Terraformation accepts applications for the Seed to Carbon Forest Accelerator, a biodiversity-focused, carbon-funded forest accelerator program. The program aims to foster thriving forest communities that preserve biodiversity while increasing the global forest carbon supply. The Accelerator is open to forest creation and restoration teams of all types from around the world. Participants will benefit from expert training, information on creating and registering carbon projects, and a free feasibility study to assess their project and its ability to grow into a full-scale carbon project. Applications are reviewed frequently. Seed to Carbon Forest Accelerator
Earth Journalism Network — Virtual Reporting Fellowships
The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) announces two virtual fellowship programs that will support journalists from Africa and Latin America to cover the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Fellows fellows will receive training, mentorship, and other support to facilitate remote reporting on these important events. All fellows will also receive a communications stipend of US$100 to ensure that they have consistent access to the virtual activities of the fellowship. To be eligible for the fellowship, the applicant must be a professional journalist from or representing an established media house. The application deadline is 15 August 2024. Virtual Reporting Fellowships
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Biodiversity Conservation in Tanzania
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) releases a call for Letters of Inquiry for organizations that address the conservation of biodiversity in light of climate change in the Indian Ocean Islands of Tanzania and Zanzibar. CEPF expects to make between 6-10 awards with a maximum value of US$200 thousand. Eligibility for grants extends to NGOs, community groups, private enterprises, universities, and other civil society applicants. The deadline for letters of inquiry is 04 September 2024. Link
Whitley Fund for Nature — Whitley Awards 2024
The Whitley Fund for Nature (WFN) offers the Whitley Awards to outstanding biodiversity conservation leaders in developing countries around the world. The awards are both an international prize and a form of project funding, currently £50 thousand over one year. The program is open to mid-career conservationists who are leading wildlife conservation projects in a developing country. The application deadline is 31 October 2024. Learn more
Stockholm Resilience Center — SwedBio Collaboration Program
The SwedBio Collaboration Program contributes to ideas, methods, and policies regarding how biodiversity, ecosystem services, and resilience help sustain livelihoods. SwedBio welcomes submissions of concept notes for project ideas. SwedBio contributes to shorter projects through a small-grants program (max. SEK 500 thousand). Preferred partners include regional and international network organizations; action-oriented research institutes; think-tank institutions; and civil society organizations based in developing countries. Concept notes can be submitted anytime. About collaboration with SwedBio
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Conserving the Guinean Forests of West Africa
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites letters of inquiry for small grants (maximum budget US$50 thousand per project) in support of conservation in the Guinean forests of West Africa. Grants under this call can be made to NGOs, private enterprises, universities, and research institutes. The eligible countries are Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Applicants can apply in English or French using the templates provided in the announcement. The closing date is 02 August 2024. Link to the call
Earth Company — Impact Hero 2025
Each year, Earth Company selects one Impact Hero that has the potential to transform the future of developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Impact Heroes are visionary leaders who tackle some of the most pressing social and environmental challenges and make transformative changes to the communities they serve. Earth Company provides 3 years of support through leadership coaching, fundraising, marketing, and business development. Eligibility extends to everybody and all forms of organizations. Applications have to be received no later than 31 August 2024. Find details here
Conservation Leadership Programme — Grants for Early-Career Conservationists
The Conservation Leadership Program (CLP) makes grants to advance the leadership capacity of early-career conservationists in the developing world. Grants combine research with conservation. CLP provides support to small teams of at least three individuals. Future Conservationist Awards are up to US$15 thousand. Follow-up awards and Leadership Awards are up to US$25 thousand and US$50 thousand, respectively. CLP explains each category of award; eligibility criteria; and details on how to apply. CLP offers support to early-career conservationists living and working in low- and middle-income economies in Africa, Asia, the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Eastern and South-eastern Europe, and the Middle East. The application deadline is 18 October 2024. Link to the Conservation Leadership Program
MDPI — Sustainability Young Investigator Award 2024
MDPI, a publisher of peer-reviewed, open-access journals, invites applications and nominations for the Sustainability 2024 Young Investigator Award. The winner will receive CHF 2000. This prize will be given to one young investigator in recognition of their excellence in the field of sustainability and sustainable development. Candidates must be under 35 years and be nominated by senior researchers. The deadline for nominations is 15 December 2024. More information
MDPI — Sustainability Travel Awards 2025
MDPI, a publisher of peer-reviewed, open-access journals, grants travel awards to 5 junior scientists. The award provides financial support to attend an international conference in the field of sustainability and sustainable development, to be held in 2025. Candidates must be postdoctoral fellows or PhD students. The winners will each be awarded CHF 600 and a certificate. Applications have to be submitted by 31 December 2024. Sustainability Travel Awards