Cisco invites submissions of innovative technology solutions from student entrepreneurs around the world that solve the world’s most pressing social and environmental problems. The Challenge is open to students and recent alumni from any college or university. A total of US$1 million in prize money will be awarded for the adoption and development of breakthrough technologies, products, and services that drive economic development or solve social and environmental problems. Solutions have to be submitted by 11 February 2022. Participate
University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland — Research Partnership Grants MENA
The Research Partnership Grants support research projects with collaborating institutions in MENA countries. The Leading House MENA accepts grant applications solely from applicants. The Swiss applicant needs to have a proposed or an ongoing research project with an institutional partner in the MENA region. The maximum grant amount per project is CHF15 thousand. Both the applicant and the partner institute abroad are required to make in-kind contributions to the proposed research project. The call is open to all scientific disciplines and fields of research, including social sciences and humanities. The call for applications is open until 02 January 2022. Research Partnership Grants
Zurich University of Applied Sciences — Research Partnership Grants South Asia and Iran
The Research Partnership Grants support research projects with collaborating institutions in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The Leading House South Asia and Iran accepts grant applications solely from applicants. The Swiss applicant needs to have a proposed or an ongoing research project with an institutional partner in South Asia or Iran. The maximum grant amount per project is CHF35 thousand. Both the applicant and the partner institute abroad are required to make in-kind contributions to the proposed research project. The call is open to all scientific disciplines and fields of research, including social sciences and humanities. The call for applications is open until 15 January 2022. Research Partnership Grants
Swedish Institute — Sustainable Growth in the Baltic Sea Region
The Swedish Institute offers project funding through the call ‘Third Country Participation in the Baltic Sea region’. The Institute funds projects that will contribute to economic, environmentally and socially sustainable growth in the Baltic Sea region and its immediate area. The main applicant has to be based in Sweden, but must include at least three actors in three different countries, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Russia, or Ukraine. Projects can apply for SEK100 thousand to SEK500 thousand. Applications can be submitted until 15 February 2022. About
Ashoka — Fellowship Mexico, Central America, Caribbean
The Ashoka Fellowship selects social entrepreneurs with high impact and systems change projects in Mexico, Central American and Caribbean countries. Ashoka seeks projects with innovative strategies, methods, or new approaches to address opportunities and problems. Initiatives need to solve a problem at the root level and have the potential to generate geographically scaled impact. Applications have to be submitted by 16 October 2021. Ashoka Fellowship
PES Latam Alliance — Support for Social Entrepreneurs in Latin America
PES Latam Alliance supports social entrepreneurs in Latin America to accelerate their impact in the region. The Bridge for Billions program seeks social businesses with innovative solutions working to improve the lives of the most vulnerable. Selected social enterprises will be able to access up to US$50 thousand of seed capital, support through courses and events, training with alliance partners, and a community of entrepreneurs. The applicants must be a registered hybrid or for-profit business and must have been operating (selling product/service) for at least a year. The application form has to be submitted by 20 October 2021. Bridge for Billions Fellowship
Milken Institute and Motsepe Foundation — Prize in AgriTech
The Milken-Motsepe Prize in AgriTech is a global competition for innovative solutions to increase economic value to farmers, from seed to sale. Registration is free and open to anyone, with a US$1 million grand prize available for the winning team, and US$1 million in additional prizes. First, teams submit their design and business model. An independent panel of expert judges will select up to 25 teams to receive US$10 thousand each. In the finalist round, teams develop their prototypes and conduct field tests on small and medium-sized farms in Africa. To compete, agritech solutions have to be registered by 08 December 2021. Milken-Motsepe Prize in AgriTech
Famae — Sustainable Innovations Challenge
The company Famae seeks innovative and concrete solutions to fight against climate change, everywhere in the world, around waste, water, food, habitat, energy and mobility. Solutions should be pragmatic, efficient, durable, and money-saving to make life easier for urban citizens while reducing their environmental footprint. Individuals, teams, businesses, government entities, universities and organizations are eligible to apply. The maximum award is €1 million which may be allocated to a single exceptional project to cover the production of a prototype. Applications will be accepted until 15 October 2021. Find the terms and conditions
Ministry of Economic Affairs Taiwan — Taiwan Excellence Awards
The “Taiwan Excellence: Sharing is Caring” campaign solicits proposals for philanthropic events on issues relating to social concerns and environmental protection. The three best proposals will be awarded US$10 thousand each. The funds for executing each of the three best proposals shall be decided by the organizers, provided that the funds for implementation do not exceed US$150 thousand. Any natural persons or legal persons may submit proposals. Proposals must be submitted by 31 October 2021. Taiwan Excellence Awards
MIT Enterprise Forum Pan Arab — Arab Startup Competition 2022
The Arab Startup Competition is a yearly competition run by the MIT Enterprise Forum Pan Arab in three different tracks: Ideas; Startups; and Social Entrepreneurship. Previous winners include examples in agricultural irrigation, transportation efficiency, and other green themes. The winning entrepreneurs are awarded prizes of up to US$50 thousand as well as training, mentorship, coaching, media exposure, and networking opportunities. Eligible enterprises can be located in any Arab country, and each team must have at least two members. The application deadline is 06 December 2021. Link to the competition