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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

MDPI — Remote Sensing Travel Award 2024

MDPI, a publisher of peer-reviewed, open access journals, invites applications for the 2024 Remote Sensing Travel Awards. Remote Sensing will make two awards of CHF800 each to two selected PhD students to present an oral presentation and/or poster at an international conference in 2024. Applicants must be postdoctoral researchers or Ph.D. students working in the field of remote sensing or related areas. Applications have to be submitted by 30 November 2023. Click here

Embassy of France to the Philippines — Support for local NGOs

The Embassy of France supports local organizations and calls for the submission of project proposals. The project can be related to environmental issues or other issues, as long as they benefit disadvantaged communities or social groups. This year, two grants of PHP300 thousand and PHP100 thousand will be awarded. Eligibility extends to locally recognized organizations, associated with the activities collectively implemented by the network of Franco-Philippine’s associations. The application deadline is 31 July 2023. About

United States Agency for International Development — Caribbean Marine Biodiversity Activity

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications from qualified entities to implement the USAID Caribbean Marine Biodiversity Activity. The activity aims to reduce threats to coastal and marine biodiversity in priority areas in the Caribbean, while also realizing tangible improvements towards climate resilience and human well-being of local communities. USAID intends to provide US$20 million in total funding over 5 years. Eligibility is not restricted. The closing date for applications is 01 September 2023. Find details

Scottish Government — Asia Partnerships Higher Education Research Fund

The Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) Scotland Asia Partnerships Higher education Research (SAPHIRE) Fund is available to Scottish universities to enable research to include a focus on environmental issues and climate change. Funding of up to £10 thousand will be provided to support existing research projects in climate research, emissions research, sustainable energy, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, water and food, and clean water, among others. The scheme is open to Scottish researchers with a partner from either Australia, India, Japan, Pakistan, South Korea, Singapore or the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Projects can include additional partners from other countries. The application deadline is 26 October 2023. Link to SAPHIRE

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals — Environmental Photographer of the Year

The Environmental Photographer of the Year competition showcases the most inspirational environmental photography from around the world. One award of £10 thousand will be granted to a single image that furthers people’s understanding of the causes and effects of environmental change and social inequality, or highlights solutions to the climate and ecological emergency. The competition is free to enter for all ages. Entries close on 30 August 2023. Environmental Photographer of the Year

Science for Africa Foundation — Africa Science Journalism Awards

The Africa Science Journalism Awards (ASJA) recognizes and honors excellent reporting on science and innovation in Africa and aims to improve and increase coverage of science on the continent. The award will be given to African journalists whose stories cover health, climate change and environment, and/or agriculture. Prizes range from US$5,000 to US$1,500. The award is open to journalists and media houses, editors, and scientists. Stories must be informative and highlight how science is improving the lives of Africans. Applications are to be submitted by 31 August 2023. Africa Science Journalism Awards

Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education — Orange Knowledge Program

The Orange Knowledge Program (OKP) makes scholarships to mid-career professionals from selected developing countries for short courses (duration 2 weeks to 12 months) and master’s programs (duration 12-24 months). Eligible countries as well as eligible courses are listed in the announcement. Interested applicants need to first select a course and then contact the education institution of the course and ask how to apply for the scholarship. The application deadline is 05 September 2023. Orange Knowledge Program

Global Biodiversity Information Facility — Data Papers on Soil Biodiversity

The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) announces a new call for authors to submit and publish data papers on soil biodiversity. Papers will be published in a special collection of Biodiversity Data Journal. The publisher Pensoft will waive the article processing fee (normally €650) for the first 40 accepted data paper manuscripts. The deadline to receive proposals is 22 September 2023. (Note: Sponsorship is limited to the first 40 accepted submissions. The call for submissions can therefore close prior to the deadline of 22 September 2023). Find the Call

Earth Journalism Network — Story Grants to Support Indigenous or Ethnic Minority Journalists

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers reporting grants to journalists from Indigenous and ethnic minority groups to support the production of in-depth stories that will call attention to climate justice, biodiversity and other issues related to the rights and well-being of Indigenous peoples and communities. EJN plans to make 20-25 story grants of up to US$2000 each to selected journalists from the Asia-Pacific region. Applications are open to Indigenous and/or ethnic minority journalists working in any medium (online, print, television, radio) and other expert media practitioners Applications must be submitted by 03 July 2023. Story Grants

Global Centre on Biodiversity for Climate — Grant Program

The Global Centre on Biodiversity for Climate (GCBC) funds research into natural solutions to climate change and poverty. The GCBC makes grants that fund research into how the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity can help address climate change and improve livelihoods of some of the world’s most vulnerable populations. The geographic focus is in Latin America and the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The application closes 20 July 2023. Climate Grant Program