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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

AFS — Global Citizen Prize for Young Leaders

The AFS award invites applications for the Global Citizen Prize for Young Leaders. One young person will be recognized for their commitment to improving the global community by tackling one or more of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The winner will receive a US$10 thousand cash prize. AFS Prize is open worldwide for contestants ages 13 to 30. Exempt countries are listed in the announcement. Applications close on 28 July 2020. Find out more

Copernicus Masters — Blue Economy Challenge

Copernicus Masters is an international innovation competition that honors the best solutions using earth observation data and applications to solve global challenges. The Space data for “Blue Economy” Challenge, sponsored by the European Commission, seeks solutions that have the potential to stimulate new markets related to the Blue Economy and to contribute to environmental protection of marine resources. The winner of the Blue Economy challenge receives €10 thousand. All participants have the chance to win an additional €10 thousand if chosen as the overall Copernicus winner. The competition is open to participants worldwide. Submissions are open until 30 June 2020. Find the Blue Economy Challenge

Copernicus Masters — Multi-Data Challenge

Copernicus Masters is an international innovation competition that honors the best solutions using earth observation data and applications to solve global challenges. The Multi-Data Challenge, sponsored by Airbus Defense and Space and sobloo, seeks new services and/or applications that provide insight and have impact on areas like Natural Resources Consumption, Agriculture, Forestry, Maritime, Defense & Security and Smart Cities. The winner receives business development support, an Airbus Satellite data voucher for the OneAtlas Platform, and the opportunity to present their solution to potential business partners. All participants have the chance to win an additional €10 thousand if chosen as the overall Copernicus winner. The competition is open to participants worldwide. Submissions are open until 30 June 2020. Find the Multi-Data Challenge

Proposals for NGOs — #Togetherwecan Photo Contest

The Photo Contest is open to professional and non-professional photographers worldwide. Participants are invited to submit real pictures showing their development project and progress in local communities around the world. The two images that get the most “likes” and “shares” by 15 August will win US$100 each. Photos have to be submitted by 15 July 2020. Link to the #Togetherwecan photo challenge

Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards — Edition 2021

Cartier supports women entrepreneurs who lead social enterprises in their early phases that have potential to grow significantly. Cartier reviews applications from Latin America, North America, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East & North Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region. Previous laureates have included several whose work links to environment and related issues, e.g., product recycling, low-cost energy, water treatment, fair trade, and others. Each of the selected women entrepreneurs receives a cash prize of US$100 thousand, networking and visibility opportunities, and business coaching. The closing date for applications is 31 July 2020. About the awards

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization — Addressing Plastic Problems for Transforming Communities

The SEAMEO-Japan Education for Sustainable Development Award invites applications for projects or initiatives related to plastic waste management practices in schools and communities. The entry should demonstrate how the school’s program transforms the community, reduces plastic usage, or cleans the ecosystem of the community. Any public and private kindergarten, elementary schools, secondary school, vocational or technical school in Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam is invited to apply. The winner receives US$1,500 and a study tour for four to six people to Japan. The deadline for submissions is 14 August 2020. About the award

WIN WIN Award — Youth Award

The international WIN WIN Youth Award seeks applications from young people between the age 13 to 29 who play an active role in the creation of a more sustainable future. The 2020 award theme is Biodiversity, therefore, applicants are invited to submit ongoing projects, work, or initiatives linked to biodiversity conservation. The winner of the WIN WIN Youth Award will receive SEK20 thousand at the award ceremony in Gothenburg, Sweden (October 2020). The award will cover travel expenses for the winner and one more person. Individuals, organizations and movements from all over the world are eligible to apply. Online registration closes 05 June 2020. About

International Water Association — Professional Development Award

The International Water Association (IWA) Professional Development Award recognizes water sector companies that are making a significant contribution to the professional development of their employees. The 2020 edition will be awarded at the IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition in Denmark (October 2020). The call for nominations closes 05 May 2020. IWA Professional Development Award

International Water Association — Women in Water Award

The International Water Association (IWA) Women in Water award acknowledges and celebrates female leadership in the field of water. The winner should have demonstrated leadership that had a significant positive impact on the development of the industry. The award is open to all women working in the water industry. The call for nominations closes 18 May 2020. IWA Women in Water Award

International RiverFoundation — Australasia RiverPrize

The Australasia Riverprize invites applications from any organization or partnership who has achieved remarkable outcomes for rivers, river basins and their communities. The winner will receive the cash prize and trophy. Organizations, or groups of organizations, responsible for their river and involved in river management, restoration and/or protection can enter the competition. The application deadline is 07 April 2020. Find the guidelines