Smogathon aims to fight air pollution through technology. Start-ups will compete for $15 thousand in cash and a contract to implement their innovation in Krakow, Poland. Smogathon welcomes participation from any group worldwide that works as a registered company, start-up, foundation, or research group with a legal entity. The finalists will compete in Krakow during the Global Clean Air Summit in November 2018. The deadline for applications is 15 July 2018. Link
Climate and Clean Air Coalition — Climate and Clean Air Awards 2018
The annual Climate and Clean Air Awards are given to recognize exceptional contributions and actions taken by individuals or groups to reduce carbon and methane emissions. Any individual, city, subnational government, national government or private entity taking decisive action on short-lived climate pollutants is encouraged to apply. Entries must be received by 01 July 2018. About the award
XPRIZE — Design Competition to Solve Challenges
XPRIZE is a nonprofit organization that focuses on designing and implementing innovative competition models to solve the world’s grandest challenges. The organization seeks design concepts that can help solve a global need in one of five Grand Challenge Areas: (1) Off-Grid Energy Access, (2) Feeding the Next Billion, (3) Lifting Farmers out of Poverty; (4) Natural Disaster Prediction; and (5) Saving Coral Reefs. The designers of the best concepts receive mentoring to further refine their concepts and develop them into a project pitch. Participants will be eligible to win prizes up to US$100k in value. The deadline for the submission of concept ideas is 23 July 2018. Find the challenge
Samsung Engineering — Environmental Essay Competition
Samsung Engineering jointly with UN Environment launches the 11th Eco-generation Environmental Essay Competition inviting the youth all over the world to raise awareness on the theme “Beat Plastic Pollution”. The competitions aims to collect inspiring and creative ideas on how and why we should stop using plastics or reuse plastic products. Eligibility extends to Tunza Eco-generation members aged between 14 and 24 years. The winners will receive a certificate and a Samsung tablet. Deadline for submissions is 02 September 2018. More
Asian Women In Business – Scholarship for Female Entrepreneurs
The Asian Women In Business Scholarship (AWIB) encourages and promotes exceptional Asian female students and social entrepreneurs who have demonstrated leadership, community service and/or entrepreneurship. (Note: This may include one or more categories of the Terra Viva Grants directory.) Selected entrepreneurs will receive US$ 2,500. Eligibility extends to students of Asian or Pacific Islander ancestry who are enrolled full-time in an accredited 4-year undergraduate institution in the US and have permanent residency. The deadline for submissions is 25 October 2018. Find details
World Bank — Competition for Women Entrepreneurs
The World Bank Group, in partnership with Wharton School’s Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research, UN Development Programme (UNDP) and UN Women, seeks applications for its “SDGs & Her Competition for Women Entrepreneurs”. SDGs&Her is an online competition for women entrepreneurs from all around the world to showcase how they are supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through their business operations. The competition is open to women-owned and/or women-lead microenterprises. The top winners will be recognized at an event on the margins of the 2018 UN General Assembly Week in New York City (September 2018). The deadline for applications is 30 June 2018. Details
Lush Retail Inc. — Lush Prize 2018
The Lush Prize rewards initiatives across science and campaigning that work to end or replace animal testing. The prize consists of an annual fund of between £250 and £350 thousand. Projects and individuals working towards the goal of replacing animals in product or ingredient safety testing across five strategic areas (1) Lobbying, (2) Public Awareness, (3) Science (4) Training, and (5) Young Researcher are eligible to apply. Nominees can enter themselves or their own organisation. The Lush Prize is open to projects anywhere in the world. The deadline for entries is 04 July 2018. About the Lush Prize
tvebiomovies — Climate Change Video Competition for Africans
tvebiomovies invites African filmmakers to submit short 3 minute video diaries showing how groups and organisations are using technology to fight climate change. The top five videos will be awarded a prize of $US500 each. The top 20 ideas will be featured in a Case Study Library so other people can benefit from new technology and innovative ideas. Videos have to be submitted by 31 August 2018. Submit your video
Climate Smart Nigeria — #Write4Climate Essay Competition 2018
Climate Smart Nigeria, in partnership with Enercate Initiative launches an annual contest in commemoration of the World Earth Day. Young environmental enthusiasts from Africa are invited to submit projects and ideas towards ending plastic pollution. The winner will receive NGN 20 thousand to put his or her project into practice. Esseys have to be submitted by 21 May 2018. Details
Antipode Foundation — International Workshop Awards
The Antipode Foundation promotes scientific research, education and makes scholarships in the field of radical geography. The International Workshop Awards are intended to support geographers holding events (including conferences, workshops, seminars, summer schools and action research meetings) that further analyses of geographical issues and engender the development of a new and better society. Successful candidates receive up to £10 thousand (or its equivalent in the awardee’s currency of choice). Individuals are eligible to apply but the grant must be held and administered by a host institution. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2019. Find details