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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Global Giving — Crowdfunding Training Opportunity

GlobalGiving is an online platform to raise funds for grassroots projects worldwide across many sectors and themes – including in agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources. GlobalGiving announces a new Accelerator program that will offer virtual training in online fundraising and participation in a two-week crowdfunding campaign. The program is open to nonprofit organizations anywhere in the world. Organizations that successfully complete the GlobalGiving Accelerator by raising at least US$5 thousand total from a minimum 40 different donors will earn permanent membership with GlobalGiving, in addition to $30 thousand in matching funding and bonus prizes. The application deadline is 16 July 2021. Crowdfunding Training Opportunity

Global Biodiversity Information Facility — Biodiversity Information for Development: Asia

The Biodiversity Information for Development program aims to enhance capacity for effective mobilization and use of biodiversity data in support of decision- and policymaking for sustainable development in Asia. The program supports projects that strengthen the capacity of institutions to manage and mobilize biodiversity data, mobilize primary data on Asian biodiversity, and increase open data on Asian biodiversity to fill taxonomic and geographic gaps. Applicants may request a maximum of €20 thousand for projects implemented over a maximum period of 18 months. Applicants must be legal entities such as government agencies, natural history museums, research institutes, universities, or NGOs located in Southeast Asia, South Asia or Northeast Asia. Concept notes must be submitted by 09 February 2021. Biodiversity Information Fund for Asia

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Environment and Climate Action: Asia-Pacific Islands

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga, and Tuvalu. CFLI provides funding to projects that implement environment and climate action projects focusing on adaptation and mitigation, water management, and other thematic priorities. The average contribution is C$15 thousand to C$30 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to not-for-profit local, national or community-based organizations. The deadline for submission is 14 February 2021. Details here

U.S. National Science Foundation — Dimensions of Biodiversity 2021

The goal of Dimensions of Biodiversity is to promote novel and integrated approaches to understand the evolutionary and ecological significance of biodiversity. The program currently focuses on the integration of genetic, taxonomic, and functional dimensions of biodiversity. It includes international partnerships with research organizations in Brazil, China, and South Africa. The deadline for proposals is 26 March 2021. Link to Dimensions of Biodiversity

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Biodiversity Conservation in the Mediterranean Basin (Algeria)

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) for small grants (up to US$20 thousand) in support of biodiversity conservation in the Mediterranean Basin. Funding will be provided in support of conservation/preservation of biodiversity in coastal areas and plant conservation in Algeria. Eligibility extends to non-governmental organizations, community groups, universities and private enterprises. The ecosystem profile technical summary is available in English and French. LOIs must be submitted by 26 February 2021. Link to CEPF

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Biodiversity Conservation in the Mountains of Central Asia (Turkmenistan)

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites applications for small grants to promote conservation of biodiversity in the Mountains of Central Asia. This call is open to NGOs, community groups, universities, civil society organizations in Turkmenistan. The maximum funding amount per project is US$20 thousand. Expressions of interest should be submitted by 15 January 2021. Know more

BIOPAMA — Small Technical Grants for Assessment of Conservation Areas

Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) makes small grants for the technical assessment of protected conservation areas. Small Technical Grants for Assessment (STGA) aim to identify result-oriented priority actions for improved protected and conserved areas management and governance. The maximum amount is €20 thousand per assessment. Assessments must take place in priority areas such as key landscapes for conservation, key biodiversity areas, marine managed areas or other protected and conserved areas in Africa, the Caribbean and the Asia-Pacific region.  Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations, government agencies, and small or medium enterprises. Applications must be submitted by 29 January 2021. Small Technical Grants

German Academic Exchange Service — Climate Research Fellowship

ClimapAfrica supports research on climate change and possible solutions. African PhD students are invited to submit postdoctoral climate research projects to one of the following research areas: Agriculture, Climate Science, Veterinary Medicine, Biodiversity, Food Security, Marine Science, Energy, Water Resources, and Forest Sustainability, among others. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) awards fellowships of max. €10 thousand, plus a monthly allowance to cover research costs for a period of 12 to 18 months. Fellows can apply for additional funding to cover a temporary research stay in Germany (2-6 months) to work on a specific research question. The application deadline is 15 February 2021. More about ClimapAfrica

German Government — International Climate Initiative Peru

Germany’s International Climate Initiative (IKI) supports projects on climate change mitigation and adaptation, sustainable energy, and biodiversity projects with climate relevance in Peru. The German Government will support projects ranging from €12 million to €15 million. Non-governmental organizations, enterprises, universities and research institutions from Germany and abroad are eligible to apply. Program outlines can be submitted until 07 April 2021. Find funding information

U.S. Mission to Thailand — Annual Grant Program

The U.S. Embassy in Thailand announces an open competition for organizations and individuals to submit applications to carry out programs that promote the US-Thai partnership. The Embassy funds activities that increase awareness of Thailand’s environmental interests, including the importance of water management, among other areas of interest. The maximum grant amount is US$30 thousand per project. Nonprofit organizations, universities and individuals are eligible to apply for funding. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until 31 December 2021. Click here for details