The Social Innovation Tournament recognizes and supports the best European social entrepreneurs with projects focusing on the environment (with a special emphasis on biodiversity and ecosystem conservation). Prizes range from €10 thousand to €75 thousand. In 2023, the Special Category prizes will go to projects focusing on sustainable cities and communities. Finalists participate in a training program and benefit from grants programs, participation in conferences around Europe and access to a network of investors. The tournament is open to social enterprises, private sector companies, NGOs, government bodies and universities. The deadline for proposal submission is 23 February 2023. Participate
Feed the Future Market Systems and Partnerships — Food Loss and Waste Partnerships Facility
The Feed the Future Market Systems and Partnerships Activity (MSP) invites for-profit businesses in Bangladesh, Kenya, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, and Tanzania to submit an application for co-investment through its Food Loss and Waste (FLW) Partnerships Facility. Investment partnerships will increase the uptake and scaling of technologies and management practices that reduce Food Loss and Waste. The closing date for applications is 24 February 2023. Details here
Solution Search — Changing Unsustainable Trade
Rare’s Center for Behavior & the Environment and partners seek existing solutions that are changing behaviors to help solve the world’s most challenging environmental problems. For this year’s contest, Solutions Search seeks proven behavior-change initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean that reduce the unsustainable/illegal wildlife trade. Contest entrants get access to capacity building, workshops, and networking opportunities to further refine and scale their solution. Two winners will win US$20 thousand. Any organization or institution worldwide is eligible (e.g. city government, business, non-profit, university, etc.). Individuals are not eligible to enter. The submission deadline is 28 February 2023. Solution Search
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development — GSMA AgriTech Accelerator
The GSMA AgriTech Accelerator aims to support the growth of innovative, revenue-generating digital agriculture solutions that support smallholder farmers’ livelihoods and resilience to climate change. The GSMA will provide up to 10 selected applicants with technical assistance for a period of two years to support the scaling of their digital solutions. The application deadline is 10 February 2023. AgriTech Accelerator
Government of India & European Union — Cooperation on Research and Innovation
The Government of India and the European Union seek applications for collaborative research & innovation projects carried out by consortia of organizations working together on research & innovation in areas of AI, electric energy storage solutions; zero emission vehicles; and biofuels. Any legal entity/organization (public or private research institute/university) established in India or the European Union with expertise in relevant and distinct disciplines is eligible to apply. Eligibility extends to countries associated with Horizon Europe. Projects will be funded for up to 3 years. The application deadline is 26 March 2023. India-EU Joint Call for Proposal
India Department of Science and Technology — Science Collaboration, India with ASEAN
The ASEAN-India Science and Technology Development Fund supports projects of 2-3 years between research institutions in India and collaborating institutions in the ASEAN countries. Areas of focus include environmental management, climate change adaptation and mitigation, agricultural technologies, alternative energy, biodiversity, and several others. The funds support mobility of researchers from India to partnering ASEAN institutions and vice versa, as well as some supplementary expenditures. Applications must be prepared jointly by the Indian and ASEAN partner scientists, and must be submitted to India’s DST and the ASEAN Secretariat simultaneously. The completed joint applications can be submitted during any time of the year. Link
GSMA — Innovation Fund for Anticipatory Humanitarian Action
GSMA Innovation Fund for Anticipatory Humanitarian Action seeks to help accelerate the testing, adoption and scalability of digital innovations that leverage mobile digital technology to help anticipate potential humanitarian impacts and enable effective early response. Successful projects will receive an equity-free grant of between £100 thousand and £250 thousand to scale their innovation over a 15 to 18 month period. Start-ups, small and medium enterprises, social enterprises, and non-profit organizations are eligible to apply. Applications close on 19 January 2023. GSMA Innovation Fund
Grow Further — Grants for Agricultural Research Projects
Grow Further invites agricultural researchers to submit proposals for funding and management assistance. Grants support smallholder farmers and other populations at risk, research on domesticated species relevant to food and nutrition security, and communication technology in agriculture. Grants range from US$10 thousand to US$100 thousand per year. All types of organizations, public, private, and nonprofit, are eligible to apply. Most grants will be made to institutions based in low, lower-middle, or upper middle-income countries. The application deadline is 31 January 2023. Visit Grow Further
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Biodiversity Conservation in the Mountains of Central Asia
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites applications for small grants to promote biodiversity conservation in the Mountains of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan). Small grants are a maximum of US$20 thousand. Project proposals should be built on biodiversity conservation as a fundamental component. The call is open to NGOs, community groups, cultural organizations, women’s groups, private companies and civil society organizations. International organizations are encouraged to involve local organizations or communities as project partners. Expressions of interest have to be submitted by 10 January 2023. Small Grants
Horticulture Innovation Lab — Horticulture Research Projects South Asia
The Horticulture Innovation Lab seeks applications for South Asia regional horticulture research projects. Projects should conduct research designed to increase fruit and vegetable production efficiency in the horticulture sector of Nepal and/or Bangladesh through research and development. The selected research projects will be funded at US$250 thousand up to US$750 thousand. The Horticulture Innovation Lab seeks research applications led by local organizations that are relevant to smallholder farmers and disadvantaged populations. Applicants can be from academic institutions, government sectors, private entities, or other community based organizations. Applications are due 10 January 2023. Horticulture Innovation Lab South Asia