The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Pacific Islands Development Forum — Ecosystems Grant Program

The Pacific Islands Development Forum seeks to support proposals for research innovation and impacts of climate change in the Pacific. The overall objective is to strengthen the research and innovation ecosystems of small Pacific countries. Grants will not exceed €400 thousand. Eligibility extends to academic and research institutions, start-ups and non-profit organizations. Applications should be submitted no later than 28 February 2022. Know more

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Regional Implementation Partner Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands

The CEPF aims to invest in biodiversity conservation projects targeting Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius and the Seychelles. CEPF anticipates to support the development and oversight of a portfolio of approximately 100 grants. CEPF seeks to partner with an organization to serve as the Regional Implementation Team. Eligibility for grants extends to NGOs and other civil society organizations with substantial experience in climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation. The deadline for letters of inquiry is 17 March 2022. Link

Swiss Innovation Agency — Research and Development

Participants from Switzerland and Brazil are invited to submit joint project proposals for research and development of innovative products and applications with a strong market potential in Switzerland and Brazil. The innovation project should be science-based, targeting to achieve advances in new solutions. The call is open for all scientific disciplines; however, projects in biotech, agriculture, clean energy & water, and sustainable cities and communities are particularly appreciated. The project consortia must include at least one business entity and one research institute from each country. The submission deadline for pre-proposals is 22 June 2022. Switzerland-Brazil Call 2022

Swedish Institute — Management Program Europe

The Swedish Institute Management Program (SIMP) Northern and Eastern Europe seeks ambitious and innovative leaders who want to learn more about sustainable business practices. The international leadership program offers proven tools and knowledge from experts with the goal to help participants to develop and implement an action-oriented sustainability strategy. The Swedish Institute covers the cost of training and content for all participants. Participants of the SIMP program will be selected from both businesses and organizations. Applicants must be citizens and residents of Armenia, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russian Federation, Sweden or Ukraine. The application deadline is 13 February 2022. Management Program Europe

Thought for Food — MENA Agri-Food-Tech Challenge

The Thought For Food (TFF) Foundation invites innovators across the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region to share their innovative solutions to transform food systems. The challenge call is open to all entrepreneurs from the MENA region who have a solution to create a healthier, more sustainable and resilient food system. One Grand Prize winner will receive US$8 thousand to use for the purpose of their project and access to the TFF Digital Labs collaboration platform. The deadline to apply is 05 February 2022. MENA Agri-Food-Tech Challenge

U.S. Department of State — Protecting the Rights of Environmental Defenders in Africa

The U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations interested in protecting the freedoms of expression and association of environmental defenders in Africa. Proposed projects should seek to elevate local community and grassroots-based activists and improve their capacity to strategically and effectively use advocacy and litigation tools to achieve changes in policy and practices. Projects should seek to target up to three countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, with at least one focus country being Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Tanzania, or Nigeria. Total funding is up to US$1 million. The DRL welcomes applications from US-based and foreign-based non-profit organizations, institutions of higher education; and for-profit organizations. Applications are due on 18 March 2022. Environmental Defenders in Africa

Telecel Group — African Solutions for African Challenges

The ASIP Accelerator Program seeks African startups in sectors including AgriTech and CleanTech. The program is ideal for tech-oriented startups looking to scale through corporate and public sector partnerships. The program offers bootcamps and training events as well as benefits (Google Cloud Services, Hubspot, etc.) and €15 thousand in cash to each startup. Applications close 28 January 2022. ASIP Accelerator Program

AECF — Kakuma Kalobeyei Challenge Fund

AECF builds resilience and sustainable incomes for rural and marginalised communities in Africa. The Kakuma Kalobeyei Challenge Fund (KKCF) is a competitive business challenge  that will support established companies, social enterprises, and local entrepreneurs in implementing commercially viable and sustainable businesses in the Kakuma refugee camp and Turkana County (Kenya). The Fund provides grants ranging from US$100 thousand to US$750 thousand and technical assistance to micro and small enterprises. Project sectors include water, agribusiness and renewable energy, among others. The deadline for applications is 31 January 2022. Competitive Business Challenge

European Commission — Agro-Ecological Approaches in African Agriculture Systems

The European Commission (EC) accepts proposals for the agro-ecological approaches in African agriculture systems grant program. The implementation of agro-ecological approaches will alleviate the pressure that agri-food production places on natural ecosystems, contributing to resilience of agri-food systems and facilitating nature-based responses to current and future agri-food risks and threats. Proposals should build on existing and develop new knowledge, data, and models. Applicants must be established in EU Member States or low- and middle-income countries. The application deadline is 31 January 2022. Link

Village Capital — SME Accelerator

Village Capital seeks small and medium-sized enterprises and startups that are scaling market-based and contextualized solutions to critical climate adaptation and resilience challenges. Participants from Africa and Asia will have access to a one-week intensive virtual training program. Eligibility extends to companies developing or offering products and/or services (ideally technology-enabled) that increase the resilience of target users to the impacts of climate change. Applications close 31 January 2022. SME Accelerator