The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers reporting grants to support the production of in-depth or investigative stories that will highlight progress toward a post-pandemic “green recovery”. EJN welcomes stories that engage audiences to better understand the commitments (or lack thereof) from governments, administrations, corporations and other authorities to progress towards a green, sustainable future. EJN expects to award 10 grants with an average grant of £1,100. Applications are open to journalists and other expert media practitioners with experience in investigative reporting and covering environment and/or issues related to climate. The application deadline is 03 January 2022. Green Recovery
UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program — Young Scientist Awards 2022
UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) program makes grants for conservation research through its Young Scientists Awards. The Award targets young researchers (not older than 35 years) carrying out interdisciplinary research on ecosystems, natural resources and biodiversity. Priority is given to projects carried out in the world’s biosphere reserves. Awards are up to US$5 thousand. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 14 January 2022. MAB Young Scientists Awards
Cisco — Global Problem Solver Challenge 2022
Cisco invites submissions of innovative technology solutions from student entrepreneurs around the world that solve the world’s most pressing social and environmental problems. The Challenge is open to students and recent alumni from any college or university. A total of US$1 million in prize money will be awarded for the adoption and development of breakthrough technologies, products, and services that drive economic development or solve social and environmental problems. Solutions have to be submitted by 11 February 2022. Participate
University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland — Research Partnership Grants MENA
The Research Partnership Grants support research projects with collaborating institutions in MENA countries. The Leading House MENA accepts grant applications solely from applicants. The Swiss applicant needs to have a proposed or an ongoing research project with an institutional partner in the MENA region. The maximum grant amount per project is CHF15 thousand. Both the applicant and the partner institute abroad are required to make in-kind contributions to the proposed research project. The call is open to all scientific disciplines and fields of research, including social sciences and humanities. The call for applications is open until 02 January 2022. Research Partnership Grants
United Nations — World Wildlife Day Film Showcase
The United Nations World Wildlife Day organizes an international film showcase along the theme of “Recovering key species for ecosystem restoration”. Organizers seek films that explore the threats to wild fauna and flora, their central importance for their habitats and ecosystems and for the communities who live near them, and initiatives to conserve them. The films will be made available for free, on an educational online streaming mechanism throughout the world. The call for entry will close on 07 January 2022. World Wildlife Day Film Showcase
British Council — Newton Fund Institutional Links ASEAN
The UK-ASEAN Institutional Links Early Career Researchers (ILECR) Scheme provides seed funding to senior researchers from higher education institutions in the UK and partner countries – Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. Subject areas for the collaborative research include local development challenges such as agritech and biodiversity, among others. Proposals are submitted jointly by a principal investigator in the UK with a principal investigator in a partner country. Grants are up to £50 thousand over 12 months. The deadline for proposals is 14 January 2022. Institutional Links ASEAN
Conservation Finance Alliance — Conservation Finance Solutions
The Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA) Incubator seeks to support innovative ideas and solutions to conservation finance challenges that have significant positive conservation impacts. CFA will identify and support five projects in conservation finance, including ventures that can generate a financial return and conservation finance concepts. The size of the grant is US$20 thousand. The CFA is focused on high biodiversity areas, especially Africa, but proposals are not restricted to any specific geographical region. Concepts can be from any sector (public or private). The open call for proposals closes on 01 December 2021. Conservation Finance Alliance
Logan Nonfiction Program — Workshop for Environmental Filmmakers and Journalists
The Logan Nonfiction Program invites applications from writers, documentary filmmakers, photographers, and multimedia producers from all around the world to participate in a 10-week workshop at the Carey Institute for Global Good. The fellowship combines virtual and in-person programming in two classes per year of 10-12 fellows per class. Applications are accepted from professional journalists and filmmakers working on topics representing socially relevant political, health, environmental, human rights, and justice topics. The program provides fellows with lodging, meals, and mentorship. Applications for 2022 fellowship classes are open through 15 December 2021. About the fellowship
Credit Suisse — Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 15 (Life on Land)
The Young One World Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 15 seeks ideas and innovations aimed at restoring ecosystem services and biodiversity by combating deforestation, countering desertification, and ensuring the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems. The challenge welcomes solutions from young innovators (18-30 years old). The winner will receive a US$50 thousand project startup grant and 12-months of mentorship from Credit Suisse. The application deadline is 15 December 2021. SDG 15 (Life on Land)
Prince Bernhard Nature Fund — Conservation of Endangered Species
The Prince Bernhard Nature Fund (PBNF) aims to save critically endangered flora and fauna in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It gives funding preference to organizations in these regions, sometimes in partnership with parties in Europe or North America. Projects have to focus on critically endangered species on the IUCN Red List. Grants are up to €20 thousand or US$20 thousand. The PBNF only supports registered non-profits and favors smaller grassroots organizations over international organizations. The next application deadline is 01 February 2022. Know more