PEER invites scientists in developing countries to work with U.S. collaborators in research and capacity building on priority topics that include environmental contaminants, agricultural productivity and food security, biodiversity conservation, water security, low-carbon development, fisheries assessments, and others. The priorities are different for each PEER focus area (i.e., varying by regions and countries). Applicants must be based at academic institutions, non-profit organizations, or government-managed research laboratories, centers, or institutes in the eligible countries. Applicants need to have at least one research partner in the U.S. that has grant funding from the U.S. government. The deadline for pre-proposals is 12 January 2018. Discover PEER
Blue Earth Alliance — Photography Projects
Blue Earth sponsors photography projects that educate the public about threatened cultures, endangered environments, and other social concerns. Blue Earth provides assistance with fund raising, publishing, and publicity. However, it does not make direct grants to sponsored projects. The deadlines for proposals are 20 January and 20 July of each year. Find submission guidelines
Academy of Finland — Development Research
The Academy of Finland and the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs fund problem-oriented and multidisciplinary development research. Themes for the research include food security, biodiversity, environmental health, and natural resources (among others). Projects should be based on problem-based research that is concerned with issues of global development, and that benefit the developing countries. Research teams may apply for a maximum of €600 thousand for four years. The application deadline is 16 October 2017. Find more information
International Osprey Foundation — Research on Ospreys
The IOF makes small grants for research on ospreys and other raptor species worldwide. Applicants submit a research plan, proposed budget, and information about other sources of funding. Applications should be submitted by postal mail to the address indicated on the website. The application deadline is 31 January 2018. Learn more
Qatar National Research Fund — Qatar-UK Research Networking
The Qatar National Research Fund, in collaboration with UK partners, is launching the Qatar-UK Research Networking Programme. The joint programme is designed to support the participation of early-career researchers in workshops focusing on building links for future collaboration between Qatar and the UK. Thematic areas include energy and environment, among others. Workshop grants are up to US $50 thousand. The submission deadline is 28 September 2017. About the programme
Pacsafe Turtle Fund — Grants for Sea Turtle Conservation 2018
The Pacsafe Turtle Fund supports the worldwide conservation of endangered sea turtles such as the leatherback, loggerhead, green, and hawksbill turtles. The current application period closes on 30 September 2017. Applicants should contact Pacsafe by email ( to request more information and an application form. More about the fund
European Commission — Mediterranean Cross-Border Cooperation
The EC announces the first call for proposals of the ENI CBC “Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020″. The program aims to promote business and entrepreneurship (including in agriculture), and to promote coordination of efforts for environmental protection and climate change adaptation and mitigation. Project partnerships should be composed of a minimum of three eligible countries, including at least one EU Mediterranean Country and one Mediterranean Partner Country. Partner countries are Jordan, Palestinian Territories, and Tunisia (and others expected to be announced soon). The closing date for project submissions is 09 November 2017. Find more information
WWF in India — Small Grants Program
WWF-India offers grants up to Rs. 400 thousand for conservation research or action projects of up to two years. Grants are made to individuals to be utilized primarily for field activities. Priority is for research and conservation aligned with WWF’s program in India. The application deadlines are 30 April and 30 November of each year. Learn more
British Council — Research Workshops on Biodiversity, UK and Latin America
The UK’s Newton Fund helps fund regional workshops that bring together early-career researchers from the UK and partner countries to allow them to make international connections. The current call will support workshops on research related to biodiversity and connected topics of climate change, bio-economy, and sustainability. The partner countries are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. Applications are invited from the institutions of early-career researchers in the UK and these partner countries. The application deadline is 13 October 2017. More information
U.S. Agency for International Development — Geospatial Data for the Amazon Region
The program SERVIR helps developing countries to integrate Earth observation information and geospatial technologies into development decision-making. The U.S. government will support a regional system or hub in the Amazon region for dissemination and use of publicly available data on precipitation and hydrologic monitoring and modeling. Related objectives are to strengthen the region’s capacity to generate, disseminate, and use geospatial information and tools for decision support; and to develop user-tailored tools to inform government and civil society decision making. Eligibility for funding is restricted to organizations based in the Amazon Region. Applying consortia should include a mix of inter-governmental, NGO, academic institutions, and private partners. Partners should include representation from Brazil, Colombia, and Peru — with additional desirable participation from Guyana and Suriname, and possibly other Amazon countries. USAID anticipates making one award of US$7 million to US$9 million for implementation over five years. The closing date for applications is 31 August 2017. Link