The company Famae seeks innovative and concrete solutions to fight against climate change, everywhere in the world, around waste, water, food, habitat, energy and mobility. Solutions should be pragmatic, efficient, durable, and money-saving to make life easier for urban citizens while reducing their environmental footprint. Individuals, teams, businesses, government entities, universities and organizations are eligible to apply. The maximum award is €1 million which may be allocated to a single exceptional project to cover the production of a prototype. Applications will be accepted until 15 October 2021. Find the terms and conditions
Ministry of Economic Affairs Taiwan — Taiwan Excellence Awards
The “Taiwan Excellence: Sharing is Caring” campaign solicits proposals for philanthropic events on issues relating to social concerns and environmental protection. The three best proposals will be awarded US$10 thousand each. The funds for executing each of the three best proposals shall be decided by the organizers, provided that the funds for implementation do not exceed US$150 thousand. Any natural persons or legal persons may submit proposals. Proposals must be submitted by 31 October 2021. Taiwan Excellence Awards
EIT Climate-KIC — Innovation Call for Climate Solutions
EIT Climate-KIC aims to support the development of innovative commercial products or services that achieve climate impact through entrepreneurship and commercial means. EIT Climate-KIC seeks to finance innovators, researchers, scientists, coaches, and experts to join forces in projects that aim to bring innovative solutions to the European market. Innovative actions should address a decarbonization or climate adaptation challenge. EIT anticipates making up to €5 million funding available with a 20% to 40% contribution towards each project’s total budget. The call closes for applications on 18 November 2021. Innovation Call
United States Agency for International Development — Environmental Protection Activity in Serbia
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications for a cooperative agreement from qualified entities to implement the Together for Environmental Protection activity in Serbia. USAID will assist Serbia’s biodiversity and environmental protection through provision of capacity building, advocacy support, public awareness and cross-sectoral cooperation. USAID contribution is US$5 million, over the 5-year period of performance. For-profit or nonprofit organizations, as well as institutions of higher education, are eligible to submit an application. The closing date for application is 09 October 2021. More
MIT Enterprise Forum Pan Arab — Arab Startup Competition 2022
The Arab Startup Competition is a yearly competition run by the MIT Enterprise Forum Pan Arab in three different tracks: Ideas; Startups; and Social Entrepreneurship. Previous winners include examples in agricultural irrigation, transportation efficiency, and other green themes. The winning entrepreneurs are awarded prizes of up to US$50 thousand as well as training, mentorship, coaching, media exposure, and networking opportunities. Eligible enterprises can be located in any Arab country, and each team must have at least two members. The application deadline is 06 December 2021. Link to the competition
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration — Marine Debris Prevention
The United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Marine Debris Program supports the development and implementation of locally-driven, marine debris assessment, removal and prevention projects that benefit coastal habitat, waterways, and marine resources. Projects awarded through this competition may be implemented throughout the United States or within coastal areas of Mexico or Canada as long as it benefits US resources. The typical funding level of project awards ranges from US$50 thousand to US$400 thousand. Marine debris projects can apply for removal, prevention, and research grants. Eligible applicants for projects taking place in Mexico or Canada are limited to institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations or commercial (for-profit) organizations with expertise in a field related to marine debris. The application deadline is 11 February 2022. Marine Debris Program
United States Agency for International Development — Economic Recovery through Sustainable Development
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in Mali accepts the submission of concept papers focused on catalyzing private sector investment for Mali’s economic recovery through inclusive and sustainable development. Concept papers should focus on inclusive and sustainable agriculture-led growth. Funding for individual applications is anticipated to be in the range of US$250 thousand to US$1,5 million to be provided over a period of 2-5 years. The call is open to private sector entities from any country, although Malian private sector entities are of particular interest. The call is open for a period of one year with a deadline of 07 September 2022. USAID/Mali
United States Agency for International Development — Resilience of Community Conservancies Kenya
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks concept papers from qualified entities to implement the Scaling Sustainability and Resilience of Community Conservancies and Coastal Ecosystems of Kenya program. The goal of this activity is to improve the resilience of vulnerable populations and environments by increasing the capability of local communities to mitigate against recurrent environmental, economic, socio and political risks. USAID intends to provide US$9.8 million to prevent the loss of biodiversity, up to US$2.5 million for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and US$2 million for Feed the Future activities. Eligibility extends to non-profit and for-profit organizations. The closing date for applications is 13 September 2021. Resilience of Community Conservancies
Africa Solar Industry Association — Solar Awards
The AFSIA Solar Awards celebrate exceptional talent in the African solar market. AFSIA seeks solar applications, for example, large-scale solar park or solar home systems, grid-connected and off-grid systems, and solar-powered applications such as street lighting, solar irrigation, refrigeration or cook stoves. The Awards intend to recognize companies and individuals that have contributed to promoting and advancing the use of solar across Africa. Applications close on 24 September 2021. AFSIA Solar Awards
International Water Association — IWA Development Award
The International Water Association (IWA) Professional Development Award recognizes excellence, leadership and innovation in the water sector, and aims to encourage the continued contribution to the sustainable management of water in low- and middle-income countries. The award is open to an individual, or representative of an organization active in the water sector. The right to submit a nomination for the award is granted to Members of the International Water Association and previous awardees. The call for nominations closes 01 October 2021. IWA Development Award