The Biodiversity Excellence Awards for Conservation Heroes (BEACH) honors outstanding individuals and organizations for their contributions to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development within the Caribbean. The nominees must have a proven track record of actively implementing projects in the Caribbean region. The deadline for nominations is 22 June 2023. Awards for Conservation Heroes
U.S. Mission to Brazil — Small Grants
The U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Brazil announce an open competition for organizations interested in submitting proposals to organize a comprehensive small grants program. The Embassy supports initiatives that build capacity for groups protecting the environment and working with communities in areas critical to biodiversity and environmental protection. Individuals can apply for grants of up to US$5 thousand, organizations may request up to US$25 thousand. Eligibility extends to individuals, civil society organizations, academic institutions, government institutions, and international organizations. The closing date for applications is 31 July 2023. Know more
Swedish Research Council — Sustainability and Resilience Research
The Swedish Research Council funds research projects of particular relevance to the fight against poverty and for sustainable development in least developed countries. Up to 6 researchers can propose a joint research project. At least one researcher from a least developed or lower middle income country must participate. The grant amount will fall between SEK 400 thousand and SEK 2 million per year for a maximum of 3 years. The closing date for applications is 23 May 2023. Link
ProposalsforNGOs — Small Grant Competition 2023
ProposalsforNGOs, an initiative by FundsforNGOs, invites applications for the “Small Grant Competition” aimed at NGOs around the world. The contest aims to help grassroots NGOs to develop a project idea to reality by submitting a one-page concept note. The winner will be awarded US$1000. Participation is open to any non-profit organization in any country. The deadline for submission is 31 May 2023. Find details
Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance — Blue Planet Fund
The Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance (ORRAA) invites proposals for financial support to accelerate research and modeling on ocean risk and resilience. The Blue Planet Fund supports developing countries to protect the marine environment and reduce poverty. Pilot grants (US$50 thousand – US$150 thousand) are tailored for organizations to test and pilot innovative solutions. Project grants (US$150 thousand – US$500 thousand) are tailored for organizations to pilot innovative solutions and scale up and replicate proven ideas in new contexts. Projects should either be located or deployed in coastal countries. Applications close 02 July 2023. Blue Planet Fund
Village Capital — Ecosystem Restoration
Village Capital supports 10-12 impact-driven startups building locally viable ecosystem restoration solutions in Africa. The program addresses entrepreneurs championing forest restoration, biodiversity conservation, wetland restoration and water conservation, sustainable agriculture and climate tech solutions. Participants will receive mentorship and access to an investment analyst. Eligibility extends to (for-profit) startups building locally viable ecosystem restoration solutions. The startup has to have legal incorporation and operations in at least one Sub-Saharan African country. Applications close 14 May 2023. Know more
United States Agency for International Development — Climate Resilient Agriculture
The United States Agency for International Development in Vietnam (USAID) seeks applications from qualified entities to implement the USAID Climate Resilient Agriculture in the Mekong Delta. The purpose of the program is to advance low-emissions, climate-resilient agricultural livelihoods combined with biodiversity conservation to support carbon sequestration, healthy ecosystems, and resilience of vulnerable communities. USAID intends to provide up to US$48 million in total funding over a five-year period. Eligibility is not restricted. The closing date for applications is 26 June 2023. Link
European Commission — Regeneration of Natural Resources and Ecosystems
The European Commission (EC) aims to contribute to sustainable and inclusive transformation of food systems in Malawi. EC seeks projects that focus on better preservation, restoration and regeneration of the natural resource base and its diverse ecosystems. Applicants can request between €750 thousand and 1 million for project implementation. Eligibility extends to district councils in Malawi. The deadline for the submission of concept notes is 14 July 2023. Find details here
Blue Action Fund — Asia-Pacific Region
The Blue Action Fund announces a new open call for grant proposals focusing on the Asia-Pacific Region. The Fund provides individual grants to selected conservation projects with focus on marine protected areas (MPAs) to support conservation of biodiversity, and projects that seek to enhance livelihood conditions and food security. The Fund will award grants of €2-4 million. Eligible applicants are non-profit organizations with proven experience in coastal and marine conservation and sustainable livelihood development in the area. Applicants must provide match funding of at least 25% of the total project costs. The deadline for submission is 08 September 2023. Link to the call
The MedFund — Marine Biodiversity Conservation
The MedFund provides sustainable funding for marine biodiversity conservation. MedFund launches a call for interest dedicated to support Mediterranean MPAs’ managers by funding day to day management costs of protected marine areas. The funding request must not exceed an average annual amount of €75 thousand. Applicants must be officially designated MPAs (or under designation process) in Lebanon, Montenegro, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, or Albania. The call for interest is open until 30 April 2023. The MedFund