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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Earth Journalism Network — Conservation and Wildlife in East Africa Story Grants

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers reporting grants to journalists in East Africa to support the production of in-depth stories on conservation and wildlife issues. EJN expects to award 10 grants, with an average budget of US$800 each. Applications are open to journalists, photojournalists and other expert media practitioners from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda. The application deadline is 09 February 2022. Find details

American Museum of Natural History — Research Grants 2022

The American Museum of Natural History sponsors a number of research grants and student exchange fellowships. The Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grants support early-career researchers for research in any phase of wildlife conservation or related fields of North American fauna, defined as fauna north of the Isthmus of Panama, including the Caribbean. Grants are generally between US$1,000 and US$3,500. The application deadline for Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grants is 21 February 2022. Details here

Centre for the Study of Biodiversity in Amazonia — Call for Proposals 2022

The Centre for the Study of Biodiversity in Amazonia (CEBA) is a French Laboratory of Excellence based in French Guiana to foster knowledge on terrestrial biodiversity in Amazonia. CEBA coordinates research capacity in France on the topic of Amazonian terrestrial biodiversity. Proposed projects must work towards a co-construction of projects between CEBA’s scientific teams and civil society organizations in order to encourage these synergies and promote a more direct transfer of knowledge from science to society. Funding is up to €15 thousand for one year. The application deadline is 14 March 2022. Find the call

Association of Zoos and Aquariums — Conservation Grants Fund 2022

The AZA’s Conservation Grants Fund makes grants for animal health; animal welfare; conservation education; field conservation and/or reintroduction; management and/or breeding; and research. The principal investigator in a grants application must be an AZA member. Many grants are awarded to collaborations among AZA-accredited institutions; government wildlife agencies; academia; and conservation NGOs. The average project award is about US$18 thousand for one year projects. The application deadline is 15 March 2022. Conservation Grants Fund

European Commission — Consolidator Grants

The European Commission provides Consolidator Grants to experienced researchers with a scientific track record. ERC Grants support projects carried out by an individual researcher who can employ researchers of any nationality as team members. Applications can be made in any field of research. Proposed research projects under this program must be conducted in a public or private research organization located in one of the EU Member States or Associated Countries. Consolidator Grants may be awarded up to €2 million for a period of 5 years. The deadline for applications is 17 March 2022. Link

Melinda Gray Ardia Environmental Foundation — Grants for Environmental Education

The Melinda Gray Ardia Environmental Foundation seeks to contribute to the development, implementation, and/or field testing of environmental curricula. The objective is to empower and encourage students to become involved in solving environmental and social problems. Any organization is eligible to apply — including schools, non-profits, governmental agencies, and others. The Foundation has made grants in several developing countries. Grants are up to US$1,500. The deadline for pre-proposals is 25 January 2022. About the application process

KU Leuven — PhD Scholarships for Students from the Global South

KU Leuven is the largest university in Flanders, Belgium. As one part of its cooperation to advance international development, KU Leuven offers 10 PhD scholarships to candidates from developing countries. The university offers sandwich scholarships, which means that 50% of the research takes place at KU Leuven and 50% at the home institution of the scholar, as well as full-time research at KU Leuven (4 years). The scholarships are offered to proposals that deal with a development-relevant research topic, preferably linked to the Sustainable Development Goals. Online applications have to be completed before 10 March 2022. PhD Scholarships for Researchers

French Development Agency — Biodiversity Research Program

The French Development Agency (AFD) launches a call for expressions of interest for research on “Scaling up Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and large-scale ecological restoration: Towards changes in agricultural production, land-use and urban development models”. Each research project may request up to a maximum of €225 thousand in funding. Eligible project proponents are universities and research centers, NGOs, private foundations, international research centers and companies (including individual consultants) which will make their research public. The call is open until 04 February 2022. Biodiversity Research Program

David and Lucile Packard Foundation — Agriculture Livelihoods and Conservation Program

The Agriculture, Livelihoods, and Conservation (ALC) grantmaking strategy aims to support tropical forest communities in strengthening resilience and economic opportunities while protecting tropical forests and biodiversity. Therefore, the Packard Foundation invites proposals for projects that aim to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and forest dependent communities while also conserving forest resources in tropical forest areas. ALC will support new or existing projects, organizations, and coalitions in Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Guatemala, Indonesia, Laos, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, and the Philippines. The Packard Foundation will provide between US$200 thousand and US$500 thousand of funding to two or more organizations over a period of two years. Expressions of Interest (EOI) must be received by 07 February 2022. More information

L’OCCITANE Foundation — Biodiversity Conservation through Reforestation and Agroforestry

The L’OCCITANE Foundation funds local organizations and projects that preserve biodiversity through reforestation or agroforestry projects. The project must focus on respecting biodiversity, for example, tree plantations for conservation of threatened varieties, reforestation of degraded ecosystems and/or agroforestry practices. Financial support is limited to €10 thousand, depending on the country. Applicants have to contact the subsidiary of L’OCCITANE located in their country in order to present a project. Subsidiaries must then send the application to the Foundation by 07 February 2022. (Please note that applicants have to present their project to local subsidiaries before this deadline). Know more