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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Blue Action Fund — Africa’s Atlantic Coast

The Blue Action Fund announces a new open call for grant proposals focusing on Africa’s Atlantic coast from Morocco to South Africa. The Fund provides individual grants to selected conservation projects with focus on marine protected areas (MPAs) to support conservation of biodiversity, and projects that seek to enhance livelihood conditions and food security. The Fund will award grants of €1-3 million. Eligible applicants are NGOs with proven experience in coastal and marine conservation and sustainable livelihood development in the area. NGOs must provide match funding of at least 25% of the total project costs. The deadline for submission is 16 July 2021. Link to the call

Microsoft — AI for Earth Grants

Microsoft seeks proposals from around the world that focus on the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to better monitor and manage Earth’s natural systems for a more sustainable future. Funding supports the creation and deployment of open source trained models and algorithms in the focus core areas of climate change, biodiversity, agriculture, and water. The grant provides software developers with Azure compute credits worth up to US$15 thousand. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. The two remaining revision deadlines for project submission in 2021 are 05 July and 04 October 2021. Azure Compute Grants

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Latin America Regional Program 2021

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provides financial assistance to strategic projects that conserve priority species, habitats and ecological processes across landscapes with high biodiversity value in the region. The program funds specific conservation actions that will foster sustainable resource use, mitigate human-wildlife conflicts, combat wildlife poaching and trafficking, reduce the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on conservation goals and promote climate change adaptation and resilience. Funding for individual projects is between US$100 thousand and US$200 thousand. Eligibility for grants extends to governments, non-profit organizations and universities. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2021. Find the call

Celebrate Islands — Video Contest for Project Funding

Celebrate Islands invites video submissions for a contest “My project in 120 seconds” giving winners the opportunity to implement a small project on their island. Projects need to be achievable within one month and may focus on biodiversity conservation, ecological restoration, waste and plastic, sustainable economic activities (such as fisheries, agriculture, etc.), water efficiency or energy supply. Celebrate Islands intends to award 3 projects with €3 thousand each. Island projects can be submitted from all around the world but need to focus on an island of less than 150km². Video applications have to be submitted by 30 April 2021. Contest Celebrate Islands 2021

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Photo Contest 2021

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites current and former grantees to enter the 2021 Digital Photo Contest. CEPF is looking for images that show how their support enables people to protect hotspot species and critical ecosystems, and participate in sustainable livelihoods. The winning images will be featured on the homepage of CEPF’s website and other media within the CEPF network. Deadline for submitting entries is 03 May 2021. Link

RACI — Innovation Fund for Organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean

The Innovation for Change (I4C) Hub supports organizations from Latin America and Caribbean that work to strengthen civil society through innovation. RACI provides seed funding to local, national and regional organizations for innovative movements and initiatives that creatively tackle community challenges related to one or more of the following areas: Sustainability; Transparency and accountability; Promoting an enabling environment. Projects should last up to 4 months. The Fund will provide up to US$10 thousand per project. Only non-for-profit civil society organizations can apply. The deadline to apply is 26 March 2021. Link to the Innovation Fund

Earth Journalism Network — Investigating Environmental Policy in Latin America

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers reporting grants to support the production of enterprise stories that will explore how international diplomacy is shaping environmental policy in Latin America. ENJ welcomes any story ideas that explore environmental and natural resource governance and the way the environmental policies of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru are shaping their foreign and economic relations. ENJ expects to award at least four grants at an average grant size of US$1,500. Applications can be submitted in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Deadline for applications is 14 April 2021. See details

COST Action MOBILISE — Short-Term Scientific Missions

Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) are exchange visits between researchers involved in a COST Action allowing scientists to visit an institution or laboratory with the aim of building a cooperative network to support research for biodiversity informatics. STSMs support scientific exchange visits with a duration of between 7-14 days with funding of up to a maximum of €3,500. Financial support is limited to cover travel, accommodation and meal expenses. Applicants must be PhD students or postdoctoral fellows at an institution, organization or legal entity from a COST member or near neighbor country. Applications have to be submitted by 31 May 2021 (extended deadline). Short-Term Scientific Missions

Fresno Chaffee Zoo — Grants for Wildlife Conservation

The Fresno Chaffee Zoo Wildlife Conservation Fund makes grants for wildlife conservation and research that focuses on rare, threatened, and endangered animals and their habitats. The priority is for in situ conservation projects. Most grants range from US$2 thousand to US$10 thousand. The principal investigator must be associated with a recognized institution (accredited zoo, academic institution, conservation or non-profit organization). The deadline for applications is 01 June 2021. Wildlife Conservation Fund

Neotropical Ornithological Society — François Vuilleumier Grants

The Francois Vuilleumier Fund awards cash grants for thesis studies of neotropical birds to students from Latin America and the Caribbean. Awards are US$500 to US$1000. Students enrolled in a graduate degree program (Masters or Ph.D.) are eligible to apply. The application deadline is 15 September of each year. Here