 2020

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Zhejiang University, seek youth-led innovations and solutions in response to the challenges associated with distribution and sales of agri-food products. Selected teams of two to five young innovators will be invited to further develop and pitch their digital development solutions in China (November 2020). Winning teams will receive seed funding to develop their ideas. The agri-innovation challenge is open to all youth (below 35 years old) with digital innovations or ideas for the agri-food sector. The deadline to submit an application form is 17 October 2020. Visit the Global AgriInno Challenge

Luc Hoffmann Institute — Diversifying Community Livelihoods from Wildlife

The Luc Hoffmann Institute, the African Leadership University’s School of Wildlife Conservation and the WWF launch a global innovation challenge.The principal aim of the “Beyond Tourism in Africa” challenge is to discover new revenue models that do not depend on tourism, but still enable local communities in Africa to derive income from wildlife. Any individual or team with bold ideas from around the world may apply. Up to 15 ideas will be selected. Successful applicants will win a place in the African Leadership University’s 8-month incubation program. During the incubation program, participants may receive a grant of up to US$10 thousand. The final submission deadline is 15 October 2020. Link to the Beyond Tourism Challenge

World Meteorological Organization — World Meteorological Day Photo Competition

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) invites photographers to submit high-quality and artistic photographs which illustrate the theme of World Meteorological Day “The Ocean, our Climate and Weather.” Winning entries will feature in the WMO 2021 online calendar. The competition is open to everybody. The deadline for entry is 15 September 2020. Link to competition

ISEKI-Food Association — Food Biodiversity Student Competition

The 2020 Food Factory-4-Us Sustainable Supply Chain International Student Competition seeks great ideas for valorizing food biodiversity. The competition is open to Master’s students enrolled in a food study program in any country. Participants have to form teams of 3-5 students, get a faculty mentor and present a project proposal. Each team will have access to online trainings. The winning team will receive an award of €300 and be invited to the NextFOOD Project Meeting in 2021. The deadline for submissions is 07 October 2020. Participate

Enterprise Singapore — Energy Innovation Challenge

Enterprise Singapore (ESG) seeks applications for the Energy Open Innovation Challenge. Startups and small-and medium-sized enterprises are invited to submit innovative projects to improve the energy sector and provide solutions to the global energy industry. ESG will support selected companies with up to S$1 million of funding through grants for product development. Four startups will win a S$25 thousand startup grant. The application deadline is 06 November 2020. Details

Television for the Environment — Global Sustainability Awards

Television for the Environment (tve) seeks entries for the Global Sustainability Awards (GSFA). The tve Global Sustainability Film Awards recognizes outstanding films that inspire audiences with real-world solutions for a more sustainable future. Films need to address a relevant sustainable development goal and cogently explain its importance or show a relevant solution. To be eligible for GSFA 2020 all entered films must be made between the period July 2018 and July 2020. The competition is open to any company, organization or individual in any country. Entries for the GSFA 2020 close on 28 September 2020. Find out how to submit your film

Agropolis Foundation — Louis Malassis Prize for Agriculture and Food 2021

The Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize for Agriculture and Food recognizes contributions in research, development, and capacity building in the North, South, or the Mediterranean Region to sustainably improve food and agricultural systems while addressing food security and poverty reduction. The Prize will be awarded in three categories: distinguished scientist; promising young scientist; and outstanding career in agricultural development. The winner of each category will be awarded €20 thousand. Applications are open to academic and research organizations (private or public), civil society organizations, and the private sector (e.g., small/medium enterprises). The application deadline is 11 January 2021. About the Louis Malassis Prize

LandSense — Data-driven Solutions for Environmental Monitoring

The LandSense Challenge targets individuals, web-entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs with innovative IT solutions for environmental monitoring. The IT solutions need to address one of the three LandSense domains: (1) Urban Landscape Dynamics; (2) Agricultural Land Use; or (3) Forest & Habitat Monitoring. Selected finalists will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas online to an expert jury. The grand prize winner will receive €2,000 and a 1 year subscription to Sentinel Hub Enterprise. Proposals have to be submitted by 21 August 2020. More

Energy Generation — Africa Energy Generation Prize

The Africa Energy Generation Prize rewards young Africans who have an innovative  project or idea in the energy, health, or agribusiness sector. Winners will have the chance to enroll in a free 2-year training program at one of three Energy Generation Business Schools and receive capacity development training which will allow them to transform their innovative idea into a viable startup. Applicants must prepare and submit two videos: a presentation video of the candidate (2 minutes) and a video presenting the innovative project (5 minutes). Eligibility extends to young African innovators. The application deadline is 15 August 2020. Link to participation criteria

International Fund for Agricultural Development — Indigenous Peoples Awards

The Indigenous Peoples Awards recognize the efforts and the achievements of development projects that successfully engage with indigenous peoples or ethnic minorities living in rural areas. The awarded projects will gain visibility and recognition throughout IFAD and its network of partners. The deadline is 20 August 2020. Indigenous Peoples Awards