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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Expo Live — Innovation Impact Grant Programme

Expo Live supports novel solutions that address pressing environmental and climate challenges. The program offers up to US$50 thousand in funding to support the growth of social enterprises, startups and grassroots projects from around the world that offer creative solutions to pressing challenges. The Grant Program is open to social entrepreneurs, SMEs, non-profit organizations, and government entities. Interested applicants should submit a pre-proposal by 01 March 2023. Innovation Impact Grant

UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network — Youth Solutions Program

The Youth Solutions Program provides young innovators with access to experts, training, and exposure to opportunities. You have an innovative solution that addresses one or more of the SDGs. The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network seeks early-stage startups that have a prototype and are actively testing with users or beneficiaries. Young entrepreneurs will benefit from a 6 week program that helps them to become investment ready. The application deadline is 10 February 2023. More

British Ecological Society — Grants for Ecologists in Africa 2023

The British Ecological Society (BES) makes grants for ecologists in Africa to carry out innovative ecological research. Applicants must be scientists and citizens of a country in Africa or its associated islands; have at least an MSc or equivalent degree; be working for a university or research institution in Africa that provides basic research facilities; and carry out the research in a country in Africa or its associated islands. The maximum value of a grant is £8 thousand for research. An additional sum up to £2 thousand may be requested to fund travel to help grantees develop connections with other ecologists outside their usual peer groups. The application deadline is 15 March 2023. More about this opportunity

CRDF Global — Disrupting the Rise of Disinformation in Biosecurity

CRDF Global announces a grant opportunity to support counter-disinformation initiatives that respond to active influence campaigns that undermine established norms in biosecurity. Grants are up to US$10 thousand to conduct research and develop solutions to discredit efforts by state actors to subvert international biological science. Grants should empower recipients to recognize and immediately and scientifically counter any claim of misinformation. Grants will be awarded to individuals or teams of individuals from Georgia, Romania, or Turkey. The submission deadline is 20 January 2023. More

WeObserve — Citizen Science Projects Online Course

WeObserve, funded by Horizon 2020, invites applications to the online course titled Citizen Science Projects: How to make a difference. The course covers many topics related to citizen science including the type of citizen science projects available around the world and how to get involved. You’ll find out how to lead a citizen science project. The course is open to anyone, free to do, and accepts applications on a continuous basis with no deadlines. Find out more

Flemish Inter-University Council — Short-Term Projects

The Flemish Inter-University Council (VLIR-UOS) invites applications for Short Initiative projects that aim to build and deepen academic/scientific collaborations among diverse teams of academics and researchers. Short Initiatives focus on a sustainable development challenge. The objective is to strengthen research and educational capacities of higher education and science institutions in partner countries in Latin America, Africa and Southeastern Asia. Project budgets amount to a maximum of €70 thousand for two years. The deadline to submit proposals is 16 March 2023. VLIR-UOS Short Initiative

Research Council of Norway — Funding for Research Stays in Norway

The Research Council of Norway funds researchers from other countries to carry out a research stay at a Norwegian research organization. Research stays can last up to 12 months. The support under this call applies across multiple activities, including climate change, sustainable energy, or ocean research. The application has to be submitted by a Norwegian research organization in support of the foreign visiting researcher. This call has an open-ended submission deadline. Research Stays in Norway

UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council — Partnerships Worldwide

The BBSRC Partnering Awards aim to set up partnership links between UK and overseas laboratories, promote the exchange of scientists, particularly early career scientists, and to promote access to facilities. Funding of up to £30 thousand is available for a period of up to four years for partnerships with bioscience laboratories in countries not currently eligible through existing partnering award schemes. International partnerships focusing on the net zero carbon emissions target, through a sustainable, resilient and bio-diverse agri-food system are especially welcome. Funds can only be used for travel, subsistence and other activities, such as workshops or exchanges. The application deadline is 10 November 2022. BBSRC Partnerships Worldwide

Wellcome Trust — Early-Career Research Awards

The Wellcome Trust supports bold and creative discovery research that has the potential to improve human life, health and wellbeing. The Early-Career Awards provide funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity through innovative projects. Research can be in any discipline, including STEM, experimental medicine, or climate – as long as it has the potential to improve human life. The Trust covers the researcher’s salary and up to £400 thousand for research expenses. The applicant’s host organization has to be based in the UK, Republic of Ireland, a low- or middle-income country (apart from India and mainland China). Deadline for new applications is 21 February 2023. Early-Career Research Awards

Yale University — Yale Young African Scholars 2023

Yale Young African Scholars (YYAS) offers an academic summer program for secondary school students from across Africa. The program offers online and in-person programs in four interdisciplinary sessions on Innovations in Science & Technology and Solving Global Challenges. Admitted participants will have access to pre-recorded videos before the start of the program and attend live sessions. There is no tuition cost to participate in the program. The application deadline is 01 February 2023. Link to YYAS