The Blue Action Fund announces a new open call for grant proposals focusing on the Asia-Pacific Region. The Fund provides individual grants to selected conservation projects with focus on marine protected areas (MPAs) to support conservation of biodiversity, and projects that seek to enhance livelihood conditions and food security. The Fund will award grants of €2-4 million. Eligible applicants are non-profit organizations with proven experience in coastal and marine conservation and sustainable livelihood development in the area. Applicants must provide match funding of at least 25% of the total project costs. The deadline for submission is 08 September 2023. Link to the call
The MedFund — Marine Biodiversity Conservation
The MedFund provides sustainable funding for marine biodiversity conservation. MedFund launches a call for interest dedicated to support Mediterranean MPAs’ managers by funding day to day management costs of protected marine areas. The funding request must not exceed an average annual amount of €75 thousand. Applicants must be officially designated MPAs (or under designation process) in Lebanon, Montenegro, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, or Albania. The call for interest is open until 30 April 2023. The MedFund
Zoological Society of London — Protected and Conserved Area Fund
The EDGE Protected and Conserved Area Fund supports projects with a clear focus on creating new protected or conserved areas or the expansion of existing protected or conserved areas. Projects should focus on creating a new protected area or the expansion of existing protected areas. Projects should have endorsement from local communities. Applications are due by 08 May 2023. Protected and Conserved Area Fund
Earth Journalism Network — Story Grants to Support Environmental Reporting from Asia-Pacific Island Countries
The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers reporting grants to journalists from island countries in the Asia-Pacific region to support the production of in-depth stories on climate, health and environmental issues, and solutions to address them. Journalists from low- and middle-income island countries will be prioritized. Applications are open to journalists working in any medium (online, print, television, radio) and other expert media practitioners with professional reporting experience and a history of covering ocean issues. EJN plans to issue approximately 20 grants of up to US$2,000 each. The application deadline is 17 May 2023. Environmental Reporting
Earthwatch — Support for Field-Based Research Projects 2025
Earthwatch supports scientific field projects in topics of ecosystems and biodiversity in several world regions. Applicants to lead these field projects must have a PhD and can be of any nationality. Earthwatch invites projects that have a strong rationale for using non-specialists (volunteers) to aid with data collection, scientific observation, or other research tasks. Annual budgets range between US$20 thousand to US$80 thousand. Program themes include among others collaborative ecological research; ecological restoration; global conservation priorities; ocean ecosystems; and sustainable agriculture and forestry. The deadline for submitting pre-proposals is 09 June 2023. More about research funding
InfoNile — Collaboration between Journalists and Scientists
InfoNile aims to promote science-based environmental journalism by facilitating collaboration between journalists and scientists. InfoNile invites applications from journalists and scientists in the Nile Basin countries (Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Tanzania, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, DRC, Ethiopia and Rwanda) for a fellowship program running from May to December 2023. The program will offer training, mentorship, and coproduction of communication outputs based on scientific research. The application deadline is 06 April 2023. Click here
United Nations — Portuguese-speaking Indigenous Fellowship Program
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Indigenous Fellowship Training Programme is open for applications. The call is open only to the indigenous peoples of Brazil, with the aim of later opening the same opportunity to other Portuguese-speaking countries. The aim of the program is to give indigenous persons the opportunity to gain knowledge on the UN system and mechanisms dealing with human rights issues in general and indigenous issues in particular. (Note: This may include land rights and biodiversity conservation issues). Participants will learn how to more effectively advocate for the rights of their communities and raise their concerns at the international level. Travel, stipend and basic expenses are covered by OHCHR. The deadline for applications is 07 April 2023. Portuguese-speaking Indigenous Fellowship
Earth Journalism Network — Mekong Video Storytelling Fellowship
The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) aims to train content producers from the Lower Mekong countries to tell impactful visual stories about natural resources governance. EJN will select 25 fellows from the Lower Mekong countries for online and in-person training. Following the training, participants will be invited to pitch video story ideas that examine the challenges in Mekong natural resource management and their impacts on local communities and natural habitats. EJN will award the best story ideas with grants of US$ 2,500 each to produce a video. The fellowship is open to applicants from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. The deadline for applications is 07 April 2023. Mekong Video Storytelling Fellowship
Prince Claus Fund — Cultural and Artistic responses to Environmental Change
The Prince Claus Fund and the Goethe-Institut support artistic and cultural interventions tackling pressing environmental and climate issues around the world. The Fund invites applications to its mentorship program which will focus on addressing the climate emergency. The program consists of two Labs, bi-monthly online masterclass and peer-group sessions. Each artist receives an award of €10 thousand to work on the concept for a body of work that they outline in their application. Please note that support is only given to individual persons or organizations living, registered and working in DAC-listed countries. The deadline for the submission of project applications is 30 April 2023. Find information
European Commission — Civil Society Development in India
The European Commission (EC) aims to promote capacity development of local civil society in India. In India, EU investments focus primarily on clean energy, water, biodiversity and sustainable agriculture. Applicants may request up to €3 million in project funding. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations established in the European Union or India. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 02 May 2023. Details here