The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) makes awards to individuals worldwide for their original solutions for a more sustainable future. “Green Talents – International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development” invites innovative green ideas for the current competition. The winning applicants are invited to a two-week science forum and networking program in Germany, followed by the opportunity of a return visit to conduct research in Germany. Past winners include many in renewable energy, water management, and environmental engineering. The deadline is 24 May 2022. Green Talents 2022
World Academy of Sciences — Advanced Research in the Biotechnology
The TWAS-BIOTEC Postdoctoral Fellowship Program offers fellowships to young scientists from developing countries who wish to pursue advanced research in biotechnology. BIOTEC will provide a monthly allowance to cover living costs, such as accommodation and food. Applicants must hold a PhD degree and may not be older than 40 years. The deadline to apply is 01 August 2022. About
Swedish Research Council — Starting Grants in Development Research
The Swedish Research Council funds research projects relevant to the fight against poverty and for sustainable development in low income countries. The applicant for a research project grant must be an individual researcher. Research cooperation between scientists in Sweden and scientists in selected low and middle-income countries is encouraged. The maximum amount is SEK 1.5 million per year for a period of four years. The closing date for applications is 29 March 2022. More
Swedish Research Council — Starting Grants in Natural and Engineering Sciences
The Swedish Research Council funds research projects of junior researchers who want to establish themselves as independent researchers within natural and engineering sciences. The applicant for a research project grant must be an individual researcher. The applicant must hold a Swedish doctoral degree or an equivalent foreign degree. The grant amount ranges from SEK 400 thousand to SEK 1.3 million per year for up to seven years. The closing date for applications is 29 March 2022. Starting Grants Natural and Engineering Sciences
Swedish Research Council — Research Grants in Natural and Engineering Sciences
The Swedish Research Council invites research project proposals within natural and engineering sciences. The purpose of the grant is to give researchers the freedom to formulate by themselves the research concept, method and implementation, and to solve a specific research task. Applicants must hold a Swedish doctoral degree or a corresponding foreign degree. Individual researchers can request grants between SEK400 thousand and SEK1.3 million per year for a maximum of 4 years. The call deadline is 29 March 2022. Click for information
World Federation of Science Journalists — Reporting Grant
The Louise Behan Reporting Grant supports science journalists in the Global South who are reporting on matters of interest in their country or region. The grant offers two or three awards of between US$750 and US$1,000 annually. This support is intended to enhance the career of each recipient, as well as to enhance the quality of science journalism in the recipient’s country. To qualify, applicants must be working in a country the World Bank defines as lower income. All expressions of interest should be submitted before 31 March 2022. Louise Behan Reporting Grant
Indian National Academy of Sciences — JRD-Tata Fellowships for Visiting Scientists from Developing Countries
India’s National Science Academy administers the JRD-Tata Fellowships to support visiting scientists from the developing world and promote South-South cooperation. The program is open to applicants from developing countries (except India) younger than age 45, and who possess doctorate or masters degrees in science or equivalent degrees in engineering/medicine. Past participants have included several in agriculture, biological sciences, and geo-sciences. The fellowship is for three months and includes transportation, maintenance allowance, accommodation, and contingencies. The application deadlines are 30 April and 31 October of each year. Find out more
Swiss Innovation Agency — Research and Development
Participants from Switzerland and Brazil are invited to submit joint project proposals for research and development of innovative products and applications with a strong market potential in Switzerland and Brazil. The innovation project should be science-based, targeting to achieve advances in new solutions. The call is open for all scientific disciplines; however, projects in biotech, agriculture, clean energy & water, and sustainable cities and communities are particularly appreciated. The project consortia must include at least one business entity and one research institute from each country. The submission deadline for pre-proposals is 22 June 2022. Switzerland-Brazil Call 2022
European Commission — Consolidator Grants
The European Commission provides Consolidator Grants to experienced researchers with a scientific track record. ERC Grants support projects carried out by an individual researcher who can employ researchers of any nationality as team members. Applications can be made in any field of research. Proposed research projects under this program must be conducted in a public or private research organization located in one of the EU Member States or Associated Countries. Consolidator Grants may be awarded up to €2 million for a period of 5 years. The deadline for applications is 17 March 2022. Link
Asian Institute of Technology and UNESCO-IHE — Joint Master’s Degree Programs
The Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand and the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education in the Netherlands offer Joint Degree Master’s programs in “Environmental Technology for Sustainable Development”, “Urban Water Engineering and Management “, and “Agricultural Water Management for Enhanced Land and Water Productivity”. Applicants may seek financial support and scholarships from external sources, for example, the Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) or the Orange Knowledge Program (OKP). Applications for all three programs will be accepted until 31 May 2022. More information